mar. 27/04/2021
Atelier Typologie sémantique |
10h-11h30 |
Visioconférence |
Conférence de :
- Thanasis Georgakopoulos
(Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
dans le cadre DILIS |
From cross-linguistic polysemy to semantic change: Methodological issues, representational techniques and theoretical challenges
A semantic map is a method for visually representing the relationships between meanings based on patterns of co-expression across languages (Haspelmath, 2003; Georgakopoulos & Polis, 2018). This method has proved attractive to typologists because it provides a convenient graphical display of the interrelationships between meanings or functions across languages, while (at the same time) differentiating what is universal from what is language-specific. The semantic map model was initially conceived to describe patterns of co-expression in grammatical categories. However, several studies have shown that it can be fruitfully extended to lexical items (e.g. François, 2008) and even constructions (e.g. Koptjevskaja‐Tamm, to appear-2022), suggesting that any type of meaning can be integrated in a map. Notably, semantic maps can also incorporate information about directionality of change (e.g. van der Auwera & Plungian, 1998).
In this talk, I address one of main pending methodological issues within the semantic map tradition, namely the integration of the diachronic dimension into lexical semantic maps (Georgakopoulos & Polis, to appear-2021; cf. François, to appear-2022). Combining a quantitative approach to large-scale synchronic polysemy data with a qualitative evaluation of the diachronic material in two text languages, ancient Egyptian and ancient Greek, it will be shown that weighted diachronic semantic maps can capture informative generalizations about the organization of the lexicon and its reshaping over time. From a more practical point of view, it will be argued that the use of complex multi-edge graphs can capture directionalities in semantic change as well as diverse types of relationships between meanings (e.g. metonymy and metaphor).
François, A. (2008). Semantic maps and the typology of colexification: Intertwining polysemous networks across languages. In M. Vanhove (Ed.), From polysemy to semantic change. Towards a typology of lexical semantic associations (pp. 163–215). John Benjamins: Amsterdam/Philadelphia.
François, A. (to appear-2022). Lexical tectonics: Mapping structural change in patterns of lexification. In T. Georgakopoulos & S. Polis (Eds.), The future of mapping: new avenues for semantic maps research. Special issue in Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft.
Georgakopoulos, T., & Polis, S. (2018). The semantic map model. State of the art and future avenues for linguistic research. Language and Linguistic Compass, 12(2),1-33. https://doi.org/10.1111/lnc3.12270
Georgakopoulos, T., & Polis, S. (to appear-2021). Lexical diachronic semantic maps. The diachrony of time-related lexemes. Journal of Historical Linguistics.
Haspelmath, M. (2003). The geometry of grammatical meaning: Semantic maps and cross‐linguistic comparison. In M. Tomasello (Ed.), The new psychology of language (Vol. 2) (pp. 211–243). New York: Erlbaum.
Koptjevskaja‐Tamm, M. (to appear). Semantic maps and Temperature: capturing the lexicon-grammar interface across languages. In T. Georgakopoulos & S. Polis (Eds.), The future of mapping: new avenues for semantic maps research. Special issue in Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft.
van der Auwera J., & Plungian, V. A. (1998). Modality’s semantic map. Linguistic Typology, 2(1), 79–124. doi:10.1515/lity.1998.2.1.79
Join Zoom Meeting
jeu. 06/05/2021
Atelier Typologie sémantique |
17h-18h30 |
visioconférence: https://unm.zoom.us/j/92942967914 |
Conférence de :
- Rosa Vallejos & Hunter Brown
(University of New Mexico, USA)
dans le cadre DILIS |
Conceptual alternativity and the issue of basicness: evidence from Secoya locative constructions
This talk lays out the synchronic patterning of four constructions that express static location in Secoya (Tukanoan). It explores the construals encoded by these constructions and highlights the ways speakers use them creatively to elaborate on different aspects of locative scenes. Data collected from six speakers using visual stimuli reveal that each of the constructions elaborates on specific aspects of locative scenes. Responses for typical/atypical scenes, negative polarity statements, and frequency patterns show that speakers can choose conceptualizations that favor Ground geometry, Figure posture, more complex Figure dispositions, or marked perspectivizations. These results raise difficulties in identifying a Basic Locative Construction, suggesting that Secoya may not fit squarely into any type in existing typologies of spatial expression (e.g. Ameka & Levinson 2007). Additionally, the Secoya system raises questions about the relationship between conceptual alternativity and the notion of “basicness” with respect to construal types. Finally, we reflect on the methodological challenges and prospects that arise while using standardized stimuli in fieldwork contexts.
