DDL - UMR 5596
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69007 Lyon
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France  Anglais  Ultima actualiza��o : 20/07/2010     





Equipes :     DENDY 

  Publicações e comunicações principais



Delle Luche, C., 2008, "Rôle du relativiseur dans l'attachement des propositions relatives ambiguës en français", Thèse de 3e cycle, Institut de Psychologie, Université Lumière Lyon 2, LYON  (pdf)

Communicações publicadas em atas

Delle Luche, C., van Gompel, R., Gayraud, F. & Coupé, C., 2009, "Relative clause attachment biases are affected by the form of the relativiser: Evidence from French", proc. of CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Davis, CA, 26-29 mars (abstract)  (abstract)


Delle Luche, C., Gayraud, F., Martinie, B. & Meunier, F., 2007, "Toward more general models on relative clause processing", proc. of EuroCogSci2007, the European cognitive science conference, Grèce, mai, 2007, Vosniadou, S., Kayser, D. & Protopapas, A., F. (ed), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 716-721 (poster)


Delle Luche, C., van Gompel, R., Gayraud, F. & Martinie, B., 2006, "Relative pronouns as accessibility markers", proc. of 19th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, New York, March 23-25 (abstract) (poster)  (Résumé)


Delle Luche, C., van Gompel, R., Gayraud, F. & Martinie, B., 2006, "Effect of relative pronoun type on relative clause attachment", proc. of Ambiguity in Anaphora Workshop, ESSLLI 2006, Malaga, Spain, 7-11 August, Artstein, R. & Poesio, M. (eds)  (Article)


Delle Luche, C., 2006, "Syntaxe et sémantique dans la compréhension de propositions relatives en français", proc. of Colloque international des étudiants chercheurs en didactique des langues et linguistique, Grenoble, France, 4-7 July (abstract) (poster)

Outras conferências

Delle Luche, C., van Gompel, R., Gayraud, F. & Martinie, B., 2006, "The effect of relative pronoun type on attachment preferences", Scottish Psycholinguistics Meeting, Glasgow, 10 May


Delle Luche, C., Gayraud, F., Martinie, B. & Meunier, F., 2005, "To what extent does the difficulty of processing relative clauses parallel typological complexity ?", Approaches to complexity in language, Helsinki, Finlande, 24-26 août  (Slides_PDF)


Delle Luche, C., Hoen, M., Gayraud, F. & Meunier, F., 2005, "The processing of French relative clauses: effect of semantis and the morphological cue", Science of Aphasia 6, Helsinki, Finlande, 26-30 août (poster)  (Poster_PDF)


Delle Luche, C., Politzer, G., Van der Henst, J.B. & Noveck, I., 2003, "L'interprétation des quantificateurs et les diagrammes de Gergonne : l’hypothèse de nécessité", « Mais qu’est-ce qu’on a dans la tête », Pôle Rhône-Alpes de Sciences Cognitives, Grenoble, France, 16 mai (poster)

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