This talk aims to provide a preliminary descriptive and typologically informed account of three motion constructions in Western Sicilian, with data from our own corpus of spontaneous speech recorded in Monreale (province of Palermo). In the literature on Sicilian, these constructions are presented as the infinitival construction (C1), the doubly inflected construction (C2) (cf. Cruschina 2013), and a third pattern exploiting a grammaticalized form of the verb ‘go’ (C3) (cf. Sorrisi 2010; Mocciaro 2019).
The three constructions share the presence of a deictic motion element (the inflected independent verbs iri ‘go’ or veniri ‘come’ in C1 and C2, the prefix va- ‘GO’ in C3) which combines with a non-motion verb (inflected in C2 and C3, non-inflected in C1) and encodes a spatial displacement of the subject argument temporally preceding the non-motion event.
From both genetic and areal perspectives, C2 and C3 are particularly interesting, as they instantiate patterns fairly rare within Romance languages and, more generally, European languages, such as “verb serialization” in C2 (as argued by Cruschina 2013 and Accattoli & Todaro 2017) and associated motion in C3 (as will be proposed in this paper).
Accattoli, Matilde; Todaro, Giuseppina (2017). “Verbes de mouvement et grammaticalisation : le cas du sicilien vaffazzu”. In Velinova, Malinka (ed.), Normes et grammaticalisation : le cas des langues romanes. Sofia: CU “Romanistika”, pp. 187-210.
Cruschina, Silvio (2013). “Beyond the Stem and Inflectional Morphology: an Irregular Pattern at the Level of Periphrasis”. In: Cruschina, Silvio; Maiden, Martin; Smith, John Charles (eds.), The Boundaries of Pure Morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 262-283.
Mocciaro, Egle (2019). “La grammaticalizzazione dei verbi di movimento in siciliano: il caso di iri ‘andare’ in funzione direttiva”. Bollettino del Centro di Studi Filologici e Linguistici Siciliani, 181-215.
Sorrisi, Fabrizio (2010). “Le costruzioni flesse con va + verbo lessicale in palermitano”. In: Garzonio, Jacopo (ed.), Quaderni di lavoro ASIt, 11. Studi sui dialetti della Sicilia. Padova: Unipress, pp. 111-120.
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