Training and professional background
Research interests
Scientific activities
Other international activities
Main publications and conferences
 | PhD in Cognitive Science (specializing in Neurosciences)
Temporal speech perception of acoustic cues for expert readers and dyslexic adults.
Doctoral school Neurosciences & Cognition - Lumière Lyon 2 University
Under the supervision of: Pr. Lionel Collet & Dr. Fanny Meunier (CR1).
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 | MisMatch Negativity (MMN) |
 | Dyslexia |
 | Speech Perception |
 | Temporal Speech Processing |
 | Phonology and Phonetic |
 | Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) |
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 | Co-tutoring of MSc in Neuropsychology, 1st year, University of Lyon (2008-2009). |
 | Co-tutoring of students, 3rd year of École des Psychologues Praticiens of Lyon (2004-2009). |
 | Member of the organization committee of Third "Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Audition, Acoustique musicale et Signal audio (JJCAAS)", October 18-20 2006, INSA, Lyon, France. |
 | Summer School « Voix, Parole et Langues ». Institut d'Études Scientifiques de Cargèse, June 4-9 2006, Corsica, France. |
 | MEG formation (CNRS & INSERM), October 25-28 2005, Lyon, France. |
 | Member of the organization committee of the XXVème IAPA congress (International Association of Physicians in Audiology), March 6-9 2005, Lyon.
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 | 2008 – 2009 Teaching Assistant (ATER), full time (192h), at the Institute of Sciences and Techniques of Rehabilitation (Speech Therapy) at the Lyon I – University.
Psycholinguistics Lectures & Practical courses, 2nd year (8h et 32h).
Experimental Methodology & Statistics Lectures & Practical courses, 2nd year (6h et 32h) and Practical courses, 4th year (48h).
Meeting hours with 4th year students (64h).
 | 2007 – 2008 Teaching Assistant (ATER), full time (192h), at the Institute of Sciences and Techniques of Rehabilitation (Speech Therapy) at the Lyon I – University.
Linguistics Lectures & Practical courses, 1st year (18h et 30h).
Experimental Methodology Lectures & Practical courses, 2nd year (6h et 32h) and Practical courses, 4th year (48h).
Meeting hours with 4th year students (58h).
 | 2005 – 2007 University Teaching (Université Lumière Lyon 2)
Introduction of Neurosciences (12h), BSc in Cognitive Science, 1st year.
Auditory Perception (21h30), BSc in Cognitive Science, 1st year.
Linguistics (6h), BSc in Cognitive Science, 3rd year.
Technology of Information and Teaching Communication (32h30), BSc in Psychology, 1st year.
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 | Research Asssitant from March to October 2006 at the Cognitive Brain Research Unit (Helsinki, Finland) under the supervision of Dr. Teija Kujala, Dr. Rika Takegata and Mrs. Satu Pakarinen. Director of laboratory : Risto Näätänen. Project Title: Simultaneous measurement of auditory discrimination profiles for speech and non-speech sounds by using the mismatch negativity of event-related brain potential. |
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Teaching Assistant (ATER), full time (192h) at the Institute of Sciences and Techniques of Rehabilitation (Speech Therapy) at the Lyon I – University.
Collaboration in SpiN Project on the "ExpeDys Project": Psychosocial enquiry on the impact of the dyslexia in an adult population and the "Cheeps Project": Electrophysiological correlates in reversed speech comprehension. Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage (UMR 5596 CNRS – Lyon 2 University). Supervisors: Dr. Fanny Meunier and Dr. Michel Hoen.
Bourse d’Incitation à la Mobilité Internationale of région Rhône-Alpes (3810€).
Bourse Aires Culturelles of the French Ministry of Research (1300€).
Doctoral grant “Emergence” of région Rhône-Alpes (3 years).
EEG Acquisition software: Electrical Geodesic Inc., Neuroscan Inc., Biosemi Active-electrodes.
EEG Analysis software: NetStation 4.2, Scan 4.3, BESA 5.1.8, beginner on LabVIEW and EEGLab with MatLab.
EEG Presentation software: E-Prime, beginner on Presentation.
Sound analysis software: Praat, Adobe Audition and SoundForge.
Statistical software: SPSS, Statistica and SuperAnova.
Languages: English (fluent), Spanish (intermediate).
PhDs and master thesis
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Jacquier, C., 2008, "Etude d'indices acoustiques dans le traitement temporel de la parole chez des adultes normo-lecteurs et des adultes dyslexiques.", Thèse, Institut de Psychologie, Université Lumière Lyon 2 - Université de Lyon, Lyon, France, 336 p. (thesis)
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Boulenger, V., Hoen, M., Jacquier, C. & Meunier, F., 2011, "Interplay between acoustic/phonetic and semantic processes during spoken sentence comprehension: an ERP study", Brain and Language, 116:2, pp. 51-63 (pdf)
Conferences with proceedings
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Jacquier, C., Naudin, O., Roisin, A., Hoen, M. & Meunier, F., 2009, "Évaluation psychosociale de l’impact de la dyslexie à l’âge adulte.", actes de Colloque Neurosciences, Éducation, et Francophonie (NEF), École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France., 24-26 mars (r�sum�) |
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Jacquier, C., Takegata, R., Pakarinen, S., Kujala, T. & Näätänen, R., 2009, "Hemispheric interactions during the pre-attentive change detection of different acoustic features in speech and non-speech sounds", proc. of 5th International Conference on Mismatch Negativity and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, Budapest, Hungary, April 4-7, pp. 52 (abstract) (poster) (abstract)
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Jacquier, C. & Meunier, F., 2008, "Traitement temporel des traits de voisement et de lieu d’articulation : étude comparative dyslexiques / normo-lecteurs adultes", proc. of XXVIIèmes Journées d’Étude de la Parole (JEP), Avignon, France, June 9-13 (poster) (pdf)
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Takegata, R., Jacquier, C., Pakarinen, S., Kujala, T. & Näätänen, R., 2008, "Dichotic stimulation accentuates hemispheric asymmetry in pre-attentive change detection for different acoustic features", proc. of Xth International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience, Bodrum, Turkey, September 1-5, pp. 140 (abstract) (abstract)
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Jacquier, C. & Meunier, F., 2007, "Temporal Modified Speech Perception in Dyslexia", proc. of XVth Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), Marseille, France, August 29th –September 1st, pp. 78 (abstract) (poster) (poster)
Invited presentations
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Jacquier, C., 2007, "Mesures simultanées de réponses MisMatch Negativity (MMN) à des changements acoustiques et phonétiques", Séminaire Interne du Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage, Lyon, France, 13 février (talk)
Conference presentations
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Boulenger, V., Jacquier, C., Hoen, M. & Meunier, F., 2009, "Neural correlates of understanding time-reversed cheeps: an ERP study.", Neurobiology of Language, Chicago (USA), 15-16 octobre 2009 (poster) (pdf)