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Last update : 06/11/2023     


Researcher (Habil.)



Personal webpage

Teams : DENDY 

  Training and professional background
  Research interests
  Administration activities
  Awards and research grants
  Supervised theses and dissertation
  Other international activities
  Main publications and conferences



2023-: Chercheuse, Laboratoire de Psychologie et Neurocognition (LPNC), Université Grenoble Alpes


2022-2023: Chercheuse contractuelle, Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique, ENS-PSL Paris


2022: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), Université Lyon 2


2021-2022: Chercheuse, DDL, équipe DENDY


2021-2022: Résidente de recherche, French Institutes for Advanced Studies (FIAS), Collegium de Lyon


2015-2021: Chercheuse, Département de Linguistique et de Sciences Cognitives, Université de Potsdam, Allemagne


2015-2021: Directrice LOLA lab, Université de Potsdam, Allemagne


2015: Création du "Laboratories of Oral Language Acquisition" (LOLA), Université de Potsdam, Allemagne


2012-14: Enseignante-chercheuse, Département de Linguistique et de Sciences Cognitives, Université de Potsdam, Allemagne


2007-2012: Post-doctorante, Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, USA


Nov. 2003-Juin 2007: Doctorante, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France




Acquisition du langage oral, contrôle moteur de la parole et son développement, coarticulation, interaction parole, conscience phonologique et lecture





  • 2021-présent: Invited Review Editor, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, section: Language Sciences
  • 2021-2022: Co-organisatrice d'un Journal Club et des séminaires de l'équipe DENDY avec Kasia Pizanski



  • 2015-2021: Directrice du "Laboratories of Oral Language Acquisition" (LOLA)
    Département de Linguistique et Sciences Cognitives, Université de Potsdam
  • 2015-2019: Career Development & Training Manager de 15 doctorants européens
    Projet "PredictAble" (Marie Curie ITN)



  • 2007-2011: Coordinatrice des protocoles éthiques pour le groupe de D-H. Whalen, Haskins Laboratories, USA
  • 2009: Coordinatrice du projet Birth to Five initiative, Haskins Laboratories-USC University, USA




    Investigateur principal

  • 2022-2023: Institut Rhonalpin des systèmes complexes (IXXI), Organisation d'un workshop
  • 2021: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Stimulus de recherche
  • 2019-2021: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Projet de recherche
  • 2017-2019: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Projet de recherche
  • 2015-2017: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Projet de recherche
  • 2017: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Fonds pour l'organisation de la conférence internationale: Ultrafest VIII      



  • 2022-2025: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. Coordinatrice: S. Frota
    The Perception-Production Link in Early Infancy: A language acquisition oral-motor intervention study (P2Link)
  • 2020-2024: Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. Coordinateur: M. Wieling
    Planning and correcting speech in healthy and pathological ageing
  • 2019-20: De Jong Akademie (KNAW). Coordinateur: M. Wieling
    Speech deterioration in children with Duchenne syndrome
  • 2015-2020: Marie Skłodowska-Curie, ITN initiative. Coordinatrice: B. Höhle
    PredictAble: Understanding and predicting developmental language abilities and disorders in multilingual Europe
  • 2010-2013: Conseil de Recherche en Sciences Humaines (CRSH). coordinatrice: L. Ménard
    Le développement du contraste /i/ vs /y/ en français: le rôle des indices visuels et auditifs
  • 2007-2012: National Institute of Health (NIH). Coordinator: D-H. Whalen
    Links between perception and production in speech





  • 2014-2019: Invited seminars (4h blocks), Université de Potsdam, Allemagne
  • Bachelor in General Linguistic, Patholinguistics, Computer linguistics
    Master in International Experimental and Clinical Linguistics (IECL) & European Master in Clinical Linguistics (EMCL), IDEALAB
  • 2012-2014: Lecturer, Université de Potsdam, Allemagne
    Bachelor in General Linguistic, Patholinguistics, Computer Linguistics
    Master in IECL & EMCL



  • 2010: Séminaires invités Master and PhD, Linguistic, NYU, USA



  • 2006-2007: A.T.E.R., Licence Sciences du langage, Université Grenoble-Alpes, France
  • 2004-2006: Moniteur, Licence Sciences du langage, Université Grenoble-Alpes, France
  • 2003-2004: Vacataire, Licence Sciences du langage, Université Grenoble-Alpes, France




    2019-2021: Encadrement post-doctorat, Anisia Popescu, projet MSCA ITN (Université de Potsdam, Allemagne)
    PredictAble: Understanding and predicting language abilities and disorders in multilingual Europe


    2015-2021: Co-encadrement doctorat Orsolya Kolozsvári avec J. Hämäläinen (Université de Jyväskylä, Finlande)
    Investigation of brain processes of speech perception and production in adults and children using MEG


    2020-présent: Co-encadrement doctorat Teja Rebernik avec M. Wieling et R. Jonkers (Université de Groningen, Pays-bas)
    Speech planning and monitoring in Parkinson’s disease: a speech motor control perspective


