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Paire-Ficout, L., Gabaude, C., Jallais, C., Bedoin, N., Lafont, S., Ken, K., Bruyas, M.P., Dapzol, N. & Vital-Durand, F., 2009, "Les effets de la distraction et de l'âge sur les processus visuo-attentionnels en intersection.", Journée Défauts d'attention au volant : premier bilan et nouvelles perspectives de recherche, Lyon, 26 novembre 2009


Paire-Ficout, L., Bedoin, N., 1996, "Rôle du code phonologique précoce en lecture silencieuse chez des sourds et des entendants", Colloque "Perception, Cognition, Handicap", Lyon, France, 1996 (poster)


Paire-Ficout, L., Bedoin, N., 1995, "Ressemblances et spécificité des mécanismes de lecture chez des sourds et des entendants", Sciences en Fête, Lyon, France, 1995 (poster)


Pakendorf, B., Rose, F., 2024, "Placeholders and related items: reassessing the typology", Placeholders in East and West, Tübingen, 9-11/10/2024


Pakendorf, B., 2017, "Associated motion in Even from a Tungusic perspective", Espace & événements: mouvement et posture associés , Paris, France, 20/06/2017


Pakendorf, B., 2015, "Feedback on genetic history of communities participating in research project", Returning results to "Khoisan" communities, 28 villages in Botswana and Namibia, 30/07/2015


Pakendorf, B., 2015, "Genetic perspectives on prehistoric language contact: a way forward or a dead-end?", Diversity Linguistics – Retrospect and Prospect, Leipzig, Germany, 02/05/2015


Pakendorf, B., Stoneking, M., 2015, "The genetic history of the indigenous peoples of Namibia (and Botswana)", Namibia Scientific Society, Windhoek, Windhoek, 18/08/2015


Pakendorf, B., Krivoshapkina, I., 2014, "Alternating experiencer constructions in Lamunkhin Ėven: a matter of perspective ", Syntax of the World's Languages 6, Pavia, Italy, 09/09/2014


Pakendorf, B., 2014, "System changes in Lamunkhin Ėven: independent innovations and contact-induced changes", System changes in the languages of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 16/10/2014


Pakendorf, B., 2013, "Copying of adpositions in northeastern Siberia: Even dialects in contact with Sakha and Russian", 46th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Split, Croatie, 18 au 21 septembre 2013


Pakendorf, B., 2013, "Evaluative suffixes and definiteness in Even", 87th annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Boston, USA, 03 au 6 janvier 2013


Pakendorf, B., 2013, "Historical Linguistics and Molecular Anthropology", Workshop: "Foundations of Historical Linguistics: Dynamics of Hunter-Gatherer Language Change", Boston, USA, 05/01/2013-06/01/2013


Pakendorf, B., 2013, "Lamunkhin Even evaluative morphology in a cross-linguistic perspective", Transalpine Typology Meeting, Zurich, Suisse, 30 et 31 mai 2013


Pakendorf, B., 2013, "Paradigm copying in Tungusic: The Lamunkhin dialect of Even and beyond", Paradigm change in historical reconstruction: the Transeurasian languages and beyond, Mainz, Allemagne, 07/03/2013-08/03/2013


Pakendorf, B., 2013, "The prehistory of southern Africa: Insights from autosomal and mtDNA data", Seminaire invité, University of Porto, Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (CIBIO), Vairão, Portugal, 22/02/2013


Pakendorf, B., 2012, "Почему важно документировать языки, находящиеся под угрозой исчезновения: Ламунхинский говор эвенского языка и его место в теории языковых контактов (Why it is important to document endangered languages: The Lamunxin dialect of Even and its place in language contact theory)", National Bases for Sustainable Development of the Indigenous Peoples of the North, Yakoutsk, Russie, 17 février 2012


Pakendorf, B., 2012, "Genetic Perspectives on 'Khoisan' Prehistory", EuroBABEL Final Conference, Leiden, Pays-Bas, 23/08/2012-26/08/2012


Pakendorf, B., 2012, "Information structure in a situation of language contact: Sakha influence on Lamunxin Even", 45th SLE Annual meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 29/08/2012-01/09/2012


Pakendorf, B., 2012, "Molecular perspectives on social interactions in Southern Africa", Workshop: "Khoisan kinship and society revisited", Edinburgh, Grande-Bretagne, 08/06/2012


