Last update : 26/04/2009  |
Main publications and conferences
AXE- Description, Typologie, Variation
Edited books
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Aitchison, J. & Lewis, D. (eds), 2003, "New Media Language", Londres, Routledge |
Chapters in books
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Lewis, D., 2012, "Late Modern English pragmatics and discourse", in Historical Linguistics of English: An International Handbook, Bergs, A. & Brinton, L. (eds), Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter |
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Lewis, D., 2009, "Markers of concession in a contrastive perspective: evidence from an English/French comparable corpus", in Corpus and Discourse and Stuff. Papers in Honour of Karin Aijmer, Bowen, R., Mobärg, M. & Ohlander, S. (eds), Göteborg, Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis |
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Arnaud, P., Ferragne, E., Lewis, D. & Maniez, F., 2008, "Adjective + Noun sequences in attributive or NP-final positions: observations on lexicalization", in Phraseology: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Granger, S. & Meunier, F. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins, pp. 111-125 |
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Lewis, D., 2007, "From temporal to contrastive and causal: the emergence of connective after all", in Connectives as discourse landmarks, Celle, A. & Huart, R. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins, pp. 89-99 |
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Lewis, D., 2006, "Contrastive analysis of adversative relational markers using comparable corpora", in Pragmatic Markers in Contrast, Aijmer, K. & Simon-Vandenbergen, A.M. (eds), Oxford, Elsevier, pp. 139-153 |
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Lewis, D., 2011, "A discourse-constructional approach to the emergence of discourse connectives in English", Linguistics, 49:2, pp. 415-443 |
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Lewis, D., 2008, "Review of H. Chuquet and M. Paillard (eds) Causalité et contrastivité. Etudes de corpus. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2006.", Languages in Contrast, 8:1, pp. 130-133 |
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Lewis, D., 2007, "Review of A. Tyler and V. Evans, The Semantics of English Prepositions: Spatial Scenes, Embodied Meaning and Cognition. Cambridge: C.U.P., 2003.", Cognitive Linguistics, 18:1, pp. 110-121 |
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Lewis, D., 2007, "Compte-rendu de A. Steuckardt et A. Niklas-Salminen (dir.) Les marqueurs de glose. Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l'Université de Provence, 2005.", Revue Romane, 42:1, pp. 174-176 |
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Lewis, D., 2005, "Arguing in English and French asynchronous online discussion", Journal of Pragmatics, 37:11, pp. 1801-1818 |
Invited presentations
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Lewis, D., 2005, "'Comparable corpora for contrastive analysis' and 'Contrasting contrastive connectives: a French/English case study'", Seminar in Contrastive Semantics and Pragmatics, Université de Gand, 26-28 avril 2005 |