Dernière mise à jour : 28/04/2018


  • CR1, CNRS

☎ 04 72 72 65 46


  • Axes :
  • Diversité Linguistique et ses Sources

for my full CV and list of publications, see


  • Chapitres dans les ouvrages
    • Berger, M. & Seifart, F., à paraître, "The Boran languages", in Amazonian Languages. An International Handbook, Epps, P. & Michael, L. (eds), Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton

    • Seifart, F., 2019, "Contact-induced change", in Language Contact. An International Handbook, Darquennes, J., Salmons, J. & Vandenbussche, W. (eds), Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter Mouton

    • Seifart, F., 2018, "The semantic reduction of the noun universe and the diachrony of nominal classification", in The Diachrony of Classification Systems, McGregor, W. & Wichmann, S. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 9-32

    • Seifart, F., 2018, "Existenzfragen. Bedrohte Sprachen dokumentieren", in Abecedarium der Sprache, Fröhlich, C., Grötschel, M. & Klein, W. (eds), Berlin, Kadmos Kulturverlag, pp. Kadmos Kulturverlag

    • Seifart, F. & Hammarström, H., 2017, "Language Isolates of South America", in Language Isolates, Campbell, L. (ed), Oxon, New York, Routledge, pp. 260–287

    • Seifart, F., 2015, "Valency classes in Bora", in Valency Classes in the World’s Languages, Volume 2: Case Studies from Austronesia, the Pacific, the Americas, and Theoretical Outlook, Malchukov, A. & Comrie, B. (eds), Berlin, München, Boston, de Gruyter, pp. 1481–1514

    • Seifart, F., 2015, "Syntactic Sketch: Bora", in Syntax – Theory and Analysis. An International Handbook. Vol. 3, Kiss, T. & Alexiadou, A. (eds), Berlin, de Gruyter Mouton, pp. 1764-1791

    • Seifart, F., 2006, "Orthography development", in Essentials of Language Documentation, Gippert, J., Himmelmann, N. & Mosel, U. (eds), Berlin, Walter de Gruyter

  • Articles de revues
    • Seifart, F., Strunk, J., Danielsen, S., Hartmann, I., Pakendorf, B., Wichmann, S., Witzlack-Makarevich, A., Himmelmann, N. & Bickel, B., 2021, "The extent and degree of utterance-final word lengthening in spontaneous speech from ten languages", Linguistics Vanguard, 7:1, pp. 20190063

    • Easterday, S., Stave, M., Tang, M. & Seifart, F., 2021, "Syllable complexity and morphological synthesis: A well-motivated positive complexity correlation across subdomains", Frontiers in Psychology, 12, pp. 583

    • Stave, M., Paschen, L., Pellegrino, F. & Seifart, F., 2021, "Optimization of morpheme length: a cross-linguistic assessment of Zipf’s and Menzerath’s laws", Linguistics Vanguard, 7:s3,

    • Strunk, J., Seifart, F., Danielsen, S., Hartmann, I., Pakendorf, B., Wichmann, S., Witzlack-Makarevich, A. & Bickel, B., 2020, "Determinants of phonetic word duration in ten language documentation corpora: Word frequency, complexity, position, and part of speech", Language Documentation & Conservation, 14, pp. 423-460

    • Seifart, F., Meyer, J., Grawunder, S. & Dentel, L., 2018, "Reducing language to rhythm: Amazonian Bora drummed language exploits speech rhythm for long-distance communication", Royal Society Open Science, 5:4, pp. 170354

    • Seifart, F., Strunk, J., Danielsen, S., Hartmann, I., Pakendorf, B., Wichmann, S., Witzlack-Makarevich, A., de Jong, N. & Bickel, B., 2018, "Nouns slow down speech across structurally and culturally diverse languages", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115:22, pp. 5720–5725

    • Seifart, F., Evans, N., Hammarström, H. & Levinson, S., 2018, "Language documentation 25 years on", Language, 94:4, pp. e324-e345

    • Seifart, F., 2018, "Bora [Méénujcátsi Píívye – How Warfare Originated. Annotated Bora Narrative]", International Journal of American Linguistics , 84:Supp1, pp. S69–S94

    • Seifart, F., 2017, "Patterns of affix borrowing in a sample of 100 languages", Journal of Historical Linguistics, 7:3, pp. 389–431

    • Seifart, F., 2015, "Direct and indirect affix borrowing", Language, 91:3, pp. 511-531