Pakendorf, B., Krivoshapkina, I., 2012, "The use of evaluative suffixes to mark definiteness in an Even dialect", Semantic and typological perspectives on definites, Dusseldorf, Allemagne, 1 et 2 juin 2012


Paulin, P., Ngongo, S., 2013, "A ritual of medical treatment among Gabonese Baka. ", Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies, CHAGS, Liverpool, U.K., 25-28 juin


Paulin, P., 2013, "Is there a real transformation of mobility in the Baka Hunter-gatherers community in Gabon?", Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies, CHAGS, Liverpool, U.K., 25-28 juin


Paulin, P., 2013, "Les chasseurs-cueilleurs baka du Gabon sont-ils sous domination lorsqu’ils parlent la langue fang de leurs voisins? ", Les locuteurs et les langues : pouvoirs, non-pouvoirs et contre-pouvoirs, Congrès International,, Corte, France, 3-5 juillet


Paulin, P., 2012, "Comment évoluent les relations intergénérationnelles au sein d’une société acéphale en pleine transformation sociale ? Le cas des chasseurs-cueilleurs baka du Gabon", Conférence de l’Association canadienne des études africaines « L’Afrique en mutations : l’Afrique des individus, l’Afrique des générations », Québec, Canada, 2-4 mai


Paulin, P., 2012, "En quoi le lexique spécialisé, révélateur de culture, peut contribuer à la mise en place de projets ? Le cas des chasseurs-cueilleurs baka du Gabon", Colloque International de Ouagadougou « Langue, environnement et culture : les enjeux de la recherche pluridisciplinaire pour un développement durable des territoires, Ouagadougou, Burkina-Faso, 8-10 mars


Paulin, P., 2012, "From vegetal hut to metal-roof house: do the Baka Hunter-gatherers in Gabon change their conception of dwelling?", Congress of the International Society of Ethnobiology, Montpellier, France, 20-25 mai (poster)


Paulin, P., 2012, "L’étude comparative de six langues « sere-ngbaka-mba » dans une perspective de reconstruction d’une protolangue et de proposition d’inférences de contacts historiques.", Towards Proto-Niger-Congo: Comparison and Reconstruction, International Congress., Paris, 18-21 septembre


Paulin, P., Ngongo, S., 2012, "What is the core of fieldwork: research or relationship? A case study of Baka hunter-gatherers in northern Gabon", Congress of the International Society of Ethnobiology, Montpellier, France, 20-25 mai


Paulin, P., Van der Veen, L., 2011, "Variations linguistiques de la langue baka (oubanguien) au contact du fang (langue bantu A75)", 4ème Colloque International de l’Association Française de Linguistique Cognitive (AFLICo), Lyon, 24-27 Mai


Paulin, P., 2010, "Baka villages of northern Gabon: spatial distance as a strategy of preserving traditional culture", International Conference on Congo Basin Hunter-Gatherers, Montpellier, France, 22-24 sept (poster)  (pdf (4Mo))


Paulin, P., 2010, "Categorization of mammals in the Hunter-gathering Baka community of Gabon, The inefficiency of tree models", The 3rd UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Hertfordshire, UK, 6-8 July of 2010


Paulin, P., Van der Veen, L., 2010, "The Baka Hunter-gatherers of Gabon : categorization of space and « natural » environment", Hunter-gatherers and Semantic Categories : An Interdisciplinary Workshop on Theory, Method and Documentation, Neuwied (Allemagne), 30 mai-4 juin 2010


Paulin, P., Van der Veen, L., 2010, "The Baka Hunter-gatherers of Gabon : way of life, habitat, language", Hunter-gatherers and Semantic Categories : An Interdisciplinary Workshop on Theory, Method and Documentation, Neuwied (Allemagne), 30 mai-4 juin 2010


Paulin, P., 2007, "Les changements linguistiques en baka (oubanguien) induits par le contact du fang (bantu)", 37th Colloquium On African Languages and Linguistics, Leiden, Pays Bas, 27-29 août 2007


Paulin, P., 2007, "Les Pygmées baka du nord Gabon : langue et culture en danger?", Semaine scientifique interuniversitaire « 20 ANS DE RECHERCHE SUR LES LANGUES ET LES CULTURES DU GABON », Libreville, Gabon, 16-20 janvier 2007.


