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Online data

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Maddieson, I. & Flavier, S., 2009, "LAPSyD : Lyon-Albuquerque Phonological Systems Database", Url (website)


Manus, S., 2014, "Base de données lexicales bilingues símákonde-français, Reflex, Reference Lexicon, CNRS", Url


Marsico, E., Flavier, S., Verkerk, A., Moran, S., 2018, "BDPROTO: A Database of Phonological Inventories from Ancient and Reconstructed Languages", Url (data, pdf)


Medjo Mvé, P., 2012, "Lexique koya (1156 items)", Url


Medjo Mvé, P., 2011, "Lexique koya (155 items)", Url


Medjo Mvé, P., 2011, "Lexique ndambomo (Linzé, Mbadi et Massoukou)", Url


Montero-Melis, G., Eisenbeiss, S., Narasimhan, B., Ibarretxe-Antuñano, I., Kita, S., Kopecka, A., Lüpke, F., Nikitina, T., Tragel, I., Jaeger, F., Bohnemeyer, J., 2017, "Replication Data for: Montero-Melis et al. (2017) Talmy's framing typology unpredicts nonverbal motion categorization: Insights from a large sample and simulations", Url


Mouton, L., 2023, "Hmong noir", Url

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