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Description, Typology, Fieldwork

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France  Anglais  Last update : 03/02/2017     


Guest Researcher




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  Research interests
  Scientific activities
  Awards and research grants
  Other international activities
  Main publications and conferences

Personal page on academia: http://univ-lyon2.academia.edu/ChloéDarmon



Maître de conférences et coordinatrice de la formation de Master - Unité de français, Département de Langues étrangères et de littérature, Université d'Addis-Abeba (depuis 2015)


PhD in Linguistics - DDL, ISH Université Lumière Lyon 2 (2009-...)
Title of the Thesis: A Morphosyntactic Description of Xamtanga: Study of Language Contact from a Diachronic Perspective. Advisor: Gérard Philippson.


MA in Linguistics - ILPGA Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle (2007-2009)
Title of the 2nd year Master Thesis: Negation in Amharic - a diachronic and synchronic study in a comparative and areal perspective. Advisors: Jean-Léo Léonard and Delombera Negga.
Title of the 1st year Master Thesis: Negation in Amharic in a comparative and areal perspective. Advisors: Georges Rebuschi and Delombera Negga.


BA in Amharic - Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (2005-2008)


BA in Linguistics - ILPGA Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle (2004-2007)




Agäw (Central Cushitic) and Ethiopian Semitic languages.


Language Contact inside the Ethiopian Linguistic Area.


Description of the Syntax and verbal Morphology of Xamtanga.


Historical and Comprative Linguistics.




Participation to the working group languages in contact (DDL) :
- Presentation of the article "Calquing and Metatypy", M. Ross, 2007 (29/11/2011)


Participation to the working group morphosyntax (DDL) :
- Topic and focus in Xamtanga (16/12/2011)
- Applicative periphrasis in Xamtanga (01/07/2011)
- The middle in Xamtanga (30/04/2010).


Member of the ANR Contribution of Linguistics to the History of Sub-Saharan Africa (DDL).


Participation to the working group sequential constructions in Afro-Asiatic (DDL, 2009).




2011 (5 months, Jan-Jun): Morphosyntactic data collection in Xamtanga (Wag Himra - Bahir Dar). Visiting Scholar at the French Center of Ethiopian Studies (IFRE 23 - Addis Abeba).


2009-2010 (7 months, Sep-Feb, Jul): Morphosyntactic data collection in Xamtanga (Wag Himra - Bahir Dar).


2009 (1 month, Apr): Morphosyntactic data collection in Amharic (Northern Wello).


2008 (3 months, Aug-Oct): Morphosyntactic data collection in Amharic, Tigrinya, Geez and Xamtanga (Northern Wello - Wag Himra - Bahir Dar).




2009-2012: Doctoral Grant.


2010-2011: Fieldwork Fellowship from the French Center of Ethiopian Studies. International Mobility Fellowship Aires Culturelles [Cultural Areas] from Université Lumière Lyon 2.


2009-2010: Fieldwork Fellowship from the French Center of Ethiopian Studies. Paris Jeunes Aventures Grant from Paris Cityhall for the Les Agäw d'Ethiopie en images [Images from the Agäw people of Ethiopia] project.


2008: Fieldwork Fellowship from the French Center of Ethiopian Studies. Travel Grant from the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations.




2010 (15Aug-3Sep): Student at the DGfS-CNRS Summer School on Linguistic Typology, Leipzig, University of Leipzig/MPI EVA.



PhDs and master thesis

Darmon, C., 2015, "A morphosyntactic description of Xamtanga : an Agaw (Central Cushitic) language of the northern Ethiopian highlands", Thèse de Doctorat, Département des Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière lyon 2


Darmon, C., 2009, "La négation amharique - étude diachronique et synchronique dans une perspective comparative et aréale", Mémoire de Master 2, ILPGA, Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, 100 p.

Chapters in books

Darmon, C., à paraître, "Xamtanga", in The Oxford handbook of Ethiopian languages, Wakjira, B., Meyer, R. & Leyew, Z. (eds), Oxford, Oxford University Press


Darmon, C., 2017, "The similative morpheme -(ä)ŋä in Xamtanga: Functions and grammaticalisation targets", in Similative and equative constructions: A cross Linguistic perspective, Treis, Y. & Vanhove, M. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 360-385


Darmon, C., 2014, "Benefactive applicative periphrases with yiw- 'give' in Xamtanga", in Explorations in Ethiopian linguistics: Complex predicates, finiteness and interrogativity, Amha, A., Meyer, R. & Treis, Y. (eds), Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, pp. 137-147


Darmon, C., 2010, "L'agäw xamtanga : une langue couchitique en contact avec l'amharique", Pount. Cahiers d'études : Corne de l'Afrique - Arabie du Sud, 4, pp. 169-195

Conferences with proceedings

Darmon, C., 2012, "Light verb constructions in Xamtanga and in the Ethiopian linguistic area", proc. of the 42nd Annual Conference on African Linguistics: African languages in context (selected proceedings), University of Maryland, June 10-12 2011, ed. by Michael R. Marlo et al., 183-194. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project (PDF, table of contents)


Darmon, C., 2011, "Collecting data in Xamtanga: Negation as a case study of interaction between Ethio-Semitic and Central Cushitic", proc. of First international conference on endangered language documentation and tradition, Aristotle University, November 7-9 2008, ed. by Carol Everhard & Elizabeth Mela-Athanasopoulou, 89-100. Thessaloniki: School of English, Department of theoretical & applied linguistics, University studio press S.A

Invited presentations

Darmon, C., 2011, "Les fonctions du verbe y- 'dire' en xamtanga", Journée scientifique du LLACAN, LLACAN, Villejuif, 18 Novembre

Conference presentations

Darmon, C., 2012, "The similative morpheme (ä)ŋä in Xamtanga: Functions and grammaticalization targets", International Workshop Expressions of Similarity from an Africanist and Typological perspective, LLACAN, Villejuif, 16-17 Juillet


Darmon, C., 2012, "Benefactive applicative periphrases with yɨw- ‘give’ in Xamtanga", 18th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, University of Dire Dawa, 29 Octobre - 2 Novembre


Darmon, C., 2011, "Light Verb Constructions in Xamtanga", 42nd Annual Conference on African Linguistics: African languages in context, University of Maryland, 10-12 Juin


Darmon, C., 2010, "Simple and Multiple Causatives in Xamtanga", BAALL's First Conference on Afroasiatic Grammar, Université Paris 7, 25-27 Novembre


Darmon, C., 2010, "The Weyto Language of Ethiopia: State of the Art", Workshop Language Isolates in Africa, Université Lyon 2, 3-4 Décembre  (PDF)

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