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Description, Typology, Fieldwork

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External associate



Teams :   DiLiS 

  Training and professional background
  Research interests
  Awards and research grants
  Other international activities
  Main publications and conferences



2021: external instructor at the Institute for Linguistic Heritage and Diversity (ILARA) of the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE, Paris)


2015–2020: PhD in Linguistics under the supervision of Antoine Guillaume (Université Lumière–Lyon 2, DDL research center): Aspects of Tikuna grammar (San Martín de Amacayacu variety, Colombia). Phonology, nominal phrase, predicative phrase (pdf; more about the project)


2010–2015: studied Linguistics and several languages at the École Normale Supérieure de la rue d'Ulm (ENS Ulm), Paris


2012–2013: second year of Master’s Degree in Comparative Linguistics at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE), Paris (overall grade: 18 out of 20) — My second year Master’s thesis was a phonological and morphosyntactic sketch of the Quechua dialect of Hongos district (Yauyos, Lima, Peru) (supervisor: Alain Lemaréchal; grade: 19 out of 20)


2010–2011: first year of Master’s Degree in Comparative Linguistics at the EPHE — My first year Master’s thesis consisted in a critical assessment of the major comparative and macro-comparative theories involving the Tai-Kadai language family (especially the Austronesian and the Sino-Tibetan connections)


2010: competitive entrance examination to the ENS Ulm (major in Classical Studies, ranked 13 out of 75) — Bachelor’s Degree in Classical Studies at the University Paris IV–Sorbonne


2007–2010: Humanities Preparatory Course to the ENS Ulm at Louis-le-Grand College, Paris




Language death, field research and documentation


Phonological and morphosyntactic description and typology




Historical and comparative linguistics


Tikuna, an Amazonian linguistic isolate




June–July 2018: 5 weeks fieldwork on phonological and morphosyntactic topics and further text collection with Tikuna speakers in the community of San Martín de Amacayacu (4 weeks) and in and around Leticia (1 week) (Amazonas, Colombia) — Personal initiative


September–December 2017: 12 weeks fieldwork on phonological and morphosyntactic topics and further text collection with Tikuna speakers in the community of San Martín de Amacayacu (9 weeks) and in and around Leticia (3 weeks) (Amazonas, Colombia) — My stay was funded by the ASLAN Labex


October–December 2016: 11 weeks fieldwork on phonological and morphosyntactic topics and text collection with Tikuna speakers in the community of San Martín de Amacayacu (8 weeks) and in and around Leticia (3 weeks) (Amazonas, Colombia) — My stay was funded by the ASLAN Labex


October 2015–February 2016: 15 weeks fieldwork on phonological and morphosyntactic topics with Tikuna speakers in the community of San Martín de Amacayacu (8 weeks) and in and around Leticia (7 weeks) (Amazonas, Colombia) — My stay was funded by the ASLAN Labex


July–August 2012: 2 weeks fieldwork on phonological and morphosyntactic topics with QIIA Quechua dialects speakers in the communities of Cacra and Hongos (Yauyos, Lima, Peru) — Personal initiative




2018: 5 months IDEXLYON (Université de Lyon) mobility grant


2017: 3 months ½ ASLAN Labex (Université de Lyon) field research grant


2016: 2 months ½ ASLAN Labex (Université de Lyon) field research grant


2015-2016: 3 months ½ ASLAN Labex (Université de Lyon) field research grant


2015-2018: 3 years ENS-specific PhD scholarship (ENS Ulm Paris-Université Lumière Lyon 2, 3LA doctoral school)




May-June 2021: doctoral training course “Ethics in linguistic research” at the Sciences du Langage doctoral school (ED 622, Université de Paris–Sorbonne Nouvelle) (taught by videoconference, 4 hours; detailed description)


April 2021: training course “Commencer dans LaTeX” at the DDL's Atelier des doctorants (taught by videoconference, 2 hours; detailed description)


March–June 2021: course “Do you speak Tikuna? Learning the basics of an indigenous Amazonian language and practicing descriptive and typological linguistics based on first-hand fieldwork data” at the ILARA (Institute for Linguistic Heritage and Diversity) (taught by videoconference, 24 hours; detailed description)