    • Seifart, F., 2015, "Tracing social history from synchronic linguistic and ethnographic data: The prehistory of Resígaro contact with Bora", Mundo Amazónico, 6:1, pp. 97-110

    • Seifart, F., 2015, "Does structural-typological similarity affect borrowability? A quantitative study on affix borrowing", Language Dynamics and Change, 5:1, pp. 92-113

    • Seifart, F. & Mundry, R., 2015, "Quantitative comparative linguistics based on tiny corpora: N-gram language identification of wordlists of known and unknown languages from Amazonia and beyond", Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 22:3, pp. 202-214

    • Seifart, F. & Echeverri, J., 2015, "Proto-Bora-Muinane", LIAMES – Línguas Indígenas Americanas, 15:2, pp. 279-311

    • Seifart, F. & Echeverri, J., 2014, "Evidence for the Identification of Carabayo, the Language of an Uncontacted People of the Colombian Amazon, as Belonging to the Tikuna-Yurí Linguistic Family", PLoS ONE, 9:4, pp. e94814

    • Grinevald, C. & Seifart, F., 2004, "Noun classes in African and Amazonian Languages", Linguistic Typology , 8, pp. 34-48

  • Communications avec actes édités
    • Strunk, J., Schiel, F. & Seifart, F., 2014, "Untrained Forced Alignment of Transcriptions and Audio for Language Documentation Corpora Using WebMAUS"Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’14), Reykjavik, 2014

  • Communications
    • Paschen, L., Delafontaine, F., Draxler, C., Fuchs, S., Stave, M. & Seifart, F., 2020, "Building a time-aligned cross-linguistic reference corpus from language documentation data (DoReCo)", LREC 2020, Marseille, 11-16 mai 2020

    • Seifart, F., 2019, "Referenzkorpora aus Dokumentationen bedrohter Sprachen", Qualitätsstandards und Interdisziplinarität in der Kuration audiovisueller (Sprach-)Daten, Digital Humanities: multimedial und multimodal - 6. Jahrestagung des Verbands „Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum“ (DHd), Mainz, 25-26 March

    • Seifart, F., 2019, "Sprechpausen und die Entstehung von Präfixen an Nomen und Verben", Vielfaltslinguistik III, University of Cologne, 28-29 March

    • Stave, M., Delafontaine, F., Seifart, F. & Paschen, L., 2019, "A bioinformatics solution to inter-rater agreement for forced time-alignment of data from underresourced languages", Journées LIFT, Orléans, 28-29 novembre 2019

    • Seifart, F., 2018, "(Anti-)Causative marking and verb frequencies in corpora from seven languages", CNRS-DDL, Atelier Morphosyntaxe «Description, Typologie, Terrain», Lyon, 27 April

    • Seifart, F., Strunk, J. & Bickel, B., 2018, "Speech pauses and the development of prefixes on verbs and nouns", HELAN2 colloquium, DDL-CNRS, Lyon, 27 September

    • Seifart, F., 2018, "Reducing language to rhythm: Bora drum communication", DDL Séminaire du laboratoire, Lyon, 29 November

    • Seifart, F., 2018, "Sprechpausen und die Entstehung von Affixen", Grammar, Cognition & Language Change - Dahlem Lectures in Linguistics, Freie Universtiät Berlin, 18 December

    • Seifart, F., 2017, "Sprechgeschwindigkeitsvariation im Sprachvergleich", Einführungsvorlesung als Privatdozent für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Philosophische Fakultät der Universität zu Köln, 17 May, 2017

    • Seifart, F., 2017, "Complex Bora syntax in “meenujcatsi piivye – the origins of warfare”, a traditional Bora narrative", Séminaire doctoral ‘Description et typologie linguistiques’, Laboratoire SeDylSeDyL/CNRS, Villejuif, 11 October

    • Seifart, F., 2017, "Bora relative clauses", Journée d'étude ‘Relative clauses and areal typology: American Indian and West Asia Languages’, INALCO/Labex EFL, 12 October

    • Seifart, F., 2017, "Bedrohte Sprachenvielfalt ", Bedrohte Sprachen, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 18 November

    • Seifart, F., 2017, "Reducing language to rhythm", Update Taal, Spui25, University of Amsterdam, 21 November

    • Seifart, F., 2017, "Cross-linguistic research using language documentation corpora. ", Vielfaltslinguistik, Leipzig, 28-29 March

    • Seifart, F., 2017, "Local slow-down effects of speech in corpora of nine languages reveal processing cost of noun use compared to verb use", Abstract accepted for SLE 2017 - 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Zurich, 10-13 September

