| Dernière mise à jour : 02/07/2014 |
Jean-Marie HOMBERT
☎ +33 (0)626356639
✉ jeanmarie.hombert@gmail.com
- Axes :
- Diversité Linguistique et ses Sources
- 1984 - Docteur d'Etat en linguistique, Université de Provence
- 1975 - Ph-D en Linguistique, University of California, Berkeley
- 1972 - Diplôme d'Ingénieur en Informatique, INSA, Lyon
- Directeur de Recherche, CNRS depuis 2005
- Professeur de linguistique à l'Université Lumière Lyon 2, 1980-2004
- Professeur de linguistique , Université de Californie, Santa-Barbara, USA, 1977-1980
- Post-Doc, Université de Californie, Los Angeles, USA, 1975-1977
- Teaching Assistant, Université de Californie, Berkeley, USA, 1975
- Origine et évolution du langage et des langues
- Cognition et changements linguistiques
- Linguistique Africaine
- Langue et Histoire
- Conférence "Origine et diffusion du langage humain", Université du Luxembourg, 7 avril 2014
- Organisation d'une conférence internationale "Language Isolates in Africa", Décembre 2010, Lyon
- Organisation d'une conférence internationale ESF/Eurocores OMLL "New Directions in Historical Linguistics", Mai 2008, Lyon,
- Directeur Inter-Regional Sud-Est du CNRS, 2004-2005
- Directeur du département des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société du CNRS, 2002-2004
- Représentant de la France au sein du comité pour les Humanités de la Fondation Européenne de la Science, 2002-2004
- Responsable français du programme européen EUROCORES "The Origin of Man, Languageand Languages", 2002-2004
- Membre du conseil Scientifique de l'INALCO, 1999-2001
- Membre du Comité National pour le développement des Sciences Humaines et Sociales, 1998-2001
- Président du Conseil d'Administration de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure de Fontenay-St Cloud, 1998-2001
- Membre du Comité National de la recherche scientifique (membre de la section 34 et du bureau de cette section), 1996-2001
- Coordonnateur de l'ARASSH (Agence Rhône-Alpes des Sciences Sociales et Humaines), 1996-2000 (avec François d'Arcy)
- Directeur du laboratoire CNRS "Dynamique du Langage" (UMR 5596, CNRS et Université Lumière Lyon 2), 1994-2004
- Vice-président chargé de la Recherche et de la politique documentaire de l'Univeristé Lumière Lyon 2, 1991-1996
- Membre du Conseil Scientifique de l'Université Lumière Lyon 2, 1989-2004
- Gabon : séjours réguliers depuis 1985
- Cameroun (région des Grassfields) : 1974-78
- Responsable du projet ANR "Contribution de la Linguistique à l'Histoire de l'Afrique Sub-Saharienne (CLHASS)", 2008-2012
- Participation au Projet ANR "Reflex", Responsable : G. Segerer
- Participation au Projet ANR "TransMonDyn", Responsables : D. Pumain, L. Sanders, L. Nuninger
- "Classification of African Languages", Ecole d'été 3L, Leiden, Juillet 2010
- Séminaire "Populations and Languages", Ecole d'été, Montréal, Juin 2010
- "Prehistory of Languages", Linguistic Society of America, Berkeley, Juillet 2009
- " Histoire de l'Homme, Histoire du Langage" avec Gérard Lenclud, à l'EHESS, 2006-2009
- Expert pour l'évaluation des "Starting Grants" de l'European Research Council ("Human Mind and its Complexity") et du programme "Strategy"
COMITÉS DE LECTURE ET ASSOCIATIONS PROFESSIONNELLES- Président du comité de lecture de CNRS Editions (2002-2004)
- Rapporteur pour "Language", "Journal of African Languages and Linguistics", "Journal of Phonetics"
- Evaluateur pour projets de recherche pour la "National Science Foundation", "National Institute of Health", "National Institute of Mental Health", "Agence Nationale de la Recherche", "European Research Council"
- Membre du Comité éditorial de "Language Dynamics and Change"
- Ouvrages
Hombert, J.M. & Lenclud, G., 2014, "Comment le langage est venu à l'Homme"/1, Paris, Fayard, 560 p., Histoire de la pensée Idiata, D.F., Ratanga Atoz, A. & Hombert, J.M., 2013, "Atlas des langues du Gabon", Editions du CENAREST, Editions du CENAREST, 434 p., 9782356650696 - Thèses et mémoires
Hombert, J.M., 1984, "Phonétique expérimentale et diachronie: application à la tonogénèse", Thèse d'Etat, .Linguistique, Université de Provence Hombert, J.M., 1975, "Towards a theory of tonogenesis: An empirical, physiologically and perceptually-based account of the development of tonal contrasts in language", Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of California, Berkeley - Ouvrages édités
