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Description, Typology, Fieldwork

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Editor : Anetta KOPECKA

Typology of associated motion

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Scientific framework and objectives

Associated motion is a relatively newly identified descriptive and comparative concept defined as a verbal grammatical category, separate from tense, aspect, mood and direction, whose function is to associate, in different ways, different kinds of translational motion to a (generally non-motion) verb event (e.g. ‘go/come/move along and then V’, ‘V and then go/come/move along’, ‘V while going/coming/moving along’, V while non-subject is going/coming/moving along, etc.). Although first described in languages of Central Australia (Koch 1984, Wilkins 1991, among others) and Western Amazonia (Guillaume 2006, 2013, 2016, 2017, among others), associated motion has recently been recognized in other parts of the world, such as Africa (Bourdin 2006, Belkadi 2015, among others) and Asia (Jacques 2013, among others). The goal of this research theme is to further explore, through descriptive and comparative studies, the nature and distribution associated motion in South American languages and in languages from other parts of the world.

  • Guillaume, A., 2013, "Reconstructing the category of 'associated motion' in Tacanan languages (Amazonian Bolivia and Peru)", in Historical Linguistics 2011. Selected papers from the 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Osaka, 25-30 July 2011, Kikusawa, R., Reid, L. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 129-151, Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 326
  • Guillaume, A., 2017, "Sistemas complejos de movimiento asociado en las lenguas Takana y Pano: perspectivas descriptiva, tipológica e histórico-comparativa", Amerindia (Numéro thématique: Estudios sincrónicos y diacrónicos sobre lenguas Pano y Takana: fonología, morfología y sintaxis, edited by A. Guillaume & P. M. Valenzuela), 39:1, pp. 211-261
  • Guillaume, A., 2016, "Associated motion in South America: typological and areal perspectives", Linguistic Typology, 20:1, pp. 81–177
  • Guillaume, A., Koch, H. (eds), 2021, "Associated Motion", Berlin & Boston, De Gruyter Mouton, 923 p., ISBN 978-3-11-069200-6
  • Guillaume, A., Koch, H., 2021, "Introduction: associated motion as a grammatical category in linguistic typology ", in Associated Motion, Guillaume, A., Koch, H. (eds), De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 3-30, Empirical Approaches to Language Typology [EALT 64]
  • Guillaume, A., De Pasquale, N., 2021, "Associated motion in Western Sicilian: a preliminary account", Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE54), Digital conference, August 30 - September 3

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