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Department of English University of Missouri at Columbia |
Phylogenetic classification, Evolution of languages, Bantu (R. Grollemund) |
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Department of Languages and Cultures Ghent University |
Typology - Languages of East Africa (R. Guérois, K. Bostoen); Classification of the West-Coastal Bantu languages (K. Bostoen, S. Pacchiarotti) |
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HKU Hong-Kong University |
Complexity, phonosymbolism, Bonobos' vocal communications (C. Coupé) |
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HSE National Research University Higher School of Economics |
Computational approaches to Even dialect divergence (M. Daniel, N. Dobrushina) |
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LABAN Laboratoire d'Anthropologie |
Linguistic Atlas of Gabon (R. Mayer, P. Mougiama Daouda) |
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MPI EVA Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology |
Genetic history (M. Stoneking) |
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MPI P Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics |
Genetics of vocal tract (S. Fisher) |
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MPI-SHH Max Planck Institute for Science of Human History |
Phylogenetics of language and non-linguistic influences on language diversity (A. Verkerk) |
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NTU Singapore Nanyang Technological University |
Articulatory phonetics & variation in vocal tract anatomy (S. Moisik) |
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UC Berkeley University of California at Berkeley |
Linguistic Phylogenetics of Tupi Guarani: Lexicon & Morphosyntax (L. Michael, Z. O'Hagan) |
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Unifap Universidade Federal do Amapá |
Mojeño Languages (F. O. de Carvalho) |
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Universität Tübingen
Phylogenetics of language and non-linguistic influences on language diversity (G. Jäger & C. Bentz) |
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University of Uppsala
Genetic perspectives of prehistory in Southern Africa (C. Schlebusch, M. Jakobsson) |
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UNM University of New Mexico |
Acoustics (I. Maddieson) |
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UofC University of Chicago |
Complexity - Evolution (S. Mufwene) |
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UQC Université de Québec à Chicoutimi |
Complexity, Phonetics (V. Arnaud) |
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UZH University of Zürich |
Variation in vocal tract anatomy (B. Bickel, D. Blasi & S. Moran) |
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VUA Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Genetics of vocal tract & twin studies (D. Boomsma & D. van 't Ent) |