d'Errico, F. & Hombert, J.M. (eds), 2009, "Becoming Eloquent", John Benjamins Hombert, J.M. & Perrois, L. (eds), 2007, "Coeur d'Afrique. Gorilles, cannibales et pygmées dans le Gabon de Paul Du Chaillu", Paris, CNRS Editions Hombert, J.M. (ed), 2005, "Aux origines des langues et du langage", Fayard, 514 p. Demolin, D. & Hombert, J.M. (eds), 1999, "The phonetics of the origin and evolution of speech", 3:1, John Benjamins, 103 p. Hombert, J.M. & Hyman, L. (eds), 1999, "Bantu Historical Linguistics, Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives", CSLI Publications - Chapitres dans les ouvrages
Berniell-Lee, G., Comas, D., Hombert, J.M., Quintana-Murci, L., Sica, L. & Van der Veen, L., m.s, "Linguistic and Genetic Perspectives on Human Diversity in West-central Africa", in Proceedings of the Language and Genes Conference, University of California, Santa Barbara, September 8-10, 2006, Comrie, B. (ed), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Grollemund, R., Branford, B., Hombert, J.M. & Watters, J., à paraître, "Towards a new phylogenetic classification of Bantoid languages", in Towards Proto-Niger-Congo: Comparison and Reconstruction, Watters, J. (ed), Language Science Press Coupé, C., Hombert, J.M., Le Néchet, F., Mathian, H. & Sanders, L., 2021, "Transition 1: Modelling the migrations and peopling of new geographic areas by Homo sapiens", in Settling the World. From prehistory to the metropolis era, Sanders, L. (ed), Tours, Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais Coupé, C., Hombert, J.M., Le Néchet, F., Mathian, H. & Sanders, L., 2021, "Transition 2: Modelling the peopling of an already inhabited territory: The case of expanding Bantu populations and Central African forest foragers", in Settling the World. From prehistory to the metropolis era, Sanders, L. (ed), Tours, Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais Hombert, J.M. & Grollemund, R., 2018, "Phylogenetic Classification of Grassfields Languages", in Revealing structure: Finding patterns in grammars and using grammatical patterns to elucidate language. A Festschrift to honor Larry M. Hyman, Buckley, G., Crane, T. & Good, J. (eds), Stanford, California, CSLI Publications, pp. 85-103 Coupé, C., Hombert, J.M., Le Néchet, F., Mathian, H. & Sanders, L., 2017, "Transition 1 : Modéliser les migrations et la colonisation de nouveaux territoires par les Homo sapiens", in Peupler la terre : De la préhistoire à l’ère des métropoles, Sanders, L. (ed), Tours, Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais, pp. 113-142 Coupé, C., Hombert, J.M., Le Néchet, F., Mathian, H. & Sanders, L., 2017, "Transition 2 : Modélisation de l'expansion des populations Bantu dans un espace déjà habité par des populations de chasseurs-collecteurs", in Peupler la Terre : De la préhistoire à l'ère des métropoles/1, Sanders, L. (ed), Tours, Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, pp. 143-172 Nuninger, L., Sanders, L., Banos, A., Bertoncello, F., Bretagnolle, A., Coupé, C., Crabtree, S., Cura, R., Ducruet, C., Favory, F., Ferber, J., Fiches, J.L., Franc, A., Garmy, P., Gravier, J., Hombert, J.M., Kaddouri, L., Kohler, T., Leturcq, S., Libourel, T., Livet, P., Lorans, E., Le Néchet, F., Mathian, H., Nahassia, L., Ouriachi, M.J., Phan, D., Pumain, D., Rey-Coyrehourcq, S. & Xavier Rodier, Clara Schmitt, Cécile Tannier, Frank Varenne, Céline Vacchiani-Marcuzzo et Elisabeth Zadora-Rio, S., 2017, "Chapitre 2. Un cadre conceptuel générique pour décrire des transitions dans les systèmes de peuplement", in Peupler la terre - De la préhistoire à l'ère des métropoles, Sanders, L. (ed), Tours, Presses universitaires François-Rabelais Hombert, J.M., Mouélé, M., Rouby, C., Schaal, B. & Sicard, G., 2016, "Basic Odour Terms in Li-Wanzi (a Bantu language spoken in Gabon): an Experimental Approach", in Words For Odours, Language Skills and Cultural Insights, Barkat-Defradas, M. & Motte-Florac, E. (eds), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 135-146 Demolin, D., Traill, A., Sicard, G. & Hombert, J.M., 2016, "Odour Terminology in !Xóõ", in Lone Tree – Scholarship in the Service