Join Zoom Meeting:
lun. 10/05/2021
Ateliers Modèles Mixtes, Session 1 (Introduction et concepts de base) |
14h-15h |
En visio (Lien Zoom) |
Conférence de :
dans le cadre DENDY |
Marc Tang nous propose 3 ateliers sur les modèles mixtes
Pour participer, il est important de s'inscrire à l'atelier https://evento.renater.fr/survey/inscription-modeles-mixtes-e6678dk7
- 1. 10 mai (14h-15h) = Introduction et concepts de base, et si temps il y a un peu de pratique
- 2. 14 juin (13h-14h)= Pratique avec les données utilisées pendant l'intro
- 3. 21 juin (14h-15h)= Pratique avec les données utilisées pendant l'intro + si possible nouvelles données
Les séances sont organisées en présentiel ou en visio selon les possibilités et les souhaits des participants
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En cas de problème avec l’installation des packages, il faudra contacter Marc AVANT la session pour résoudre les problèmes.
Le nombre de places est limité, priorité sera donnée en fonction de l'urgence du besoin et des possibilités de participation
mar. 11/05/2021
Fillers et marqueurs du discours en français : « euh » entre fluence et disfluence |
10h-12h |
en ligne |
Conférence de :
- Ludivine Crible
dans le cadre DILIS : Atelier Morphosyntaxe |
- Link to the videoconference room
- Link to the slides
Fillers and discourse markers in French: “euh” between fluency and disfluency
In this talk, I will report on existing research on disfluencies in French, mainly from corpus-based approaches. I will focus in particular on the filled pause “euh” and its dual status between disfluency and discourse marking, thus highlighting the multifunctionality of “euh” in speech (and writing). Finally, I will briefly report experimental studies that show evidence for the role of filled pauses in processing, beyond lexical search.
Fillers et marqueurs du discours en français: « euh » entre fluence et disfluence
Dans cette présentation, je donnerai un aperçu des travaux sur les disfluences en français, à partir d’études de corpus principalement. Je m’attarderai en particulier sur la pause pleine « euh » et son double statut entre disfluence et marqueur de discours, soulignant ainsi la multifonctionnalité de « euh » à l’oral (et à l’écrit). Enfin, je présenterai brièvement les résultats d’études expérimentales confirmant le rôle des pauses pleines dans le traitement cognitif, au-delà de la recherche lexicale.
More information…
lun. 17/05/2021
How to Retrieve Lost Paths in the Rainforest?
14h00-15h30 |
https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/96971709523 |
Conférence de :
- Koen Bostoen
(University of Gent)
dans le cadre DILIS : Atelier |
The present-day distribution of Bantu languages is commonly thought to reflect the early stages of the Bantu Expansion, the greatest migration event in African prehistory. Using 1149 radiocarbon dates linked to 115 pottery styles recovered from 726 sites throughout the Congo rainforest and adjacent areas, Seidensticker et al. (2021) show that this is not the case. Two periods of more intense human activity, each consisting of an expansion phase with widespread pottery styles and a regionalization phase with many more local pottery styles, are separated by a widespread population collapse between 400 and 600 CE followed by major resettlement centuries later. Coinciding with wetter climatic conditions, the collapse was possibly promoted by a prolonged epidemic. Comparison of our data with genetic and linguistic evidence further supports a spread-over-spread model for the dispersal of Bantu speakers and their languages. Unlike what late Jan Vansina took as the point of departure for his magisterial work Paths in the Rainforest (1990), the life of the peoples in the Congo rainforest was NOT shaped by the continuity of a common tradition over four millennia, quite the opposite. Discontinuities in the population history of Central-African Bantu speech communities urge scholars of ancient African history to rethink how to extract the past from the present, i.e. how to recover paths in the rainforest that got obsolete, overgrown and rehabilitated elsewhere.
mar. 18/05/2021
Séminaire de recherche DiLiS
Focalization in Atlantic languages |
10h-12h |
hybrid (salle Bollier + visioconférence zoom) |
Conférence de :
dans le cadre DILIS |
This presentation discusses the typology of term focalization and verb focalization in Atlantic languages. The importance of verbal inflection in the expression of focus in Atlantic languages is well-established since Robert’s (2010) seminal work, but the dramatic increase in the documentation on Atlantic languages in the last decade justifies revisiting this topic. On the basis of a sample of 21 Atlantic languages, the various parameters that may contribute to distinguishing focus constructions from the corresponding plain assertive clauses are examined in turn in order to provide as faithful an account as possible of the diversity in the focus constructions of Atlantic languages.