Paulin, P., 2007, "The Baka language of Gabon and specialized vocabulary for animals", 38th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Gainesville, USA, March 2007.


Paulin, P., 2006, "The role of literacy in the community of Baka Pygmies (North Gabon)", 37th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Eugene, USA, April 2006.


Paulin, P., 1998, "First results of a perceptual test of language identification.", Université d'été, Barcelone, Espagne, juillet 1998.


Peake, M., 2008, "Complementación en tojol ab'al", Centro de Investigación y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social - Sureste, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexique, 27/10/08


Peake, M., 2007, "Directionals in Tojol’ab’al, a Mayan language of Mexico", Journée Trajectoire, Institut des Sciences de l'Homme, Lyon, France, 9 novembre 2007


Pélissier, M., Krzonowski, J., Ferragne, E., 2016, "Does better explicit knowledge of a morphosyntactic structure guarantee more native-like electrophysiological processing? An ERP study with French learners of English", Colloque Connaissances et Usages en Langue Seconde (COULS), Nantes, 29 juin - 1er juillet


Pellegrino, F., 2017, "Comptons (sur) les langues ! un clin d’œil linguistique aux mathématiques", Forum Mathématiques vivantes, Lyon, 18 mars 2017


Pellegrino, F., Marsico, E., Coupé, C., 2012, "Vowel inventories revisited: the functional load of vowel contrasts", 86th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Portland, USA, 5-8 January (poster)  (poster, abstract)


Pellegrino, F., Coupé, C., Marsico, E., 2007, "An Information Theory-Based Approach to the Balance of Complexity between Phonetics, Phonology and Morphosyntax", 81st Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Anaheim, CA, USA, 4-7 January 2007  (slides)


Pellegrino, F., Coupé, C., Marsico, E., 2007, "Complexité des systemes phonologiques : primitives et structures ", Colloque "Systèmes complexes en sciences humaines et sociales", Cerisy-la-salle, 26/05/2007-02/06/2007  (slides)


Pellegrino, F., Coupé, C., Chenu, F., 1999, "Les nouvelles technologies du langage", Apéro-Sciences du CNRS, Café du Musée d Art Contemporain, Lyon, France, 13 décembre 1999


Pellegrino, F., André-Obrecht, R., 1998, "La modélisation acoustique des systèmes vocaliques en identification des langues : détermination du nombre de composantes gaussiennes", Journée d'étude du GDR ISIS sur les méthodes entropiques en Signal et Image, Paris, France, 11 décembre 1998


Perez-Pereira, M., Jackson-Maldonado, D., Ezeizabarrena, M.J., Kern, S., 2005, "The MacAthur-Bates CDI in some romance Language and Basque: Language development and language differences", Xth IASCL, Berlin, Allemagne, 25 au 29 juillet (poster)


Perrot, X., Vermeulin, F., Veuillet, E., Hoen, M., Perrin, F., Grimault, N., Meunier, F., Grataloup, C., Garcia, S., Pellegrino, F., Collet, L., 2005, "Audiometric assessment of speech-in-noise intelligibility with energetic and informational masking: New paradigm and preliminary results ", IAPA (International Association of Physicians in Audiology) – XIIth International Symposium On Audiological Medicine., Lyon, 6-9 Mars


Petrollino, S., 2016, "Between Tone and Stress in Hamar", 47th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley, 23 March


Petrollino, S., 2016, "Existential predication in Hamar", De Grote Taaldag, Utrecht, February 6


Petrollino, S., 2016, "The noun classification of Hamar: between gender and classifiers", Workshop on gender and classifiers: diachronic and synchronic variation, University of Surrey, 28-29 January 2016


Petrollino, S., 2016, "The noun classification system on Hamar: between gender and classifiers", Gender and classifiers: diachronic and synchronic variation, University of Surrey, January 28


Petrollino, S., 2014, "Gender and evaluative morphology in Hamar - South Omotic", 15th Afro-Asiatic meeting, Rome, Universitá La Sapienza, September 17


Pfaff, C., Akinci, M.A., Dollnick, M., 2009, "Complex sentences in the written texts of Turkish trilingual adolescents in Germany and France", 7th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB7), Utrecht University, Utrecht, Pays-Bas, 8-11 juillet 2009


