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lun. 04/01/2021 Atelier "Débuter avec R" #2
Salle Ennat Léger

mar. 05/01/2021 Split genitive coding in Mandinka (Mande)
vidéoconf (voir lien dans résumé)
Conférence de :
  • Denis Creissels (DDL)

dans le cadre DTT : Atelier Morphosyntaxe

Mandinka (Mande) has two variants of the genitival construction (or adnominal possessive construction). In the direct genitival construction, the possessor NP immediately precedes the possessee, without any morphological material, as in Jàatàkúndáa kòlóŋò ‘the well of the Jaatakundaa neighborhood’, whereas in the indirect genitival construction, the possessor NP is marked by the postposition lá, as in Jàatàkùndàŋkôolú lá kòlóŋò ‘the well of the Jaata family’. The direct genitival construction is formally distinct from N+N compounds, as in nìnsìsíŋò ‘a/the cow leg’ vs. nìnsóo sìŋôo ‘the leg of a/the cow’. Functionally, this coding split show unusual properties, in comparison with most of the languages in which formally similar coding splits have been observed. Crucially, any noun can fulfill the role of head in the direct construction, depending on the semantic nature of the possessor and of its relation to the possessee. In this presentation, I will discuss the semantic distinctions that may be relevant to the choice between direct and indirect genitives.

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mar. 12/01/2021 Recherches dans ELAN
Online (link will be posted 15 minutes before talk)
Conférence de :
  • Matthew STAVE

Seminaire DiLiS

The software ELAN is widely used for transcription and time-alignment of linguistic and linguistic-adjacent recordings. However, it also features fairly robust search tools that are often under-utilized, but can be very useful for exploring research questions, as well as for testing and cleaning multiple files at once. This mini-workshop will cover both simple and complex ELAN searches, from simple string searches to collocations within and across tiers and annotations. It will also include a brief tutorial on regular expressions, a simple set of expressions that make possible very complex text searches.


ven. 15/01/2021 Club PAD: What to do with free word association data from Mandarin ?
en ligne (cf. lien ci-dessous)
Conférence de :
  • Marc Allassonnière-Tang (DDL)

dans le cadre DENDY

We conducted free word association tasks on 145 items (phonologically and semantically controlled) and 22 speakers (13 women 9 men), which resulted in 3190 tokens. The stimuli and the responses of the participants have been coded for phonological information (IPA) and metadata (part-of-speech, sex of the participant, word frequency, polysemy, etc...). The primary idea was to compare the semantic and phonological distance between stimuli and responses, our hypothesis being that, in Mandarin, responses will have a stronger semantic relation than a phonological relation with the stimuli. However, when gathering the data, we already had the hypothesis verified in another paper we were writing in parallel. Therefore, we would like to re-use this data for another research. So far, we investigated the semantic distance between responses and stimuli and found an effect of frequency: Frequent words tend to generate responses that are more semantically similar. We don't find an effect of sex, part-of-speech, or polysemy. Nevertheless, we would like to ask suggestions as to what else could we look at in this data. Cooperative plans are welcome and could be developed together to publish a paper (or develop long-term cooperation).

Lien Zoom
Meeting ID: 977 2518 3833
Passcode: 122688


mar. 19/01/2021 Bound nouns in Harakmbut
en ligne (voir lien ci-dessous, mis en place vers 9h30)
Conférence de :
  • An Van linden (University of Liège)

dans le cadre DTT : Atelier Morphosyntaxe

This paper focuses on the morphological distinction between potentially free and obligatorily bound nouns in Harakmbut, an endangered isolate language spoken in the Peruvian Amazon. Bound nouns require a noun prefix to obtain independent nominal status (wa- or e-) and refer to inalienably possessed entities, such as body parts, plant parts, and landscape parts, as well as kinship terms and basic shapes or qualities of entities. The same prefixes, wa- and e-, are also used in verb-based nominalization. The morphosyntactic behaviour of bound nouns is different from that of independent nouns in the areas of noun incorporation, N-N compounds and adnominal modification. However, obligatorily bound kinship terms seem to form exceptions, as they typically pattern similarly to independent nouns in these environments. Special attention will be devoted to adnominal possession, in which the presence versus omission of the noun prefix on the possessee noun makes for subtle semantic differences.

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jeu. 21/01/2021 Réunion Interne
Conseil de laboratoire
En visioconférence

[Note: réunion interne. Seuls sont concernés les 15 membres élus, nommés ou de droit du Conseil de Laboratoire.

Note: internal meeting. Only the 15 elected, appointed or ex-officio members of the Conseil de Laboratoire are concerned.]


lun. 25/01/2021 Discussion on the ˂ r ˃
Lien Webex
Conférence de :
  • Rémi Anselme

DiLiS, atelier Origines de la diversité

The aim of this presentation will be to study the distribution of alveolar trills and taps and all the issues that we have faced. We will try to highlight that phonetically the alveolar trill [r] is not so widespread throughout the languages of the world. We will present the results of an exhaustive review of the articles "Illustrations of the IPA [International Phonetic Alphabet]" from the Journal of the International Phonetic Association. We will present preliminary results of acoustical studies done with the audios attached to the Illustrations of the IPA to evidence variation in production of some rhotics. Finally, based on data collected on SoundComparison, we will look at the possible phonetic realizations of the segments belonging to the phonological class of rhotics in different language families.

Lien de la réunion : Lien Webex
Numéro de la réunion : 121 673 3513
Mot de passe : rhotics


mar. 26/01/2021 Atelier terrain - Accès aux données à distance
Visio ?
Conférence de :
  • Léa MOUTON
  • Tessa VERMEIR

dans le cadre du thème transversal Langues en danger : Terrain, Documentation, Revitalisation

Pour cette deuxième session des Ateliers Terrain (LED-TDR), Léa et Tessa parleront des difficultés rencontrées pendant leurs thèses depuis le début de la pandémie Covid-19. Effectivement, Tessa a dû écourter son premier terrain de recherche, et Léa n'a pas pu partir pour sa deuxième collecte de données. Léa parlera de l'impact de l'impossibilité de recueillir des données supplémentaires sur l'orientation de sa thèse. Tessa traitera la question de comment embaucher les locuteurs à distance et tous les problèmes administratifs qui y sont liés. En fonction des mesures sanitaires en vigueur fin janvier, l'atelier sera soit complètement en visio-conférence, soit en forme hybride avec quelques personnes sur place.


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