October 2018: lecture on “Syntactic typology” at the Université Lyon 2–Lumière, graduate level (Lyon, 4 hours)




December 2017–May 2018: 5 months stay as a Visiting Student at UC Berkeley (Berkeley, CA) under the supervision of Lev Michael — My stay was funded by IDEXLYON, Université de Lyon




Reynoso (auteur), O., Bertet, D. & Paul (traducteurs), R., 2023, "Les Innocents", Paris, Rue d'Ulm, 136 p., Versions françaises, 978-2-7288-0814-4 (page éditeur)

PhDs and master thesis

Bertet, D., 2020, "Aspects of Tikuna grammar (San Martín de Amacayacu variety, Colombia). Phonology, nominal phrase, predicative phrase", thèse de doctorat, Linguistique, Université Lumière-Lyon 2, 668 p. (pdf)


Bertet, D., 2013, "Éléments de description du parler quechua d'Hongos (Yauyos, Lima, Pérou) : morphologie nominale et verbale", mémoire de M2, Sciences historiques et philologiques, EPHE, Paris, 121 p.  (pdf)


Bertet, D., 2011, "L'hypothèse d'une parenté génétique de la famille des langues taï-kadaï avec la famille des langues austronésiennes : histoire, situation actuelle et bilan d'une idée macrocomparative", mémoire de M1, Sciences historiques et philologiques, EPHE, Paris, 40 p.

Chapters in books

Creissels, D. & Bertet, D., in prep., "Predicaciones existenciales", in Morfosintaxis: Una mirada desde las Américas, Vallejos Yopán, R. & Rosés Labrada, J. (eds),


Bertet, D., 2022, "Nominal Agreement Class assignment in Tikuna (isolate, western Amazonia): a dynamic process conditioned by both lexicon and context", Faits de Langues, 52, pp. 133-155 (pdf)


Bertet, D., 2021, "Tikuna, a ten-toneme language in Amazonia", Amerindia, 43, pp. 55-101 (pdf)


Ángel Ruiz, E., Ángel Ruiz, L. & Bertet, D., 2019, "Tikuna. Fènǖèkǖ rǜ âi / El Cazador y el Tigre / The Hunter and the Jaguar", in Franchetto, Bruna & Kristine Stenzel (eds.), Línguas indígenas: artes da palavra, Revista Linguíʃtica, 15(1), UFRJ (pdf)


Bertet, D., 2013, "Langues en danger. À propos de : Nicholas Evans, Ces mots qui meurent. Les langues menacées et ce qu’elles ont à nous dire, La Découverte", La Vie des Idées, publié le 25 février 2013 (version française, English version)

Invited and keynote conferences

Tallman, A., Uchihara, H., Campbell, E., Gutierrez, A., Adell, E., Bermudez, N., Bertet, D., Gladys, C.G., Carol, J., de Reuse, W., Epps, P., Everdell, M., Juarez, C., Lemus Serrano, M., Nelsey, K., Salanova, A. & Woodbury, A., 2019, "A new typology of constituency and convergence", proc. of 13th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Pavia (Italy), Pavia, 4-6 September, 2019

Conference presentations

Lemus Serrano, M. & Bertet, D., 2022, "Deux langues empruntant séparément à une troisième lui empruntent-elles les mêmes mots ? Une étude de cas dans l’ouest amazonien", L’emprunt lexical : quoi, pourquoi, comment, et avec quelles conséquences ?, Aix-Marseille Université, Aix-en-Provence, France, April 19


Bertet, D., 2021, "Traces of linguistic contact as a peephole into the past. What can loanwords in Tikuna tell us about the history of the Tikunas?", Atelier DiLiS, DDL, Lyon, France, March 29 (abstract, slides)


Bertet, D., 2021, "Morphosyntax and semantics of the “spatial” derivational suffixes of the Tikuna verb root", Atelier Typologie sémantique, DDL, Lyon, France, March 2 & March 23 (abstract)


Bertet, D., 2021, "A preliminary analysis of disfluencies in a corpus of Tikuna language recordings with special attention to fillers and placeholders", Atelier Morphosyntaxe, DDL, Lyon, France, June 22