Philibert, N., Gavant, A., Touitou, S., Mazur-Palandre, A., Witko, A., 2019, "Le parcours de vie des étudiants dyslexiques, ParVieDys", Soirée de lancement des projets Boutique des Sciences 2019, Lyon, Hotel de la Métropole, mercredi 13 mars 2019


Philippson, G., 2019, "Consonant-tone interaction and complexification of African tone systems (with brief considerations on tone loss)", Atelier de Phonologie, Lyon, ISH, March 7


Philippson, G., 2019, "Lenition (and fortition) in the evolution of Bantu consonant systems", Atelier de Phonologie, Lyon, ISH, March 21


Philippson, G., 2019, "Negative markers in Kilimanjaro Bantu (E60)", Séminaire DTT - Atelier Morphosyntaxe, ISH Lyon, 6 décembre 2019


Philippson, G., 2019, "Sorting out "unlabelled" items in BLR3", 49th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, Leiden, NL, 08/27/19


Philippson, G., 2018, "‘Double Reflexes’ Revisited: Implications for the Proto-Bantu Consonant System ", International Conference on "Reconstructing Proto-Bantu Grammar", Gand (Belgique), November 19-23


Philippson, G., 2018, "Where exactly does Bobe (A31) fit in the Bantu genealogy?", 48th Colloquium on African Languages & Linguistics, Leiden (P.-B.), 08/30 to 09/01/18


Philippson, G., 2017, "The bizarre phonological system of Bobe (A31) and its relationship to "Proto-Bantu"", Atelier Histoire et Ecologie des Langues (HELAN2), Lyon, ISH, 12/13/17


Philippson, G., 2017, "The diachrony of pre-verbal *ni- in Kilimanjaro Bantu (E60)", 47th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, Leiden (P.-B.), 08/28 to 08/30/17


Philippson, G., 2016, "Locative clitics and demonstratives in Kilimanjaro Bantu (E60)", Workshop on locative suffixes in Bantu languages, Tervuren(Belgium), 03/03/16


Philippson, G., 2016, "Melodic tones and inflectional morphemes in Central Kenyan languages (E50)", Bantu6 (6th International Conference on Bantu Languages), Helsinki (Finland), 06/20 to 06/23/16


Philippson, G., 2015, "CB reflexes and the nature of Bantu consonant systems", 45th Colloquium on African Languages & Linguistics, Leiden (P.-B.), 08/31 to 09/01/15


Philippson, G., Guérois, R., 2013, "Origins and genetic affiliations of P30 languages.", 5th International Conference on Bantu Languages (Bantu 5), Paris, Juin 12-15.


Philippson, G., 2013, "Southern Bantu and Makhuwa revisited", 43th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, Leiden, 26-28 août 2013


Philippson, G., Van der Veen, L., 2009, "Développement de la linguistique bantu. Figures, approches, représentations.", Séminaire (DDL) de linguistique africaine (2009-2010)., Lyon, 8 Décembre 2009


Philippson, G., 2007, "Temps et aspect en taita", Journée de linguistique bantu, Lyon, 21/06/07


Philippson, G., 2006, "Increase in complexity in eastern Bantu tone systems", Workshop on Tone Complexity, Lyon, DDL, 10/11/06


Philippson, G., 2006, "Tone 'anticipation' in Bantu", International Conference on Bantu Grammar: Description and Theory, London, SOAS, 20-22 /04/ 06


Philippson, G., 2003, "A prefix m- in Omotic?", 4th International Conference on Cushitic and Omotic Languages, Leiden (Pays-Bas), 10-12 avril 2003


Philippson, G., Puech, G., 1996, "Tonal domains in Galwa (Bantu, B 11c)", -, Non publié, -  (pdf)


Pisella, L., Chabanat, E., Vialatte, A., Witko, A., Théréné, A., Bonnot, A., 2019, "Ludisymboles. Dépistage et remédiation précoce de la dyslexie visuo-attentionnelle", Journée de Neuroéducation. Les sciences au service des apprentissages., Lyon, mercredi 11 décembre 2019


Pivot, B., Yerian, K., Michel, B., 2019, "Désir de langue, subjectivité, rapport au savoir : le cas de la revitalisation des langues très en danger", Colloque international Désir de langue, subjectivité, rapport au savoir, Université Montpellier 3, 14 février


