: 08/10/2019 |
| Etudes
- 2011-2018: Ph.D. Linguistics, University of Oregon, USA.
Dissertation: Temporal relations of verbal and non-verbal storytelling in storytelling.
- Committee: Eric Pederson (chair, University of Oregon), Spike Gildea (University of Oregon), Zhuo Jing-Schmidt (University of Oregon), Volya Kapatsinski (University of Oregon), Tyler Kendall (University of Oregon), and Melissa Baese-Berk (University of Oregon).
- 1997-2001: B.A. Literature and Spanish (double major), George Fox University, USA.
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| Multimodal communication/gesture
Corpus linguistics
Language and cognition
Timing relations of language
Computational modeling of language
Holistic complexity in communication
Variation and change
Semantic typology
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| 2019 - present: ANR post-doctoral fellowship
2018: Decision sciences doctoral research grant, University of Oregon |
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| 2011-2018: Department of Linguistics, University of Oregon, USA
Graduate Teaching Fellow
- Oral Skills (spoken English for international students)
- Structure of English Words
- Introduction to Linguistic Analysis
- Introduction to Linguistic Behavior
- Language and Power
- Language and Cognition
- English Grammar
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แสดงฉบับเต็ม / ฉบับย่อ
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Easterday, S., Stave, M., Tang, M. & Seifart, F., 2021, "Syllable complexity and morphological synthesis: A well-motivated positive complexity correlation across subdomains", Frontiers in Psychology, 12, pp. 583 (doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.638659)
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Stave, M., Paschen, L., Pellegrino, F. & Seifart, F., 2021, "Optimization of morpheme length: a cross-linguistic assessment of Zipf’s and Menzerath’s laws", Linguistics Vanguard, 7:s3, https://doi.org/10.1515/lingvan-2019-0076 |
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Paschen, L., Delafontaine, F., Draxler, C., Fuchs, S., Stave, M. & Seifart, F., 2020, "Building a time-aligned cross-linguistic reference corpus from language documentation data (DoReCo)", LREC 2020, Marseille, 11-16 mai 2020 |
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Stave, M., Delafontaine, F., Seifart, F. & Paschen, L., 2019, "A bioinformatics solution to inter-rater agreement for forced time-alignment of data from underresourced languages", Journées LIFT, Orléans, 28-29 novembre 2019 |