of the Koon: Essays in Memory of Anthony T Traill , Vossen, R. & Haacke, W. (eds), Rüdiger Köppe Verlag Köln , pp. 107-118 Coupé, C., Hombert, J.M., Marsico, E. & Pellegrino, F., 2013, "Investigations into Determinants of the Diversity of the World’s Languages. ", in East Flows the Great River: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. William S-Y. Wang on his 80th Birthday, Shi, F. & Peng, G. (eds), Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 75-108 Grollemund, R. & Hombert, J.M., 2012, "Use of Plant Names for the Classification of the Bantu Languages of Gabon", in Selected Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Connell, B. & Rolle, N. (eds), Somerville, MA, Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 150-163 Coupé, C. & Hombert, J.M., 2005, "Les premières traversées maritimes : Une fenêtre sur les cultures et les langues de la préhistoire
", in Aux origines des langues et du langage, Hombert, J.M. (ed), Paris, Fayard, pp. 118-161 Quintana-Murci, L. & Hombert, J.M., 2005, "Gènes et Langues : une évolution parallèle", in Aux Origines des langues et du langage, Hombert, J.M. (ed), Paris, Fayard, pp. 308-327 Coupé, C. & Hombert, J.M., 2005, "Polygenesis of linguistic strategies: a scenario for the emergence of language", in Language Acquisition, Change and Emergence: essays in evolutionary linguistics, Minett, J. & Wang, W.S. (eds), Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 153-201 Carré, R. & Hombert, J.M., 2002, "Variabilité phonétique en production et perception de parole : stratégies individuelles (Phonetic variabilities in speech production and perception: individual strategies)", in Invariants et Variabilité dans les Sciences Cognitives, Mazoyer, B., Lautrey, J. & van Geert, P. (eds), Paris, Presses de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Li, C. & Hombert, J.M., 2002, "On the evolutionary origin of language ", in Mirror Neurons and the evolution of Brain and Language, Stamenov, M. & Gallese, V. (eds), John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 175-205 Hombert, J.M., 1989, "Tonper: un test de perception pour langues tonales", in Mélanges de phonétique générale et expérimentale offerts à Péla Simon, Institut de Phonétique de Starsbourg, .. (ed), 2 volumes Hombert, J.M., 1986, "Word games: their phonological implications", in Experimental Phonology, Ohala, J. & Yaeger, J. (eds), Academic Press, pp. 175-186 Hombert, J.M., 1986, "Development of nasalized vowels in the Teke language group", in The Phonological Representation of Suprasegmentals, Bogers et al, K. (ed), Dordrecht, Foris Publications, pp. 359-379 Hombert, J.M., 1980, "Noun classes of the Beboid Languages", in Noun classes in the Grassfield Bantu borderland, Hyman, L. (ed), Southern California Occasional Papers in Linguistics 8, pp. 83-98 Hombert, J.M., 1980, "Le groupe noun", in l'Expansion bantoue, Hyman, L. & Voorhoeve, J. (eds), Viviers, Actes du Colloque International du CNRS, pp. 143-163 Hombert, J.M., 1978, "A model of tone systems", in Elements of Tone, Stress and Intonation, Napoli, D. (ed), Georgetown Univeristy Press Hombert, J.M., 1978, "Consonant types, vowel quality, and tone", in Tone: A linguistic survey, Fromkin, V. (ed), New York, Academic Press, pp. 77-111 Hombert, J.M., 1976, "Noun classes and tone in Ngie", in Studies in Bantu Tonology, Hyman, L. (ed), University of Southern California Occasional Papers in Linguistics 3, pp. 3-21 Hombert, J.M. & Eludge, B., 1975, "Nasals in Ghotuo: /lenis/ or short?", in Nasalfest, Ferguson, C., Hyman, L. & Ohala, J. (eds), Project on Language Universals, Stanford University, Special Publi. Hombert, J.M., 1975, "The perception of contour tones", in Proceedings of the First Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society, Cogen, C. (ed), Berkeley Linguistic Society, pp. 221-232 - Articles de revues