Pivot, B., 2014, "Commodification of postvernacular languages, the dark side of revitalization ?", 3rd LINEE conference, Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Space and Time, Dubrovnik, 30 avril - 02 mai


Pivot, B., 2014, "Is graphization unavoidable for the revitalization of postvernacular languages ?", 4th Cambridge interantional conference on language endangerment : orthography development for language maintenance and revitalisation, Cambridge University, UK, 4 juillet


Pivot, B., 2014, "Rama & Francoprovençal revitalization of postvernacular languages", Sociolinguistics Symposium 20, Jyväskylä, Finlande, 15-18 juin


Pivot, B., 2013, "Managing minority language diversity in a french region : Francoprovençal in Rhône-Alpes", Tromso international conference on language diversity , Tromso, Norvège, 06/11/2013


Pivot, B., 2012, "La revitalizacion de una lengua tesoro, el caso de la lengua rama de Nicaragua", 54 International Congress of Americanists, Vienne, Autriche, 19 juillet 2012


Pivot, B., Bert, M., 2012, "Quel rôle pour les linguistes dans les projets de revitalisation entre communautés de Langues En Danger (LED) et autorités socio-politiques ?", Colloque annuel SHESL-UMR 7597 HTL Linguistiques d’intervention Des usages socio-politiques des savoirs sur le langage et les langues, Paris, France, 28 janvier


Pivot, B., Grinevald, C., 2011, "About the revitalization of a « Treasure language » Update on the Rama Language Project of Nicaragua", First Cambridge Conference on Language Endangerment, Cambridge, UK, 25 mars 2011  (2011-03-25_Ginevald&Pivot)


Pivot, B., Bert, M., 2011, "Langues En Danger : quand la variation est la norme, quelle norme inventer ?", Colloque inaugural de la Maison Internationale des Langues et des Cultures « Normes et Discours » , Lyon, France, 17 novembre


Pivot, B., 2011, "The symbolic and otherness values of an ethnic language : the case of rama language revitalisation in Nicaragua", 2nd University of Westminster Linguistics Conference on language Contact-Change-Maintenance and Loss, Londres, 23 juillet 2011


Poindron, M., Kleinsz, N., Canault, M., 2019, "Babillage et Oralité Alimentaire: Etude des productions syllabiques d’enfants diversifiés classiquement ou avec la Diversification Menée par l’Enfant", 1er CONGRÈS INTER-UNIVERSITAIRE Collègue des Centres de Formation Universitaire en Orthophonie, Nice, 5-6 avril 2019 (poster)


Ponsonnet, M., 2013, "Body-parts in linguistic representations of emotions in Dalabon", International symposium: Australian Aboriginal Anthropology Today: Critical Perspectives from Europe, Musée du Quai-Branly, Paris, Janv 2013


Ponsonnet, M., 2013, "Documenting the language of emotions in Dalabon. Caveats, solutions and benefits", Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory 4, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Londres, 6-8 Dec 2013


Pota, S., Spinelli, E., Boulenger, V., Ferragne, E., Meunier, F., 2011, "Acoustic cues for segmentation resist within speaker variation: An EEG study ", AMLaP, Paris (France), 1-3 septembre (poster)


Pota, S., Boulenger, V., Ferragne, E., Spinelli, E., Meunier, F., 2010, "Acoustical cues used to segment phonemically identical speech sequences: An EEG study", Neurobiology of Language Conference, San Diego (USA), 11-12 novembre (poster)  (pdf)


Pourcel, S., Kopecka, A., 2005, "Typological variation in the expression of motion events in French", The 21st Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, Trondheim, Norvège, 1-4 juin 2005.


Pourcel, S., Kopecka, A., 2004, "Motion in language: linguistic typology and intricacies of French", International Conference on Language, Culture and Mind, Portsmouth, Grande Bretagne, 18-20 juillet.


Pulvermüller, F., Boulenger, V., Tavabi, K., Shtyrov, Y., 2010, "Instantaneous access to abstract meaning?", British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience Meeting , Bristol (UK), 1-3 septembre (conference)


Pulvermüller, F., Shtyrov, Y., Boulenger, V., Tavabi, K., 2010, "Is there meaning in the MEG response?", MEG UK 2010, Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre, School of Psychology, Cardiff University (UK), 20-21 janvier (conference)

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