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Akinci, M.A., 2007, "L’orthographe en langue maternelle des enfants bilingues turc-français en France.", proc. of Écritures en contact, Université Paris 3., 30 -31 mai 2006, Honvault-Ducrocq, R. (ed), Liaisons-AIROÉ., 39-40, pp. 43-64. (pdf)
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Bedoin, N., Vulliez, E., 2007, "Explications téléologiques des propriétés dans les catégories Animal et Plante", actes de Congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie (SFP), Nantes, France, 2007, november (ed) |
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Boulenger, V. & Decoppet, N., Roy, A., Paulignan, Y., Nazir, T., 2007, "Differential effects of Age-of-Acquisition for concrete nouns and action verbs: Evidence for partly distinct representations?", Cognition, 103:1, pp. 131-146 (pdf)
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Delle Luche, C., Gayraud, F., Martinie, B., Meunier, F., 2007, "Toward more general models on relative clause processing", proc. of EuroCogSci2007, the European cognitive science conference, Grèce, mai, 2007, Vosniadou, S., Kayser, D. & Protopapas, A., F. (eds), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 716-721 (poster) |
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Dodane, C., Al-Tamimi, J., 2007, "An acoustic comparison of vowel systems in Adult-Directed-Speech and Child-Directed-Speech: Evidence from French, English & Japanese", proc. of 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Saarbruken, Allemagne, 6-10 Août 2007 (eds), pp. 1573-1576 (poster) (Draft PDF, Poster PDF)
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dos Santos, C., 2007, "Développement phonologique en français langue maternelle : une étude de cas", Thèse, Sciences Du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, 386 p. (PDF)
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Fabre, D., Meunier, F., Hoen, M., 2007, "Role of surface frequency on morphological family organisation", proc. of EuroCogSci2007, the European cognitive science conference , Grèce, mai, 2007, Vosniadou, M. (eds), Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 274-279 |
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Fabre, D., Schoot, V., Meunier, F., 2007, "What triggers early decomposition of morphologically complex words? ", proc. of EuroCogSci2007, the European cognitive science conference, Grèce, mai, 2007, Vosniadou, F. (eds), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 734-739 |
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Fekete, G., 2007, "Referential Cohesion in Hungarian: A Developmental Study", proc. of LingO 2007 : The second Oxford Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics, Oxford, 21-22 Septembre 2007 (eds) (poster) (pdf)
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Grataloup, C., Hoen, M., Meunier, F., Pellegrino, F., Veuillet, E., Collet, L., 2007, "Cognitive Reconstruction of Reversed Speech in Normal and Dyslexic Adults ", proc. of EuroCogSci
Proceedings of the european cognitive science conference, Delphi (Greece), May 23-27 , Vosniadou, S., Kayser, D., Protopapas, A. (eds) (abstract) |
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Grataloup, C., Hoen, M., Meunier, F., Pellegrino, F., Veuillet, E., Collet, L., 2007, "Cognitive Restoration of Degraded Speech in Normal and Dyslexic Adults", proc. of ESCoP(European Society of Cognitive Psychology), Marseille, 29 Août-1er Septembre (eds) (abstract) (poster) |
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Grataloup, C., 2007, "La reconstruction cognitive de la parole dégradée: Etude de l'intelligibilité comme indice d'une capacité cognitive humaine.", Thèse, Sciences Cognitives, Université Lumière Lyon2, Lyon, 209 p. (pdf)
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Hoen, M., Mülder, H., Rogiers, M., 2007, "Auditory Processing Disorders I: definition, diagnostic, aetiology and management", Asia Pacific Journal of speech, Language and Hearing, ., pp. in press |
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Hoen, M., Rogiers, M., Mülder, H., 2007, "Auditory Processing Disorders II: experimental results on APD management with personal FM systems", Asia Pacific Journal of speech, Language and Hearing, ., pp. in press |
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Hoen, M., Deprez, V., Dominey, P., 2007, "Do you agree? Electrophysiological evidence of online agreement checking during French passive sentence comprehension", Journal of Neurolinguistics, (soumis) (Pdf)
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Hoen, M., Fabry, D., 2007, "Hearing aids with external receivers: Can they offer power and cosmetics?", The Hearing Journal, 60:1, pp. 28-34 (Pdf)
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Hoen, M., Meunier, F., Grataloup, C., Pellegrino, F., Grimault, N., Perrin, F., Perrot, X., Collet, L., 2007, "Phonetic and lexical interferences in informational masking during speech-in-speech comprehension", Speech Communication, 49:12, pp. 905-916 (pdf)
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Hoen, M., Grataloup, C., Pellegrino, F., Veuillet, E., Collet, L., Meunier, F., 2007, "Reconstruction cognitive de la parole dégradée", in Perturbations et Réajustements, Langue et Langage, Vaxelaire, B., Sock, R., Kleiber, G., Marsac, F. (eds), Université Marc Bloch – Strasbourg 2, pp. 99-108 |
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Hoen, M., Marzin, A., Collet, L., 2007 , "TEP investigation of the Bone Anchored Hearing Aid benefit for speech in noise comprehension in sudden unilateral deafness patients", International Journal of Audiology, (en preparation) |
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Jacquier, C., Meunier, F., 2007, "Perception de signaux de parole naturelle lors d’une compression temporelle d’indices acoustiques", actes de Journées fondatrices Perception Sonore, Lyon, France, January 18-19 (eds), pp. 16 (résumé) (poster)