Lopez, M., Choin, J., Sikora, M., Siddle, K., Harmant, C., Costa, H., Silvert, M., Mouguiama-Daouda, P., Hombert, J.M., Froment, A., LeBomin, S., Perry, G., Barreiro, L., Bustamante, C., Verdu, P., Patin, E. & Quintana-Murci, L., 2019, "Genomic Evidence for Local Adaptation of Hunter-Gatherers to the African Rainforest", Current Biology , 29, pp. 1-10 Lopez, M., Kousathanas, A., Quach, H., Harmant, C., Mouguiama-Daouda, P., Hombert, J.M., Froment, A., Perry, G., Barreiro, L., Verdu, P., Patin, E. & Quintana-Murci, L., 2018, "The demographic history and mutational load of African hunter-gatherers and farmers", Nature ecology & evolution , 2(4), pp. 721-730 Patin, E., Lopez, M., Grollemund, R., Verdu, P., Harmant, C., Quach, H., Laval, G., Perry, G., Barreiro, L., Froment, A., Heyer, E., Massougbodji, A., Fortes-Lima, C., Migot-Nabias, F., Bellis, G., Dugoujon, J.M., Pereira, J., Fernandes, V., Pereira, L., Van der Veen, L., Mouguiama-Daouda, P., Bustamante, C., Hombert, J.M. & Quintana-Murci, L., 2017, "Dispersals and genetic adaptation of Bantu-speaking populations in Africa
and North America
", Science, 356:6337, pp. 543-546 Bostoen, K., Clist, B., Doumenge, C., Grollemund, R., Hombert, J.M., Koni Muluwa, J. & Maley, J., 2015, "Middle to Late Holocene Palaeoclimatic Change and the Early Bantu Expansion in the Rain Forests of West Central-Africa", Current Anthropology, 56:3, pp. 354-384 Patin, E., Siddle, K., Laval, G., Quach, H., Harmant, C., Becker, N., Froment, A., Régnault, B., Lemée, L., Gravel, S., Hombert, J.M., Van der Veen, L., Dominy, N., Perry, G., Barreiro, L., Verdu, P., Heyer, E. & Quintana-Murci, L., 2014, "The impact of agricultural emergence on the genetic history of African rainforest hunter-gatherers and agriculturalists", Nature communications, 5, pp. [doi:10.1038/ncomms4163] Verdu, P., Becker, N., Froment, A., Georges, M., Grugni, V., Quintana-Murci, L., Hombert, J.M., Van der Veen, L., Le Bomin, S., Bahuchet, S., Heyer, E. & Austerlitz, F., 2013, "Sociocultural Behavior, Sex-Biased Admixture, and Effective Population Sizes in Central African Pygmies and Non-Pygmies", Molecular Biology and Evolution, 30:4, pp. 918-937 Berniell-Lee, G., Calafell, F., Bosch, E., Heyer, E., Bertranpetit, J., Van der Veen, L., Hombert, J.M., Quintana-Murci, L. & Comas, D., 2009, "Genetic and demographic implications of the Bantu expansion: insights from human paternal lineages", Molecular Biology and Evolution, 26:7, pp. 1581-1589 Patin, E., Laval, G., Barreiro, L., Salas, A., Semino, O., Santachiara-Benerecetti, S., Kidd, K., Kidd, J., Gessain, A., Van der Veen, L., Hombert, J.M., Froment, A., Heyer, E. & Quintana-Murci, L., 2009, "Inferring the Demographic History of African Farmers and Pygmy Hunter–Gatherers Using a Multilocus Resequencing Data Set", PLoS Genet, 5:4 : e1000448. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000448 Verdu, P., Austerlitz, F., Estoup, A., Vitalis, R., Georges, M., Théry, S., Froment, A., Lebomin, S., Gessain, A., Hombert, J.M., Van der Veen, L., Quintana-Murci, L., Bahuchet, S. & Heyer, E., 2009, "Origins and Genetic Diversity in Pygmy Hunter-Gatherers from Western Central Africa", Current Biology, 19:4, pp. 312-318 doi:10.1016/j.cub.2008.12.049 Quintana-Murci, L., Quach, H., Harmant, C., Luca, F., Massonnet, B., Patin, E., Sica, L., Mouguiama-Daouda, P., Comas, D., Tzur, S., Balanovsky, O., Kidd, K., Kidd, J., Van der Veen, L., Hombert, J.M., Gessain, A., Verdu, P., Froment, A., Bahuchet, S., Heyer, E., Dausset, J., Salas, A. & Behar, D., 2008, "Maternal traces of deep common ancestry and asymmetric gene flow between Pygmy hunter-gatherers and Bantu-speaking farmers", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS), 105:5, pp. 1596-1601 Hombert, J.M. & Maddieson, I., 1998, "A linguistic approach to automatic language recognition", UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 96, pp. 106-118 Demolin, D., Hombert, J.M., Ondo, P. & Segebarth, C., 1992, "Etude du système vocalique fang par résonance magnétique", Pholia, 7, pp. 41-60 Hombert, J.M., 1992, "Terminologie des odeurs dans quelques langues du Gabon", Pholia, 7, pp. 61-66 Hombert, J.M., 1991, "Quelques critères de classification des parlers fang ", Pholia, 6, pp. 145-154 Hombert, J.M., Seo, L. & Mouélé, M., 1991, "Quelques outils informatiques pour la linguistique historique Bantu", Pholia, 6, pp. 131-144 Hombert, J.M., 1990, "Les langues du Gabon: Etat des connaissances", Revue gabonaise des Sciences de l'homme, 2, pp. 29-36 Hombert, J.M., 1990, "Atlas linguistique du Gabon", Revue gabonaise des Sciences de l'homme, 2, pp. 37-42 Hombert, J.M., 