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Development Neurocognition Disorders

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Editor : Sophie KERN, Alice Catherine ROY

Language socialization and bilingual development

  Contact person

Scientific framework and objectives

The lifelong process of socialization refers to the transformation of an individual who is socialized within a community. S/he moves from being a novice to being an expert member of a particular social group. In situations of language contact where languages do not benefit from the same status, questions relating to language socialization become particularly pertinent should one be interested in the impact of input and ideologies on language construction. The contexts are, from a sociolinguistic point of view, very varied: from a migratory context (e.g. Italy - Maghreb - Cape Verde - France), and therefore transnational, to a context of plurilingualism on a regional scale (Italy - Veneto - Sardinia).

Teachers and parents often feel ill-equipped when they have to deal with bilingualism and its influence on children's learning, language and communication. The INEXDEB and MOBILO projects aim at a cross-analysis of data in sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics of acquisition, in order to integrate language biography as a resource in the trajectories of bilingual children who have several languages in their linguistic repertoires.
These projects are conducted in collaboration with Cathy Cohen (laboratoire ICAR UMR 5191 Lyon).

  Financial support
  • Appel à Projets Pluridisciplinaires Interne (APPI)
    Modelisation of bilingual trajectories: new statistical approaches for linguistics applied to bilingual development (MOBILO)
    Université Lyon 2

  • Ghimenton, A., 2017, "Socializing the language choices: When variation in the language environment supports acquisition", in Variation in Language acquisition, De Vogelaer, G., Katerbow, M. (eds), John Benjamins Publishing Company
  • Ghimenton, A., Depau, G., 2018, "Revitalization and education ", in Romance sociolinguistics , Ayers-Bennet, W., Carruthers, J. (eds), De Gruyter Mouton
  • Ghimenton, A., Riley, K., 2020, "A language socialization account of translinguistic mudes in two contexts", in Translinguistics: Negotiating Innovation and Ordinariness, Dovchin, S., Won Lee, J. (eds), London, Routledge Press, pp. 37-48
  • Ghimenton, A., 2020, "Socio-pragmatic and interactional benefits when growing up with a minority language in the input. A case-study conducted in Veneto (Italy). B", Babylonia, 3, pp. 8-13
  • Witko, A., Ghimenton, A., 2019, "Des premiers mots à leur utilisation en contexte ", in Le développement du langage oral chez l'enfant - Théorie, clinique, pratique, Kern, S. (eds), De Boeck, pp. 93-117

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