Imbert, C., 2015, "Anglais vs. Français : L'envahisseur est-il celui qu'on croit ?", Nuit Européenne des Chercheurs, Vaulx-en-Velin, 25 September 2015 |
Imbert, C., Ducloux, A., 2014, "Et Darwin demanda : C'est quoi une langue ?", Nuit Européenne des Chercheurs, Vaulx-en-Velin, 26 September 2014 |
Imbert, C., 2013, "Morpheme order constraints upside down: Vertical Orientation vs. Directionality", 39th Conference of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, Berkeley, 16-17 février 2013 |
Imbert, C., 2011, "Elements for a multi-layer definition of 'Satellites'", AFLico IV, Trajectory Workshop, Lyon, 23 mai 2011 |
Imbert, C., 2010b, "Competing motivations in Path-coding systems: A case study from an ancient language", Conference on Competing Motivations, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, 23-25 November 2010 |
Imbert, C., 2010a, "About satellites, applicatives and adpositions in Path coding: a gradience-of-categories perspective", Syntax of the World's Languages IV (SWL4), Lyon, 23-26 September 2010 |
Imbert, C., 2009b, "What adpositions do that satellites cannot. Semantic and conceptual constraints on Path-coding categories", Space in Language Conference, Pisa, 8-10 October 2009 |
Imbert, C., 2009a, "Affix-order constraints in Path coding: About satellites, adpositions and the gradience of categories", Association for Linguistic Typology – 8th Biennial Meeting (ALT 8), Berkeley, 23-26 juillet 2009 |
Imbert, C., 2008c, "Systems dynamics and functional motivations in Path coding. Typological description of Homeric Greek and Old English. Presentation and discussion of my PhD research results.", Linguistics Colloquium, University of Oregon, Eugene, 7 October 2008 |
Imbert, C., 2008b, "Multiple preverbation in Homeric Greek: Affix-order constraints in Path coding", Berkeley Workshop on Affix Ordering, San Francisco, 4 October 2008 |
Imbert, C., 2008a, "Path coding in Old English: Source vs. Goal asymmetry in post-verbal particles", International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL 2008), Munich, 24-30 August 2008 |
Imbert, C., Grinevald, C., 2008, "Twenty years of relational preverbs: a grammaticalization account", New Reflections on Grammaticalization 4 (NRG4), Leuven, 16-19 Juillet 2008 |
Imbert, C., Grinevald, C., 2008, "Twenty years of relational preverbs: a grammaticalization account", New Reflections on Grammaticalization 4 (NRG4), Leuven, 16-19 July 2008 |
Imbert, C., 2007e, "Path coding and Relational Preverbs in Homeric Greek. A Native American story", Association for Linguistic Typology - 7th Biennial Meeting (ALT VII)
, Paris, 25-28 September 2007 |
Imbert, C., 2007d, "Le puzzle catégoriel des adpositions en grec homérique : La solution typologique", Conférence internationale CRISCO "Autour de la Préposition (position, valeurs, statut et catégories apparentées à travers les langues)", Université de Caen, 20-22 September 2007 |
Imbert, C., 2007c, "The puzzle of Path coding in Old English: functional story of a typological shift", The Society of Historical English Language and Linguistics International Conference (SHELL 2007), Nagoya University, Japan, 7-9 September 2007 |
Imbert, C., 2007b, "Typology meets ancient languages. Grammaticalization and Path coding in Homeric Greek", Deuxième Colloque International de l'Association Française de Linguistique Cognitive (AFLiCo), Université Lille 3, 10-12 May 2007 |
Imbert, C., 2007a, "The puzzle of Path coding and pattern shift in Old English: a functional story", Linguistics Department Colloquium, University of Oregon, Eugene, 13 april 2007 |
Imbert, C., 2006, "Ancient languages in a functional-typological perspective: The coding strategy(-ies) of Path in Homeric Greek", Linguistics Department Colloquium, University of Oregon, Eugene, 25 May 2006 |
Imbert, C., 2005, "The Grammaticalization of relator nouns in Turkish. Turkish 'postpositions' revisited", New Reflections on Grammaticalization 3 (NRG3), Santiago de Compostela, 17-21 July 2005 |
Ishibashi, M., 2011, "L’emploi déictique des verbes iku ‘aller’ et kuru ‘venir’ dans l’expression du déplacement en japonais.", 2ème journée doctorale de linguistique japonaise, Langues et Civilisations de l'Asie Orientale (LCAO) - Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7, 12 février 2011 |
Ishibashi, M., 2011, "La deixis spatiale dans l’expression du déplacement en japonais : variation intralinguistique", 4ème Colloque International de l'Association Française de Linguistique Cognitive (AFLiCo) : Linguistique cognitive et typologie : diversité des langues, variation et changements linguistiques, Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage / Université Lyon 2, Lyon, 24-27 mai 2011 |
Ishibashi, M., Kopecka, A., 2011, "The (a)symmetry of source and goal", Pre-AFLiCo ‘Trajectoire’ Workshop , Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage / Université Lyon 2, Lyon, 23-24 mai 2011. |
Ishibashi, M., 2009, "The (a)symmetry of source and goal in Motion events in Japanese: Evidence from narrative data", Space in language, Pisa, Italia, 8-10 octobre 2009 (poster) |
Ishibashi, M., 2006, "Asymmetry in the expression of Put and Take events in Japanese", LESCOL, Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Allemagne, 25-26 mars 2006 |