1990, "Problèmes phonétiques et phonologiques rencontrés dans les langues du Gabon", Revue gabonaise des Sciences de l'homme, 2, pp. 97-104 Hombert, J.M., 1990, "Présentation de l'Alphabet scientifique des langues du Gabon", Revue gabonaise des Sciences de l'homme, 2, pp. 105-112 Hombert, J.M., 1990, "Ikota", Revue Gabonaise des Sciences de l'Homme, 2, pp. 211-212 Hombert, J.M., Manfoumbi, M. & Mbongo, J.L., 1989, "Notes sur la phonologie diachronique du saké", Pholia, 4, pp. 149-156 Hombert, J.M., Medjo Mvé, P. & Nguéma, R., 1989, "Les Fangs sont-ils bantu?", Pholia, 4, pp. 133-147 Hombert, J.M. & Mouélé, M., 1988, "Eléments de phonologie diachronique du wanzi (langue bantu du Gabon - groupe B 50)", Pholia, 3, pp. 183-205 Louali, N. & Hombert, J.M., 1988, "Contribution à l'étude de l'évolution des occlusives dentales du proto-berbère", Pholia, 3, pp. 213-225 Hombert, J.M., 1987, "Phonetic conditioning for the development of nasalization in teke", Pholia, 2, pp. 85-94 Hombert, J.M., Nsuka, F. & Puech, G., 1987, "Quelques perspectives pour la linguistique historique bantu", Pholia, 2, pp. 99-102 Hombert, J.M. & Point, R., 1987, "Contribution à l'étude des systèmes vocaliques: le cas du viri", Pholia 2, 2, pp. 75-84 Hombert, J.M. & Puech, G., 1984, "Espace vocalique et structuration perceptuelle en swahili", Pholia, 1, pp. 199-208 Hombert, J.M., 1984, "Tonogenesis revisited", Pholia, 1, pp. 77-86 Hombert, J.M., 1984, "Réflexion sur le mécanisme des changements phonétiques", Pholia, 1, pp. 87-112 Hombert, J.M., 1984, "Les systèmes tonals des langues africaines: typologie et diachronie", Pholia, 1, pp. 113-164 Hombert, J.M. & Mortier, A.M., 1984, "Bibliographie des langues du Gabon", Pholia, 1, pp. 165-188 Hombert, J.M., Nsuka, F. & Puech, G., 1984, "Pour l'application au swahili des techniques de traitement automatique de la parole", Pholia, 1, pp. 189-198 Hombert, J.M., 1984, "Phonétique expérimentale et diachronie: Application à la tonogenèse (résumé)", Pholia, 1, pp. 71-75 Hombert, J.M., 1983, "A brief encounter with Lahu tones", Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 7, pp. 109-111 Hombert, J.M., Ohala, J. & Ewan, W., 1979, "Phonetic explanations for the development of tones", Language, 55, pp. 37-58 Hombert, J.M., 1979, "Early Bantu population movements and iron metallurgy: the linguistic evidence", Berkeley Linguistic Society , 1, pp. 464-470 Hombert, J.M., Ohala, J. & Ewan, W., 1979, "Phonetic Explanations for the Development of Tones", Language, 55 Hombert, J.M., 1978, "Why are nonperipheral vowels avoided?", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 64, pp. S-18 Hombert, J.M., 1977, "Consonant types, vowel height and tone in Yoruba", Studies in African Linguistics, 82, pp. 173-198 Hombert, J.M., 1977, "Development of tones from vowel height", Journal of Phonetics, 5, pp. 9-16 Hombert, J.M. & Ladefoged, P., 1977, "The effect of aspiration on the fundamental frequency of the following vowel", UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 36, pp. 33-40 Hombert, J.M., 1977, "Perception of tones of bisyllabic nouns in Yoruba", Studies in African Linguistics, Supplement 6, pp. 109-121 Hombert, J.M., 1977, "The difficulty of producing different F0 in speech", UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 36, pp. 12-19 Hombert, J.M., 1977, "A model of tone systems", UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 36, pp. 20-32 Hombert, J.M., 1977, "Tone space and universals of tone systems", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 61, pp. S80 Hombert, J.M., 1977, "A model of tone systems", UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 36 Hombert, J.M., 1976, "Phonetic explanation of the development of tones from prevocalic consonants", UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics , 33, pp. 23-39 Hombert, J.M., 1976, "Perception of tones of bisyllabic nouns in Yoruba", Studies in African Linguistics, sup. 6, pp. 109-121 Hombert, J.M., 1976, "Consonant types, vowel height and tone in Yoruba", Working Papers in Phonetics, 33, pp. 40-54 Hombert, J.M. & Greenberg, S., 1976, "Contextual factors influencing tone discrimination", UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 33, pp. 81-89 Hombert, J.M., 