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History and Ecology of Language and languages


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Editor : Anetta KOPECKA, Brigitte PAKENDORF

To appear 
2021  20  19  18  17  16  15  14  13  12  11  10  09  08  07  06  05  04  03  02  01  00 
1999  98  97  96  95  94  93  92  91  90  89  88  87  86  84  82  80  79  78  77  76  75  74  73 
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Author Title Year



Agyune Ndone, F., 2011, "Changement social chez les makina du Gabon", L'Harmattan


Batini, C., Lopes, J., Behar, D., Calafell, F., Jorde, L., Van der Veen, L., Quintana-Murci, L., Spedini, G. & Destro-Bisol, G., Comas, D., 2011, "Insights into the demographic history of African Pygmies from complete mitochondrial genomes", Molecular Biology and Evolution, 28:2 : doi:10.1093/molbev/msq294, pp. 1099-1110


Darmon, C., 2011, "Collecting data in Xamtanga: Negation as a case study of interaction between Ethio-Semitic and Central Cushitic", proc. of First international conference on endangered language documentation and tradition, Aristotle University, November 7-9 2008, ed. by Carol Everhard & Elizabeth Mela-Athanasopoulou, 89-100. Thessaloniki: School of English, Department of theoretical & applied linguistics, University studio press S.A


Medjo Mvé, P., 2011, "Introduction à la langue et la culture des chasseurs Bakoya (Région de Mékambo, Gabon)", 40, Köln, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, Grammatical Analyses of African Languages


Medjo Mvé, P., 2011, "Introduction à la langue et la culture des chasseurs-cueilleurs Bakoya (région de Mékambo, Gabon)", Cologne, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 208 p., Grammatical Analyses of African Languages


Oh, Y., 2011, "Treatment of Verbal Collocations in a Q/A System: Light Verbs and Phrasal Verbs", Bulag (Bulletin de Linguistique Appliquée et Générale), 36, pp. 175-195.


Walther, G., Sagot, B., 2011, "Problèmes d’intégration morphologique d’emprunts d’origine anglaise en français", proc. of 30th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar, Nicosia, Cyprus, October 5-8, 2011, Kakoyianni-Doa, F. (ed), Honoré Champion, pp. xxx

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