    • Seifart, F., Strunk, J. & Seifart, B., 2017, "Recurrent patterns in the distribution of speech pauses cause languages to develop more prefixes in verbs than in nouns", 12th meeting of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Canberra, Australia, 14 December

    • Margetts, A., Haude, K., Himmelmann, N., Jung, D., Riesberg, S., Schnell, S., Seifart, F., Wegener, C., Hajek, J. & Margetts, A., 2017, "Investigating three- participant events across text corpora", 12th meeting of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Canberra, Australia, 15 December

    • Bickel, B., Seifart, F. & Stoll, S., 2017, "Causes and effects of noun production across languages", 12th meeting of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Canberra, Australia, 15 December

    • Seifart, F., 2016, "Affix borrowability in Amazonia and beyond", Workshop on the Dynamics of Language Contact in Amazonia, University of Amsterdam, 14 October

    • Seifart, F., 2016, "Fieldwork and data collection on Bora and Resígaro (Northwest Amazon)", SeDyL/CNRS, Villejuif, 13 December

    • Seifart, F., 2016, "Affix borrowability: A full-scale empirical test", 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 49), Naples, 31 August - 3 September

    • Seifart, F. & Strunk, J., 2015, "Local variation in speech rate cross-linguistically: Noun-to-verb ratio and other factors", Functional Cognitive Linguistics (FunC) Friday lecture, KU Leuven, 30 January

    • Seifart, F., 2015, "Bora drum communication", Festival der Geesteswetenschappen, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 12 June

    • Bickel, B., Strunk, J., Danielsen, S., Hartmann, I., Pakendorf, B., Wichmann, S., Witzlack-Makarevich, A., Zakharko, T. & Seifart, F., 2015, "Noun-to-verb ratio and word order", Diversity Linguistics: Retrospect and Prospect, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, 1-3 May

    • Seifart, F., 2015, "Direct and indirect affix borrowing", 48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 48), Leiden University, 2-5 September

    • Seifart, F., Strunk, J., Bickel, B., Pakendorf, B., Witzlack-Makarevich, A., Danielsen, S., Zakharko, T. & Wichmann, S., 2014, "Noun-to-verb ratio and speech rate", XIII Vserossijskaja konferencija TEL’2014, Kazan, 6-9 February

    • Seifart, F., Strunk, J., Bickel, B., Pakendorf, B., Witzlack-Makarevich, A., Danielsen, S., Wichmann, S. & Zakharko, T., 2014, "Noun-to-verb ratio and articulation speed", Linguistisches Kolloquium, Zürcher Kompetenzzentrum Linguistik, 3 April

    • Seifart, F. & Strunk, J., 2014, "Noun to verb ratio and word order", ACLC research group Description and Typology , Universiteit van Amsterdam, 7 May

    • Seifart, F. & Strunk, J., 2014, "Noun to verb ratio and speech rate cross-linguistically", ACLC seminar, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 9 May

    • Seifart, F., 2014, "Dressing and undressing events cross-linguistically", Grammar & Cognition Research Group, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 23 May

    • Seifart, F., 2014, "Noun-to-verb ratio and articulation rate cross-linguistically", Kolloquium Linguistik, Universität Bielefeld, 24 June

    • Seifart, F., 2014, "The source-goal asymmetry in dressing and undressing events cross-linguistically", Perspectivization in Language: Source–Goal Asymmetry in Motion Events, Deixis, and Frames of Reference, Excellence cluster TOPOI, HU Berlin, 25-26 July

    • Seifart, F., 2014, "Time and timing", Reflections on the field of linguistics - a scientific meeting held at Landgoed Brakkesteyn, Nijmegen, 14 November

    • Seifart, F., 2014, "Local variation in articulation rate cross-linguistically", Nijmegen Grammar Group Series, Max Planck Institute, Nijmegen, 4 December

    • Seifart, F., 2014, "Bora drum communication", ACLC OAP dag, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 19 December

    • Gardani, F. & Seifart, F., 2014, "The borrowing of case formatives", Language in Historical Contact situations (LHC): diagnostics for grammatical replication - DGfS 2014, AG6, Marburg, 5-7 March

    • Bickel, B., Strunk, J., Danielsen, S., Hartmann, I., Pakendorf, B., Wichmann, S., Witzlack-Makarevich, A., Zakharko, T. & Seifart, F., 2014, "Noun-to-verb ratio and word order", 47th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 47), Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, 11-14 September

    • Seifart, F., 2014, "Affix borrowing and social setting", Grammatical hybridization and social conditions, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, 16-18 October