1976, "Word games: Some implications for analysis of tone and other phonological processes", UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 33, pp. 67-80 Zee, E. & Hombert, J.M., 1976, "Intensity and duration as correlates of F0", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 60, pp. S44 Hombert, J.M., 1976, "Perception of tones of bisyllabic nouns in Yoruba", Studies in African Linguistics, 6 Hombert, J.M., 1975, "The Perception of contour tones", Berkeley Linguistic Society , 1, pp. 22-32 Hombert, J.M., 1975, "Phonetic motivations for the development of tones from postvocalic [h] and [?]: Evidence from contour tone perception", Report of the Phonology Laboratory, 1, pp. 39-47 Hombert, J.M., Ohala, J. & Ewan, E., 1975, "Tonogenesis: Theories and queries", Report of the Phonology Laboratory, UC Berkeley, 1, pp. 48-77 Hombert, J.M., 1974, "Universals of downdrift: their phonetic basis and significance for a theory of tone", Studies in African Linguistics, sup. 5, pp. 169-183 Hombert, J.M., 1973, "Speaking backwards in Bakwiri", Studies in African Linguistics , 4, pp. 27-35 - Communications avec actes édités
Berniell-Lee, G., Bosch, E., Van der Veen, L., Hombert, J.M., Sica, L., Mouguiama-Daouda, P., Froment, A., Quach, H., Quintana-Murci, L., Bertranpetit, J. & Comas, D., m.s, "Insights into the Y chromosome variation in central west africa"Language and genes conference, UCSB, Santa Barbara, 8-10 septembre 2006 Hombert, J.M., Mouguiama-Daouda, P. & Van der Veen, L., m.s, "Aspects of linguistic diversity in western Central Africa"Language and genes conference, UCSB, Santa Barbara, 8-10 septembre 2006 Hombert, J.M., Comas, D., Mouguiama-Daouda, P., Quintana-Murci, L., Sica, L. & Van der Veen, L., m.s, "The Fang enigma: evidence from genetic and linguistic data"Cradle of Language Conference, Université de Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, Afrique du Sud, 6-10 novembre 2006 Hombert, J.M., 2016, "Anciennes questions et nouvelles réponses sur l’origine et la diffusion du langage
", proc. of Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Paris, Mars 2016 Hombert, J.M. & Philippson, G., 2009, "The Linguistic Importance of Language Isolates: The African Case", proc. of Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory 2, London, United Kingdom, November 13-14, 2009, Austin, P., Bond, O., Charette , M., Nathan, D. & Sells, P. (eds), University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies, pp. 145-151 Hombert, J.M., 2008, "Continuity between non-human primates and modern humans"Proceedings of the 7th International Conference Evolang, Barcelone, 12-15 March 2008, Smith, A., Smith, K. & Ramon, F. (eds), World Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 441-2, Evolang Hombert, J.M. & Philippson, G., 2007, "Early linguistic traces of contacts between hunter-gatherers and bantu populations", proc. of 8th International Conference in Historical Linguistics, Montreal, Août 2007 Hombert, J.M. & Marsico, E., 2007, "Lumpers and splitters : Is a dialogue possible?", proc. of 8th International Conference in Historical Linguistics, Montreal, Août 2007 (abstract) Quach, H., Luca, F., Van der Veen, L., Hombert, J.M., Sica, L., Mouguiama-Daouda, P., Froment, A., Berniell-Lee, G., Comas, D. & Quintana-Murci, L., 2006, "Maternal DNA variation of Pygmy hunter-gatherers and Bantu-speaking agriculturalists from central-west Africa", proc. of Language and genes conference, UCSB, Santa Barbara, 8-10 september 2006 (poster) Hombert, J.M., 2006, "The Paleolinguistic situation of the African continent", proc. of Conférence plénière, Cradle of Language Conference, Stellenbosch, Afrique du Sud, Novembre Hombert, J.M. & Coupé, C., 2004, "Sea-crossings capacities and opportunities during prehistory: Survey and comparison between Homo species", proc. of 5th International Conférence on the Evolution of Language, Leipzig, Germany, March 31 – April 3, pp. 55 (abstract) Girard, M. & Hombert, J.M., 2003, "Phonological vowel contrast: the case of the French median vowels.", proc. of ICPhS, Barcelone, Espagne, Août 2003 Luca, F., Van der Veen, L., Andre, L., Mouguiama-Daouda, P., Sica, L., Hombert, J.M. & Quintana-Murci, L., 2003, "MtDNA variation in Central