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Jacquier, C., Meunier, F., 2007, "Temporal Modified Speech Perception in Dyslexia", proc. of XVth Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), Marseille, France, August 29th –September 1st (eds), pp. 78 (abstract) (poster) (poster)
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Jacquier, C., Meunier, F., 2007, "Temporal Modified Speech Perception in Dyslexia", proc. of The second European Cognitive Science Conference (EuroCogSci), Delphes, Grèce, May 23-27 (eds), pp. 866-871 (poster) (pdf)
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Kern, S., Gayraud, F., 2007, "French CDI "Words and sentences" to assess early vocabulary and morphosyntax of preterm and full-term two years old children", proc. of First European Network Meeting on the Communicative Development Inventories, Dubrovnik, Croatie, 24-28 mai 2006, Eriksson, M. (eds), University of Gävle, pp. 62-74 |
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Kern, S., Gayraud, F., 2007, "Influence du sexe sur l’acquisition des premiers mots", proc. of Xe Symposium International de Communication sociale, Cuba, 22-26 janvier (eds), pp. 390-393 |
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Kern, S., Gayraud, F., 2007, "Influence of preterm birth on early lexical and grammatical acquisitions in French", First Language, 27:2, pp. 159-173 |
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Kern, S., 2007, "Le compte-rendu parental comme méthode d’évaluation du développement langagier précoce", Rééducation orthophonique, 231, pp. 139-153 |
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Kern, S., 2007, "Lexicon development in French-speaking infants", First Language, 27 :3, pp. 227-250 |
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Krifi, S., Bedoin, N., Herbillon, V., 2007, "Modèle d’organisation des connaissances sur les phonèmes : une explication des erreurs de lecture et d’écriture des enfants dyslexiques", actes de 3ème Journée Scientifique du Centre de Référence du CHU de Lyon pour les Troubles des Apprentissages de l’Enfant , Lyon (ENS Sciences), 12 octobre (eds) (résumé) (poster) |
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Lopez, C., Herbillon, V., Bedoin, N., Lamoury, I., Ostrowsky, K., Damon, G., Montelescaut, M., Arthaud-Garde, P., Ville, D., des Portes, V., Rousselle, C., 2007, "Approche longitudinale de l’impact des pointes inter-critiques latéralisées sur les mécanismes cognitifs et sur le spécialisation hémispéhrique : effets transitoires ou durables ? ", actes de Journées Françaises de l’Epilepsie, Nice, 08-10 novembre 2007 (eds) (résumé) |
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Lopez, C., Bedoin, N., Herbillon, V., 2007, "Effets des pointes inter-critiques sur le développement cognitif dans les épilepsies bénignes", actes de Journées Scientifiques du Centre IDEE (Institut des Epilepsies de l’Enfant et de l’Adolescent) et du CTRS Epilepsie, Aix-les-Bains, 20-22 septembre 2007 (eds) (résumé) |
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Lopez, C., Bedoin, N., Herbillon, V., Ostrowsky, K., Rousselle, C., 2007, "Impact des pointes inter-critiques latéralisées dans l'épilepsie de l'enfance (BECT) : déficits cognitifs et perturbations de la spécialisation hémisphérique", proc. of Journées de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française, Tours, mai 2007 (eds) (abstract) (poster) |
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Mazur Palandre, A., 2007, "Later language development: syntactic packaging in written and spoken French.", proc. of The Second Oxford Linguistics Postgraduate Conference , Oxford, 21 / 22 september 2007 (eds), pp. 173-180 (poster) |
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Meunier, F., Longtin, C.M., 2007, "Morphological decomposition and semantic integration in word processing", Journal of Memory and Language, 56:4, pp. 457-471 (pdf)
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Meunier, F., Dal, G., Fradin, B., Nathout, N., 2007, "Rôle de la productivité des procédés morphologiques dans la reconnaissance de lexèmes complexes", actes de Morphologie à Toulouse, Toulouse, décembre, Hathout, N. (eds), Lincom GmbH, 37, LINCOM Studies in Theoretical Linguistics |
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Meunier, F., Dal, G., Fradin, B., Nathout, N., 2007, "Rôle de la productivité des procédés morphologiques dans la reconnaissance de lexèmes complexes. , ", in Morphologie à Toulouse, 37, Hathout, N., Montermini, F. (eds), LINCOM Studies in Theoretical Linguistics , Lincom GmbH, pp. 291-311 |
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Meyer, J., Meunier, F., Dentel, L., 2007, "Identification of Natural Whistled Vowels by Non-Whistlers", proc. of Interspeech 2007, Antwerpen, Belgium, August 2007 (eds) |
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Seigneuric, A., Zagar, D., Meunier, F., Spinelli, E., 2007, "The relation between language and cognition in 3- to 9-year-olds: The acquisition of grammatical gender in French", Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 96, pp. 219-246 (pdf)
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Seigneuric, A., Zagar, D., Meunier, F., Spinelli, E., 2007, "The relation between language and cognition in 3- to 9-year-olds: the acquisition of grammatical gender in French", Journal of experimental psychology, 96, pp. 229-246 (pdf)
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Thobois, S., Boulenger, V., Mechtouff, L., Broussolle, E., Jeannerod, M., Nazir, T., 2007, "Word processing in Parkinson's disease is impaired for action verbs but not for concrete nouns ", proc. of XVII WFN Congress on Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders , Amsterdam , 10 décembre 2007 (eds) (abstract) (poster) |
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Türkay, F., Kern, S., 2007, "Turk ve Fransiz Anneler Tarafindan Cocuga Yonlendirilmis Konusmadaki Farkliliklar: Ad/Eylem Kullanimina Karsilastirmali Bir Bakis Acisi", proc. of The Proceedings of XXI. National Linguistics Conference, Mersin University, Turquie, 10-11 Mai (eds), pp. 373-376 (abstract) |