Link zoom: https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/91824112442
ID de réunion : 918 2411 2442
Code secret : 2i2FLT
mar. 18/05/2021
Representations of abstract relations in infancy (Talk in English)
11h-12h30 |
https://univ-lyon1.webex.com/meet/sophie.kern |
Conférence de :
- Jean-Rémy Hochmann
(Institut des Sciences Cognitives, Marc Jeannerod, Lyon)
dans le cadre DENDY |
Abstract relations are considered the pinnacle of human cognition, allowing analogical and logical reasoning, and possibly setting humans apart from other animal species. Such relations cannot be represented in a perceptual code but can easily be represented in a propositional language of thought, where relations between objects are represented by abstract discrete symbols.
Focusing on the abstract relations same and different, I will show that (1) there is a discontinuity along ontogeny with respect to the representations of abstract relations, but (2) young infants already possess representation of same and different. Finally, (3) I will investigate the format of representation of abstract relations in young infants, arguing that those representations are not discrete, but rather built assembling abstract representations of entities.
La conférence de Jean-Rémy Hochmann (Institut des Sciences Cognitives, Marc Jeannerod, Lyon) est programmée pour le 18 mai à 11h. à des fins d’organisation, nous aimerions savoir qui sera présent sur site pour cette conférence. Pouvez-vous rapidement vous inscrire sur cet evento https://evento.renater.fr/survey/conference-j-r-hochm...-6cq7wcd4 ?
Véronique, Sophie et Florence
jeu. 20/05/2021
Réunion Interne [Ateliers doctorants] Bien utiliser Word Document Long : partie 1 |
14h-16h |
Salle André Frossard |
Conférence de :
Ateliers doctorants |
Christian Fressard expliquera comment bien utiliser Word, logiciel connu de tous mais souvent mal utilisé. Il donnera les outils qui facilitent énormément la mise en page d'un grand document texte (comme par exemple une thèse).
Christian Fressard will explain how to use Word correctly, a program that everyone knows but that is often not used efficiently. He will teach us the tools that will greatly simplify writing large texts (like a thesis for example).
mar. 25/05/2021
Approche psycholinguistique, neurolinguistique et clinique du discours |
10h-11h30 |
Zoom |
Conférence de :
- Aurélie Pistono
(Université de Gand )
dans le cadre DENDY |
Le discours n’appartient pas à un domaine particulier des sciences du langage. De ce fait, il n'existe pas de définition consensuelle de cet objet d’étude. La difficulté à définir le discours tient également au fait que différents types de discours existent, chacun ayant des objectifs mais aussi des contraintes linguistiques et cognitives différentes (e.g. mémoire de travail, inhibition, etc.). Pourtant, le discours constitue un enjeu de recherche majeur : il fournit des informations sur le fonctionnement langagier en usage, via des phénomènes propres à cette la situation : phénomènes de disfluences, cohérence, convergence entre locuteurs, etc., mais il renseigne également sur le fonctionnement cognitif de manière générale, dans la mesure où d’autres processus sont requis pour la réussite de cette tâche. Dans cette présentation, trois questions de recherche seront abordées: (i) comment surviennent les phénomènes de disfluences ? ; (ii) quels sont les effets du vieillissement typique et pathologique sur le discours ? ; (iii) quels sont les effets du vieillissement typique et pathologique sur les réseaux neuraux sous-tendant l'activité langagière ? À travers ces travaux nous montrerons la pertinence d'étudier le discours via différentes approches et différents paradigmes.
Lien Zoom
jeu. 03/06/2021
Réunion Interne ANNULE / CANCELLED [Ateliers doctorants] Bien utiliser Word Document Long : partie 2 |
14h-16h |
- |
Conférence de :
Ateliers doctorants |
Suite de la semaine dernière.
Continuation of last week.