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Linguistic Contribution to the History of Sub-Saharan Africa

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France  Anglais  Last update : 12/01/2013     

Hadrien GELAS

Project manager Google




  Training and professional background
  Research interests
  Scientific activities
  Participation in research projects
  Other international activities
  Main publications and conferences



2009-2012: PhD in Linguistic, Université Lumière-Lyon 2, Laboratory Dynamique Du Language, co-direction Laboratory Informatique de Grenoble.
Title: Automatic Speech Recognition for Bantu Languages: Punu (B43) and Swahili (G42).
Advisors: François Pellegrino (DDL), Laurent Besacier (LIG), Sophie Manus (DDL)


2008-2009: MASTER 2 Linguistics, Université Lumière-Lyon2.
Title: Apport de la reconnaissance de la parole à la documentation du punu, évaluation d'outils pour la documentation de langues en danger.
Advisors: François Pellegrino (DDL), Laurent Besacier (LIG)


2007-2008: MASTER 1 Linguistics, Université Lumière-Lyon2.
Title: Évolution d'une langue en danger à travers l'étude du système verbal du gisir, langue bantu B41
Advisors: Lolke van der Veen (DDL), Denis Creissels (DDL)




Automatic Speech Recognition


Bantu Languages


Resource scarce languages


Endangered languages


Corpora studies


Statistical Studies




10 mai 2011 : Co-organizing the seminar AFCP: Ethical and legal aspects of oral corpora.
(co-organized with S. Rossato, L. Besacier and G. Adda) (Program and Interventions in French)




May 2010 : Read speech collection in London with native speakers of Swahili.




Member, ANR project Pi, Spoken Language Technologies for PI-languages.
Project manager: Laurent Besacier (LIG).


Assistant, ANR Project CLHASS.
Project manager: Jean-Marie Hombert (DDL).




2012-2013 : Assistant lecturer in computer science, IUT Lumière Lyon 2

  • Licence 3rd year "Logistique Globale" (Global Logistics) : Database Management Systems
  • DUT QLIO (Quality, Industrial Logistics and Organization) : Database Management Systems


2011-2012: Linguistics, Université Lumière Lyon 2

  • Licence 2nd year: General Linguistic - Phonology.
    Learn the IPA with an interactive Flashcard game : English, French (click on left edge for fullscreen mode and shuffle, unclick both side mode on right edge, then use your keyboard left/right arrow keys to navigate and up/down keys to see answers. You can also generate tests, play games and print cards or learn all this on your last Android/iPhone smartphone).
  • Licence 1st year 2nd semester: General Linguistic - Morphology / Syntax


2010-2011 : Seminar : Introduction to Latex for linguists (with Pierric Sans and Christian Dicanio)


2010-2011: Linguistics, Université Lumière Lyon 2

  • Licence 2nd year 1st semester: Computational Linguistic - Phonetic with Praat.
  • Licence 2nd year 2nd semester: Computational Linguistic - Tools for data analysis.


2009-2010 : Linguistics, Université Stendhal Grenoble 3

  • Licence 2nd year : Syllabic Representations




3L International Summer School on Language Documentation and Description, SOAS London, 2009.


3L International Summer School on Language Documentation and Description, Lyon, 2008.


Grants and Scholarships

  • 2009-2012 : Doctoral grant.


PhDs and master thesis

Gelas, H., 2009, "Apport de la reconnaissance de la parole à la documentation du punu, évaluation d'outils pour la documentation de langues en danger", Mémoire M2, Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2


Gelas, H., 2008, "Évolution d'une langue en danger à travers l'étude du système verbal du gisir, langue bantu B41", Mémoire M1, Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2

Chapters in books

Adda, G., Mariani, J., Besacier, L. & Gelas, H., 2013, "Economic and Ethical background of Crowdsourcing for Speech", in Crowdsourcing for Speech Processing Applications to Data Collection, Transcription and Assessment, Eskenazi, M., Levow, G., Meng, H., Parent, G. & Suendermann, D. (eds), John Wiley & Sons

Conferences with proceedings

Gelas, H., Besacier, L. & Pellegrino, F., 2012, "Developments of Swahili resources for an automatic speech recognition system", proc. of SLTU, Cape Town, South Africa, 07-09 May (Slides)  (paper)


Gelas, H., Besacier, L. & Pellegrino, F., 2012, "Développement de ressources en swahili pour un système de reconnaisance automatique de la parole", actes de JEP, Grenoble, France, Juin 2012 (Slides)  (paper)


Gelas, H., Abate, S., Besacier, L. & Pellegrino, F., 2012, "Analyse des performances de modèles de langage sub-lexical pour des langues peu-dotées à morphologie riche", actes de JEP, Workshop TALAF, Grenoble, France, Juin 2012 (Slides)  (paper)


Gelas, H., Abate, S., Besacier, L. & Pellegrino, F., 2011, "Evaluation of crowdsourcing transcriptions for African languages", proc. of Human Language Technology for Development, Alexandria, Egypt, 02-05 May


Gelas, H., Abate, S., Besacier, L. & Pellegrino, F., 2011, "Quality assessment of crowdsourcing transcriptions for African languages", proc. of Interspeech, Florence, Italy, 28-31 August  (paper, poster)

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