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Blanchon, J.A., 1988, "Une langue mixte en voie de disparition: le geviya", Pholia, 3, pp. 53-69  (Pdf)


Ben Hamed, M., Flavier, S., 2009, "UNIDIA: a database for deriving Diachronic Universals", in Historical Linguistics 2007: Selected papers from the 18th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Montreal, 6–11 August 2007, 308, Dufresne, M., Dupuis, F. & Vocaj, E. (eds), Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, John Benjamins, pp. 259–268


Hombert, J.M., 1974, "Universals of downdrift: their phonetic basis and significance for a theory of tone", Studies in African Linguistics, sup. 5, pp. 169-183  (Pdf)


Hombert, J.M., 1979, "Universals of vowel systems: the case of centralized vowels", proc. of Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Copenhague, 6-11 Aout (eds), 1/2, pp. 27-32  (Pdf)


Barbieri, C., Güldemann, T., Naumann, C. & Gerlach, L., Berthold, F., Nakagawa, H., Mpoloka, S., Stoneking, M., Pakendorf, B., 2014, "Unraveling the complex maternal history of southern African Khoisan populations", American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 153:3, pp. 435–448


Pacchiarotti, S., Chousou-Polydouri, N., Bostoen, K., 2019, "Untangling the West-Coastal Bantu Mess: Identification, Geography and Phylogeny of the Bantu B50-80 Languages", Africana Linguistica, 25 (DOI)


Puech, G., 1990, "Upstep in a bantu tone language", Pholia, 5, pp. 175-186  (Pdf)


Grollemund, R., Hombert, J.M., 2012, "Use of Plant Names for the Classification of the Bantu Languages of Gabon", in Selected Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Connell, B., Rolle, N. (eds), Somerville, MA, Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 150-163 (pdf)

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