    2016-présent: Encadrement doctorat Elina Rubertus (Université de Potsdam, Allemagne)
    Development of anticipatory and carryover coarticulation in preschool and school-aged children


    2019-présent: Encadrement doctorat Stella Krüger (Université de Potsdam)
    Perception of coarticulatory information in adults and children


    2018-présent: Co-encadrement doctorat Dzhuma Abakarova avec S. Fuchs (Université de Potsdam & ZAS, Allemagne)
    Using modeling to study the development of anticipatory mechanism in children





  • Co-organisatrice de la conférence internationale Speech Motor Control, Groningue
  • Chair de la session (A)typical Speech Motor & Speech Sound Development in Children



  • Organisatrice du workshop international Dynamical Systems Theory for the Phonetic Sciences, Université de Potsdam
    Invité: Pr. Khalil Iskarous
  • Co-organisatrice du satellite Ultrasound Evidence in Phonology, Labphon 16, Lisbon



  • Co-organisatrice de la conférence international Ultrafest VIII, Université de Potsdam
  • Organisatrice d'une session Poster rassemblant ls différents groupes d'acquisition du langage, Université de Potsdam




    Abakarova, D., Fuchs, S. & Noiray, A., 2022, "Developmental differences in coarticulatory patterns relate to differences in speech motor strategies: An empirically grounded modeling approach. ", Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 1, pp. 1-24 (article)


    Popescu, A. & Noiray, A., 2021, "Learning to read interacts with children’s spoken language fluency.", Journal of Language, Learning and Development, 1, pp. 1-21 (webpage)


    Kolozsvári, O., Xu, V., Parviainen, T., Nieminen, L., Noiray, A. & Hämäläinen, J., 2021, "Age-related differences in coherence between brain activation and speech envelope at word and sentence levels", Neurobiology of Language, 2:2, pp. 226-253 (webpage)


    Rebernik, T., Jacobi, J., Jonkers, R., Noiray, A. & Wieling, M., 2021, "Reviewing 30 years of electromagnetic articulography: some suggestions for improved experimental approaches", Laboratory Phonology, 12:1(6) (webpage)


    Krüger, S. & Noiray, A., 2021, "Developmental differences in perceptual anticipation underlie different sensitivities to coarticulatory dynamics", Journal of Child Language, 1, pp. 1-20 (webpage)

    Conferences with proceedings

    Rebernik, T., Jonkers, R., Noiray, A. & Wieling, M., 2022, "The effect of masking noise on oral cancer speech acoustics and kinematics", proc. of Speech Motor Control, Groningen, 24-27. 08 (abstract) (poster)


    Rebernik, T., Jonkers, R., Noiray, A. & Wieling, M., 2022, "Investigating feedback and feedforward control during vowel production by Dutch adult speakers: insights from auditory feedback perturbation tasks", proc. of Speech Motor Control, Groningen, 24-27. 08 (abstract) (poster)


    Popescu, A., Rubertus, E. & Noiray, A., 2022, "Differences in reading proficiency correlate with variations in vowel duration and dynamics. ", proc. of Speech Motor Control Conference, Groningen, 24-27. 08 (abstract) (poster)


    Rubertus, E., Popescu, A. & Noiray, A., 2022, "Subtle reading disfluencies in children are reflected in vowel anticipation", proc. of Speech Motor Control, Groningen, 24-27. 08 (abstract)


    Abakarova, D., Fuchs, S. & Noiray, A., 2022, "Linking differences in phonological representations and coarticulation degree: a modelling approach.", proc. of Speech Motor Control, Groningen, 24-27. 08 (abstract) (poster)

    Invited presentations

    Noiray, A., 2022, "Applicabilité de l’imagerie par échographie pour l’étude du développement de la parole chez les tout petits ", Colloque Dynamique Du Langage, Lyon, 18.01.2022


    Noiray, A., 2022, "Atelier recherche en orthophonie: Apport de l'imagerie par échographie pour l'évaluation de la parole (a)typique", MsH, Lyon, 10.06.2022


    Noiray, A., 2022, "Differentiation, integration and interaction: three building blocks of spoken language acquisition", Colloques FIAS Collegium de Lyon, Lyon, 02.05.2022


    Noiray, A., 2022, "Differentiation, integration and interaction: three building blocks of spoken language acquisition", Colloque FIAS, Collegium de Lyon, Lyon


    Noiray, A., 2022, "Differentiation, integration and interaction: three building blocks of spoken language acquisition. ", Colloque FIAS, Collegium de Lyon, 02.05

    Conference presentations

    Rubertus, E., Popescu, A. & Noiray, A., 2022, "Children anticipate vowels earlier in repeated than in read aloud speech. ", LabPhon 18, virtual meeting, 23-25 juin (poster)


    Rubertus, E., Popescu, A. & Noiray, A., 2022, "Children anticipate vowels earlier in repeated than in read aloud speech", LabPhon 18, online, 23-25 juin (poster)


    Abakarova, D. & Noiray, A., 2021, "Children’s coarticulatory patterns reflect undifferentiated articulatory strategies", BUCLD conference, online, 4-6 novembre (poster)

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