Africa: a micro-evolutionary study in Bantu-speaking populations from Gabon.", proc. of 2nd DNA Polymorphisms in Human Population International Symposium., Paris, Décembre 2003 (abstract) (poster) Marsico, E., Coupé, C., Pellegrino, F. & Hombert, J.M., 2002, "Vers une mesure de la complexité des systèmes phonologiques", actes de IIIèmes Journées d'Etudes Linguistiques, "Universaux sonores", Nantes, France, 21-23 Mars 2002 Hombert, J.M. & Coupé, C., 2002, "Language polygenesis: what type of evidence?", proc. of 4th International Conference on the Evolution of Language, Harvard, United States, March 27-30, pp. 52 (abstract) Coupé, C. & Hombert, J.M., 2002, "Language at 70.000 BP: Evidence from sea-crossings", proc. of 4th International Conference on the Evolution of Language, Harvard, United States, March 27-30, pp. 27 (abstract) Van der Veen, L. & Hombert, J.M., 2001, "On the origin and diffusion of Bantu: a multidisciplinary approach", proc. of 32nd Annual Conference on African Languages, Berkeley, Etats-unis, Mars, 2001 Coupé, C. & Hombert, J.M., 2001, "Paléo-environnement et cognition", actes de Colloque Inter-disciplinaire en Sciences Cognitives (ARCO) 2001, Lyon, France, Dec. 12-14 (r�sum�) (poster) Vasilescu, I., Pellegrino, F. & Hombert, J.M., 2000, "Perceptual Features for the Identification of Romance Languages", proc. of ICSLP'2000, Beijing, 2000 Hombert, J.M., Vasilescu, I. & Pellegrino, F., 2000, "Détermination expérimentale d'indices linguistiques pour la discrimination des langues romanes", actes de 23èmes JEP, Aussois (France), 19-23 Juin Vasilescu, I., Hombert, J.M. & Pellegrino, F., 2000, "Détermination expérimentale d'indices perceptuels pour la différenciation des langues romanes", proc. of 1st Freiburg Workshop on Romance Corpus Linguistics, Freiburg, 2000 Hombert, J.M. & Li, C., 2000, "The time scale of language evolution", proc. of 3rd International Conference on the Evolution of Language, Paris, Avril, 2000 Marsico, E. & Hombert, J.M., 2000, "(Re)evaluating the implicit assumptions behind historical linguistics methods", proc. of Conference on Long-range Comparison, Moscou, Russie, Mai-Juin Hombert, J.M. & Carré, R., 1999, "Correlation between vowel production and perception for a given speaker", proc. of Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, ., 1999, 106 (abstract) Hombert, J.M. & Maddieson, I., 1999, "Rare segments and automatic language identification", proc. of Eurospeech, Budapest, 1999 Hombert, J.M., 1997, "Processus d'évolution des systèmes vocaliques : le cas des langues bantu du Gabon", actes de Journées d'Etudes linguistiques, Nantes, ., pp. 68-73 Hombert, J.M., Demolin, D., Lecuit, V., Segebarth, C. & Soquet, A., 1995, "An MRI Study of French Vowels", proc. of Eurospeech, Madrid, ., pp. 2235-2238 Hombert, J.M., 1990, "Réalisations tonales et contraintes segmentales en fang", proc. of 18èmes Journées d'étude sur la parole, Montréal, . Hombert, J.M., 1987, "A propos des "universaux" de la nasalisation", proc. of 16ème Journée d'Etude sur la Parole, Hammamet, ., pp. 84-87 Hombert, J.M. & Ohala, J., 1982, "Historical development of tone patterns", proc. of Papers from the 3rd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Amsterdam, ., Maher et al, J.P. (ed), John Benjamins , pp. 75-84 Hombert, J.M., 1979, "Universals of vowel systems: the case of centralized vowels", proc. of Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Copenhague, 6-11 Aout, 1/2, pp. 27-32 Hombert, J.M., 1976, "The effect of vowel quality on pitch", proc. of Proceedings of the 14th Congress of Acoustics, Bratislava, ., pp. 40-42 Hombert, J.M., 1976, "The effect of vowel quality on pitch"14th Congress of Acoustics, Bratislava, 1976, pp. 40-42 - Conférences invitées dans colloque
Hombert, J.M., 2010, "Language isolates and linguistic diversity:
A case for a mosaic approach to language emergence
", proc. of Berkeley Linguistic Society, Berkeley, CA, United States, February 14-16, 2009 Hombert, J.M., 2009, "Complexity in Human language", proc. of Workshop on Dynamics in the Human Sciences: Cognitive, Behavioral and Social Complexity (NSF-ANR), Reims, 27-28 avril Hombert, J.M., 2007, "Des langages des singes au langage de l'Homme", actes de 2nd Journée de Neurologie Comportementale
