Training and professional background
Research interests
Awards and research grants
Main publications and conferences
 | Academic Training
- 2013, October - 2016, December: PhD Linguistics, supervisors Harriet Jisa and Denis Alamargot, University of Lyon 2
The study of processes in written text production: chronometric data as clues to understanding units of production - 2011 - 2013: M.A. Linguistics (with High Honours), University of Lyon 2.
Traces de la syntaxe en production écrite : une étude en temps réel (M.A. 2 thesis, supervisor: Harriet Jisa)
Destitution de l'agent dans des textes expositifs écrits et oraux : une étude développementale (M.A. 1 thesis, supervisor: Harriet Jisa) - 2008-2011 : B.A. Linguistics (with High Honours), University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis
Research Work - 2016, September - 2018, August : ATER ("Teaching and Research Temporary Associate"), Science of Education Department (ISPEF), University of Lyon 2
- 2013, October - 2016, August : PhD student with a contract
- 2012, October - 2013, September : Research Assistant, Laboratoire DDL UMR 5596, "DyTO" Project - ANR-11-BSH2-0002
- 2011, April - July : Internship, Laboratoire DDL UMR 5596
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 | Writing |
 | Later language acquisition |
 | On-line analysis |
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 | Octobre 2015: Bourse STSM (Short Term Scientific Mission) dans le cadre de l'Action COST IS1401 "Strengthening Europeans' capabilities by establishing the European literacy network" |
 | 2013-2016 : Contrat doctoral (Labex ASLAN) |
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PhDs and master thesis
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Ailhaud, E., 2016, "Etude des processus rédactionnels d’un texte : les données temporelles comme indices de la gestion des unités de production", Thèse, Sciences du Langage, Université Lyon 2 |
Chapters in books
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Ailhaud, E., Chenu, F. & Jisa, H., 2016, "A developmental perspective on the units of written
French", in Written and spoken language development across the lifespan: Essays in honour of Liliana Tolchinsky, Perera, J., Aparici, M., Rosado, E. & Salas, N. (eds), Springer, pp. 287-305 |
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Ailhaud, E., Chenu, F. & Jisa, H., 2021, "Development of revision and drafting in narrative and expository texts written by French children and adolescents", Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 44:1, pp. 150-182 |
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Ailhaud, E., 2020, "Les retours sur le texte, traces des processus rédactionnels", Linguistique de l'écrit, Varia |
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Strobl, C., Ailhaud, E., Benetos, K., Devitt, A., Kruse, O., Proske, A. & Rapp, C., 2019, "Digital support for academic writing: A review of technologies and pedagogies", Computers & Education, 131, pp. 33-48 |
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Ailhaud, E. & Chenu, F., 2018, "Variations of chronometric measures of written production depending on clause packaging", CogniTextes, 17:3 |
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Chenu, F. & Ailhaud, E., 2016, "La phrase : de la maitrise de ses conventions graphiques à sa pertinence cognitive", LiDiL, 54, pp. 15-34 |
Invited presentations
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Ailhaud, E., Chenu, F. & Jisa, H., 2014, "A developmental perspective on the units of written French. Production and Perception in Different Modalities : Linguistic, Cognitive and Developmental Perspectives. ", Lunds Universitet., November 22 |
Conference presentations
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Ailhaud, E. & Crocé-Spinelli, H., 2019, "Mise en place d’un projet interdisciplinaire : enrôlement des élèves et co-évaluation (Symposium "Les pratiques évaluatives au défi de la diversité : gestes professionnels et ressources des acteurs")", ADMEE, Lausanne, 8-10 Janvier |
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Ailhaud, E. & Chenu, F., 2018, "Link between chronometric measures and text quality in French narratives", SIG Writing, Antwerp, August 29-31 |
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Ailhaud, E. & Chenu, F., 2018, "Relating rubric scores to linguistic features and holistic evaluation of text quality in narratives", SIG Writing, Antwerp, August 29-31 |
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Chenu, F. & Ailhaud, E., 2017, "Patterns of pauses in draft and final versions of texts handwritten by 5th grade children", SILE (Symposium international sur la littératie à l'école), Ajaccio, France, 26-27 Juin 2017 |
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Ailhaud, E. & Jisa, H., 2016, "Temporal pattern of conceptualization and formulation during text production", SIG Writing, Liverpool, UK, 04/07/2016 |