DDL - UMR 5596
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Description, Typology, Fieldwork

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France  Anglais  Last update : 15/01/2019     

Noëllie BON

Non-permanent Research Engineer



Descriptif de la thèse


  Training and professional background
  Research interests
  Scientific activities
  Administration activities
  Awards and research grants
  Supervised theses and dissertation
  Other international activities
  Main publications and conferences








    MA Research in Linguistic Sciences, Universities Lumière-Lyon 2 and Paris III-ILPGA, Laboratories DDL (Lyon) and LACITO (Villejuif).





    MA Research in Linguistics Sciences, University of Oregon, Eugene, USA, Exchange program of University Lumière-Lyon 2, Lyon.



    BA in Linguistics Sciences, University Lumière-Lyon 2, Lyon.




Description and Typologie: morphosyntax and semantics

  • Nominal categorization
  • Composition and word formation
  • Grammaticalisation Processes
  • Verb Serialization
  • Expression of space


Phonology: comparison and tonogenesis


Mon-Khmer languages


Languages of Colombia


Endangered Languages, Fiedlwork, Documentation, Revitalization


Language Contact, borrowings, variation




Members of Typology Projects : Typology and Linguistic Universals Federation

  • 2015-2018 : DEIXIS DYNAMIQUE (Resp. A. Vittrant et A. Kopecka)
  • 2010-2013 : TRAJECTOIRE (Resp. C. Grinevald, J-M. Fortis, A. Vittrant)


Participation and talks at workshops and seminars of the laboratory DDL

  • 2009-2016 : Morphosyntax Workshop
    • 'Constructions and morphemes order in Stieng' FR (12/15)
    • 'Serial verb constructions and verb types in Stieng' FR (11/12)
    • 'Elements of informational structure in Stieng' FR (03/12)

  • 2014-2016 : Semantic typology workshop

  • 2010-2012 : Seminars LED-TDR

  • 2011-2012 : Language Contact workshop
    Présentation 'SEA linguistic Area' FR (02/12)
    • Campbell (2006)
    • Enfield (2001)




Scientific events organization

  • Member of conference organization and coordination team
    • 2012 : Seals 22 - Resp. A. Vittrant, J.D. Thach (Agay, INALCO, LACITO)
    • 2011 : AFLICO 4 - Resp. A. Kopecka, D. Lewis, F. Chenu, C. Grinevald, L. Brendlin (Lyon, DDL)
    • 2010 : SWL 4 - Resp. F. Rose, D. Creissels, A. Guillaume (Lyon, DDL)


    Editing and publication coordination

    • 2008 : Assistant editor, Locuteurs de langues en danger et travail de terrain sur langues en danger (2010, Faits de langues), Co-edited by C. Grinevald & M. Bert - ISH (UMS1798), Lyon.


    Participation to scientific popularization events

    • 2016
      Fête de la Science, workshop design and animation: lexical composition in Stieng, , ENS, Lyon
    • 2016
      Fête de la Science, Language diversity workshop animation, ENS, Lyon
    • 2013
      Caravane SOS Racisme, Workshop animation : features of the Stieng language, Lyon
    • 2011-2012
      Forum des langues , Stand Dynamique du Langage, Lyon




    Kamsá Project: collaborative work with Kamsá speakers (Sibundoy < Putumayo < Colombia)

    • 2017
      Pilot trip: meetings with Kamsá community members; collaborative design of an ELDP IPF project (ASLAN; November-December).


    Stieng project: linguistic documentation with Stieng speakers (Snuol < Kratie < Cambodia)

    • 2013
      Checking data collected between 2009 and 2011 (ASLAN - ED3LA; February).
    • 2010-2011
      Textual (natural and elicitated) and lexical data collection (EFEO; November-March).
    • 2009-2010
      Textual (natural and elicitated), lexical and sociolinguistic data collection (CKS; November-May).
    • 2009
      Lexical and sociolinguistic data collection (AALLED; February-April).
    • 2007
      First exploratory fieldtrip: linguistic and sociolinguistic data collection (CKS; August).




