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History and Ecology of Language and languages


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Editor : Anetta KOPECKA, Brigitte PAKENDORF

To appear 
2021  20  19  18  17  16  15  14  13  12  11  10  09  08  07  06  05  04  03  02  01  00 
1999  98  97  96  95  94  93  92  91  90  89  88  87  86  84  82  80  79  78  77  76  75  74  73 
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Author Title Year



Barbieri, C., Vicente, M., Oliveira, S., Bostoen, K., Rocha, J., Stoneking, M. & Pakendorf, B., 2014, "Migration and Interaction in a Contact Zone: mtDNA Variation among Bantu-Speakers in Southern Africa", PLoS ONE, 9:6, pp. e99117 [DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0099117] (Access article)  (pdf of article)


Barbieri, C. & Güldemann, T., Naumann, C., Gerlach, L., Berthold, F., Nakagawa, H., Mpoloka, S., Stoneking, M., Pakendorf, B., 2014, "Unraveling the complex maternal history of southern African Khoisan populations", American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 153:3, pp. 435–448


Cheucle, M., 2014, "Etude comparative des langues makaa-njem (bantu A80) : phonologie, morphologie, Lexique - Vers une reconstruction du proto-A80", thèse de doctorat, Sciences du langage, Université Lyon 2, 614, 614 p.


Coupé, C., Oh, Y., Pellegrino, F., Marsico, E., 2014, "Cross-linguistic Investigations of Oral and Silent Reading", proc. of Interspeech 2014, Singapore, September 14-18, pp. 514-518 (poster)  (paper, poster)


Darmon, C., 2014, "Benefactive applicative periphrases with yiw- 'give' in Xamtanga", in Explorations in Ethiopian linguistics: Complex predicates, finiteness and interrogativity, Amha, A., Meyer, R. & Treis, Y. (eds), Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, pp. 137-147


Hombert, J.M., Lenclud, G., 2014, "Comment le langage est venu à l'Homme"/1, Paris, Fayard, 560 p., Histoire de la pensée  (Couverture)


Kouarata, G., 2014, "Contribution à la description phonologique du parler mbochi de Boundji", Sarrebruck, Allemagne, Editions Universitaires Européennes, 108 p.


Macholdt, E., Lede, V., Barbieri, C., Mpoloka, S., Chen, H., Slatkin, M., Pakendorf, B., Stoneking, M., 2014, "Tracing Pastoralist Migrations to Southern Africa with Lactase Persistence Alleles", Current Biology, 24:8, pp. 875-879


Pakendorf, B., 2014, "Coevolution of languages and genes", Curr Opin Genet Dev, 29, pp. 39-44


Pakendorf, B., 2014, "Molecular anthropological perspectives on the Kalahari Basin area", in Beyond 'Khoisan'. Historical relations in the Kalahari Basin, Güldemann, T., Fehn, A.M. (eds), Amsterdam/New York, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 45–68


Pakendorf, B., 2014, "Paradigm copying in Tungusic: The Lamunkhin dialect of Ėven and beyond", in Paradigm Change. In the Transeurasian Languages and Beyond, Robbeets, M., Bisang, W. (eds), Amsterdam, New York, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 287-310  (Couverture)


Park, J., Van Leeuwen, F., 2014, "The asymmetric behavioral homeostasis hypothesis: Unidirectional flexibility of fundamental motivational processes", Review of General Psychology, 18:2, pp. 89-100


Patin, E., Siddle, K., Laval, G., Quach, H., Harmant, C., Becker, N., Froment, A., Régnault, B., Lemée, L., Gravel, S., Hombert, J.M., Van der Veen, L., Dominy, N., Perry, G., Barreiro, L., Verdu, P., Heyer, E., Quintana-Murci, L., 2014, "The impact of agricultural emergence on the genetic history of African rainforest hunter-gatherers and agriculturalists", Nature communications, 5, pp. [doi:10.1038/ncomms4163]


Philippson, G., 2014, "Verb stem tone patterns in Dawida (E74a)", Africana Linguistica, 20, pp. 349-365


Pickrell, J., Patterson, N., Loh, P.R., Lipson, M., Berger, B., Stoneking, M., Pakendorf, B., Reich, D., 2014, "Ancient west Eurasian ancestry in southern and eastern Africa", Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States, 111:7, pp. 2632-2637 (Access article)  (pdf of article and SI)


Van Leeuwen, F., Koenig, B., Graham, J., Park, J., 2014, "Moral concerns across the United States: Associations with life-history variables, pathogen prevalence, urbanization, cognitive ability, and social class", Evolution and Human Behavior, 35, pp. 464-471

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