Bertet, D., 2020, "El inventario de tonos contrastivos más rico de Suramérica: análisis del sistema tonológico del tikuna (lengua aislada, Amazonía occidental)", Taller internacional: Reflexiones gramaticales sobre las lenguas indígenas de América, Universidad Pública de El Alto (UPEA), El Alto, Bolivia (by video conference), November 29


Bertet, D., 2019, "One inflectional paradigm, two functional dimensions: agreement for gender vs agreement for social deixis in Tikuna (isolate, Western Amazon)", Atelier de Morphosyntaxe, DDL, Lyon, France, February 1  (abstract)


Bertet, D., 2019, "*[ɦ-] > [ŋ-]? An unusual case of diachronic strengthening in Tikuna (isolate, Western Amazonia)", Atelier de Phonologie, DDL, Lyon, France, March 21  (abstract, slides)


Bertet, D., 2019, "The discourse dynamics of agreement class assignment in Tikuna narratives (isolate, Western Amazonia)", Nominal categorization: from grammar to communicative interaction, DDL, Lyon, France, April 18–19  (abstract, slides)


Bertet, D., 2018, "When only nominals are marked for tense: the case of Ticuna (isolate, Western Amazonia)", BLS44, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, USA, February 9–11  (abstract, slides)


Bertet, D., 2018, "What exactly is the phonological feature [nasality] in Ticuna (isolate, Western Amazonia)?", Phonetics and Phonology Forum (Phorum), UC Berkeley, Berkeley, USA, April 30  (abstract, slides)


Bertet, D., 2018, "How to make the most out of one morpheme: disentangling the inflexional morphology of Ticuna’s finite predicative head", Fieldwork Forum (FForum), UC Berkeley, Berkeley, USA, February 7  (abstract, slides)


Bertet, D., Skilton, A. & Hyman, L., 2018, "Ticuna Tonefest/Tikuna Tonefest! Tones and other laryngeal features in two varieties of Ticuna", , UC Berkeley, Berkeley, USA, May 2


Bertet, D., 2018, "The ten tonemes of Ticuna, an Amazonian oddity", Amazónicas 7, Baños, Ecuador, May 28–June 1  (abstract, slides, handout)


Bertet, D., 2018, "Des classes nominales sur mesure ? Classes nominales primaires et réassignation secondaire en tikuna (isolat, Ouest amazonien)", journées d'étude « Classification nominale et autres procédés de catégorisation du nom dans les langues du monde », CNRS, Villejuif, France, 13–14 novembre  (abstract, slides)


Bertet, D., 2017, "¿Cuántos tonemas tiene el ticuna? Una introducción práctica a la tonología", , Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, 14 de septiembre


Bertet, D., 2016, "A preliminary sketch of San Martín de Amacayacu Tikuna’s suprasegmental phonology", TypoLing 2016, Porquerolles, France, September 4–17


Bertet, D., 2013, "Pour une étude sémasiologique des propositions enchâssées en quechua (quechua de Huallaga, Huánuco, Pérou)", , EPHE, Paris, 6 juin


Bertet, D., 2013, "Flexion, dérivation, clitiques en quechua", TypoUlm, ENS Ulm, Paris, 20 décembre

Audiovisual equipment

Bertet, D., 2021, "Les langues d'Amazonie, ça vous parle ?", ILARA (Institut des Langues Rares), série Ouvertures (video)


Vásquez de Gregorio, M., Vásquez Joaquín, T., Gregorio de Sánchez, I. & Bertet, D., 2020, "Kururu", YouTube channel containing video recordings of stories and songs in Tikuna language (link)

Electronic source

Bertet, D., 2019, "Mamíferos salvajes de las inmediaciones de San Martín de Amacayacu (Amazonas, Colombia)", , species identification booklet  (pdf)


Bertet, D., 2018, "Yauyos Quechua Linguistic Materials, SCL 2018-15", Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley (http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.7297/X2610XHN)

ASLAN -  Université de Lyon -  CNRS -  Université Lumière Lyon 2 -  MSH-LSE -  IXXI -  DDL :  Contact |  Terms of use |