    Research Grants

    • 2017
      Fieldwork Grants ASLAN, Colombia.
    • 2013
      Fieldwork Grants ASLAN & Ecole Doctorale 3LA, Cambodia.
    • 2011
      Fieldwork Grants, École Française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO), Cambodia
    • 2010-2011
      Visiting scholaships Explora’Doc (Rhône-Alpes) & Aires’Culturelles (Doctoral School 3LA), University of Oregon.
    • 2009-2012
      Doctoral contract, University Lumière lyon 2 & Doctoral School 3LA.
    • 2009-2010
      Senior Fellowship, Center for Khmer Studies (CKS), Cambodia.
    • 2009
      Fieldwork Grants, AALLED-DDL, Cambodia.
    • 2007
      Junior Fellowship, Center for Khmer Studies (CKS), Cambodia.


    • 2016
      Shortlisted 2nd - Tenure-Track Assistant Professor position (Syntax & Documentation) - Linguistics Department, University of Hong Kong (HKU)
    • 2015
      Qualified to the functions of ' Maître de conférence' - sections CNU 07 & 15



    2014-2016 : Non-Tenure Track teaching and research assistant (ATER) - Linguistics Dept - Lyon 2

    • BA 1
      • General Linguistics (Resp. A. Kopecka - 157.5h).
        • Sem. 1 : Intro. to linguistics ; phonetics ; phonology
        • Sem. 2 : morphology ; syntax
      • French Grammar (Sem. 1 - 21h - Resp. B. Martinie ).
      • Academic and disciplinary methodology (Sem.1-2 - 168h - Resp. S. Manus).
    • Master 1
      • TD de Language description (Sem. 1 - 21h - Resp. M. Bert).
    • Master 2
      • Phonology Workshop : Languages of Southeast Asia (Sem. 1 - 13h30 - Resp. S. Manus).


    2015 : Invited Assistant Professor - Manusastra Program - Royal University of Fine Arts (Phnom Penh, Cambodia) & INALCO (Paris)

    • Fieldwork methods and ethics seminar - Master 1 (19h30)


    2013-2014 : Teaching assistant - Linguistics Dept - Lyon 2

    • BA 1
      • French Linguistics : Phonology (Sem.1 - 10h30 - Resp. M. Bert).
      • General Linguistics : Syntax (Sem. 2 - 10h30 - Resp. A. Kopecka).
    • BA 3
      • French Linguistics : Phonology (Sem. 2 - 10h30 - Resp. L.Van der Veen).


    2011-2012 : Teaching Assistant / GTF - Linguistics Dept - Lyon 2

    • TD de General Linguistics (BA 1 - 64h - Resp. A. Kopecka ).
      • Sem. 1 : Intro. to linguistics ; phonetics ; phonology
      • Sem. 2 : morphology ; syntax




    Jinke Song - PhD: Dynamic deixis in the expression of motion in Mandarin Chinese
    Co-advisors : Anetta Kopecka (DDL, Lyon2) - Christine Lamarre (CRLAO, Inalco)


    Léa Mouton - Master 2 Dissertation: Description of an endangered languages of Vietnam

  • Official Advisor : Lolke Van der Veen (DDL, Lyon 2)
  • Co-supervisor : Alice Vittrant (DDL, Aix-Marseille)




    2010 et 2013
    Visiting scholar
    , Mica Laboratory , Hanoï, Vietnam (feb 2010 & feb 2013)


    Visiting scholar
    , data analysis and bibliographical work, Pr. Scott DeLancey, Department of Linguistics, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, USA (Explora'Doc-July-September).


    Research Program, Senior Fellowship
    , Center for Khmer Studies (CKS), Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Novembre-May).


    Research Program, Junior Fellowship
    , Center for Khmer Studies (CKS), Siem Reap, Cambodia (July-August).



    PhDs and master thesis

    Bon, N., 2014, "Une grammaire de la langue stieng: langue en danger du Cambodge et du Vietnam", Thèse de Doctorat, Département de Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, 629 p.


    Bon, N., 2009, "Une introduction à la langue stieng : profil sociolinguistique et principes phonologiques", Mémoire de Master 2, Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, France, 232 p.

    Chapters in books

    Lamarre, C., Vittrant, A., Kopecka, A., Voisin, S., Bon, N., Fagard, B., Grinevald, C., Moyse-Faurie, C., Risler, A., Song, J.K., Tan, A. & Voirin, C., 2022, "Deictic directionals revisited in the light of advances in typology", in Neglected Aspects of Motion Events Description: Deixis, asymmetries, constructions, Sarda, L. & Fagard, B. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 69-94.


    Bon, N., 2021, "Expression of spontaneous motion events in Stieng ", in Source-Goal asymmetries across languages, Special issue of Studies in Language, 45/1, Kopecka, A. & Vuillermet, M. (eds), John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 36–74


    Bon, N., 2011, "Itinéraires d'une apprentie: en route vers les Stieng", in Linguistique de terrain sur langues en danger : Locuteurs et linguistes, 35-36, Grinevald, C. & Bert, M. (eds), Faits de Langues, Les Cahiers, Paris, Ophrys, pp. 429-442


    Bon, N., 2012, "Les classificateurs numéraux du stieng du Cambodge", Typologie et Description linguistiques : interfaces et interactions, 46, pp. 45-77


    Bon, N., 2010, "Phonology of the Stieng language: a rime study", Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 3-2, pp. 22-48

    Invited presentations

    Bon, N., 2016, "The expression of motion events in Stieng. In functional-typological, methodological and analytical perspectives", Research Seminar, HKU Linguistics, Hong Kong , May 26


    Bon, N., 2015, "Le stieng, langue en danger d’Asie du Sud-Est : approches sociolinguistique, descriptive, fonctionnelle-typologique et aréale", Séminaires du Centre Asie du Sud-Est (CASE - UMR 8170), Paris, France, 7 mai


    Bon, N., 2012, "Classificateurs numéraux du stieng + Clichés de terrain", Cours de syntaxe de Licence 3 (Caroline Imbert), Université Stendhal Grenoble 3, 13 novembre


    Bon, N., 2011, "Phonologie de la langue stieng : étude comparative des rimes et tonogénèse", Introduction à l'étude des langues tibéto-birmanes, Paris - ILPGA et LACITO, 25 novembre


    Bon, N., 2010, "Describing an endangered unwritten language: An introduction to data collection and analysis", CKS Research Seminar, Center for Khmer Studies (CKS), Phnom Penh, Cambodia, May 15

    Conference presentations

    Vittrant, A., Lamarre, C., Voisin, S., Kopecka, A., Bon, N., Fagard, B., Grinevald, C., Moyse-Faurie, C., Risler, A., Song, J.K., Tan, A. & Voirin, C., 2017, "Revising the category of directionals in the light of advances in typology", NAMED, International workshop on "Neglected Aspects of Motion-Event Description", ENS, Paris, 19-20 mai 2017.


    Bon, N., 2017, "Spheres of ideologies in Cambodia: Feedbacks from the field - from 2007 to 2013", LED-TDR Lyon workshop: Sociolinguistics of endangered languages Profiles, Post-vernacularity and Revitalization, DDL-ASLAN, Lyon, France , 24-25 avril


    Vittrant, A. & Bon, N., 2016, "La complexité cachée des langues d'Asie", ASLAN - Complexity Workshop , Lyon, 15-16 juin


    Bon, N., 2015, "La composition lexicale en stieng, une langue typique d'Asie du Sud-Est ", Panel : Les langues d’Asie du Sud-Est, une aire de convergence linguistique - Cinquième Congrès Asie & Pacifique, Paris, France, 9-11 septembre


    Bon, N., 2014, "Traces de contact, évolution vs. conservation. Le cas du stieng comme reflet d’un état antérieur du khmer", Colloque international sur le Cambodge : La conscience du passé chez les Khmers et leurs voisins, Approches linguistique, historique et ethnologique, Phnom Penh, Cambodge, 15-16-17 décembre

    ASLAN -  Université de Lyon -  CNRS -  Université Lumière Lyon 2 -  MSH-LSE -  IXXI -  DDL :  Contact |  Terms of use |