, Paris, Février Hombert, J.M., 2006, "Time windows for the emergence of Language", proc. of 'Restricted Linguistic systems as windows on language genesis' at NIAS, Wassenaar, Pays-Bas, Mai Hombert, J.M., 2006, "The Paleolinguistic situation of the African continent", proc. of Cradle of Language Conference, Stellenbosch, Afrique du Sud, Novembre - Séminaires invités
Hombert, J.M., 2014, "Origine et diffusion du langage humain", Les grandes conférences de l'Université du Luxembourg, Limpertsberg, Luxembourg, 7 avril Hombert, J.M., 2008, "Paul Belloni Du Chaillu : Premier explorateur de l'intérieur du Gabon", Libreville, Janvier Hombert, J.M. & Jacquesson, F., 2007, "Concluding remarks on the Eurocores "The Origin of Man, Language and Languages"", ESF-OMLL Workshop, Rome, Décembre Hombert, J.M. & Philippson, G., 2007, "Bantu Migrations : Population movements and contacts
", OMLL Workshop "Migrations" organisé par Francois Jacquesson, Porquerolles, Septembre Hombert, J.M., 2007, "From Language to Languages", Statistical Physics of Social Dynamics: Opinions, Semiotic Dynamics, and Language
, Erice, Sicile, Juillet Hombert, J.M., 2007, "Early contacts between Hunter gatherers and Bantu populations", Berlin, Mai Hombert, J.M., 2007, "What do linguists have to say about the origin of Language?", Berlin Hombert, J.M., 2007, "Phonetique et origine du langage
", Charleroi, Belgique, Mars Hombert, J.M., 2007, "Une seule langue à l'origine?", Cap Sciences, Bordeaux, Mars Hombert, J.M., 2007, "Origines du Langage
", Figeac, Janvier Hombert, J.M., 2006, "Origin of language and languages : Theories and Queries
", Cambridge, Angleterre, Juin - Communications
Grollemund, R., Branford, S., Hombert, J.M. & Pagel, M., 2016, "Genetic unity of the Niger-Congo family", Towards Proto-Niger Congo: Comparison and Reconstruction (2nd International Congress), Paris, Sept 1-3 Grollemund, R., Branford, S., Field, S., Hombert, J.M. & Pagel, M., 2015, "Towards a new phylogeny of Niger-Congo languages", World Congress of African Linguistics (WOCAL 8), Kyoto, Japan, 21-24 August 2015 Le Néchet, F., Mathian, H., Sanders, L., Coupé, C. & Hombert, J.M., 2015, "Simulating the effects of local interactions on the Neolithic Bantu migrations", 19th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography - ECTQG2015, Bari, September 3-7 Bostoen, K., Clist, B., Doumenge, C., Hombert, J.M., Grollemund, R., Koni Muluwa, J. & Maley, J., 2013, "Impact of Late Holocene palaeoclimatic changes on the Bantu expansion: A multidisciplinary view", 5th International Conference on Bantu Languages (Bantu 5), Paris, June 12-15, 2013 Grollemund, R. & Hombert, J.M., 2012, "Linguistic Classification and population movements in the North Western part of the Equatorial forest", Colloque ‘The impact of a major environmental crisis on species, populations and communities: the fragmentation of African forests at the end of the Holocene’, Académie des Sciences, Paris, 1-2 mars 2012 Coupé, C. & Hombert, J.M., 2012, "Impact of climatic and ecological contexts on sociolinguistic factors among Bantu populations.", The impact of a major environmental crisis on species, populations and communities: the fragmentation of African forests at the end of the Holocene., Académie des Sciences, Paris, 1-2 March (poster) Grollemund, R. & Hombert, J.M., 2012, "Sorting out the position of Bantu languages in Bantoid", World Congress of African Linguistics 7 (Wocal 7), Buea, Cameroun, 20-24 août 2012 Hombert, J.M. & Grollemund, R., 2012, "Development of Bantu specialized lexicon", World Congress of African Linguistics 7 (Wocal 7) , Buea, Cameroun, 20-24 août 2012 Hombert, J.M., Grollemund, R. & Franc, A., 2012, "Proto-Bantu: Before and After", Proto-Niger-Congo: Comparison and Reconstruction, International Congress, Paris, 18-21 September 2012 Hombert, J.M., 2012, "Emergence du langage et diffusion des langues : une approche pluridisciplinaire ", Conférences de l'Ecole doctorale LLSH de l'Université de Grenoble, Grenoble, 21 Sep 2012 Mouguiama-Daouda, P., Grollemund, R. & Hombert, J.M., 2011, "Denomination and reconstruction of mammals in Bantu languages", Bantu 4, Berlin, 7-9 April, 2011 Hombert, J.M. & Grollemund, R., 2011, "A phylogenetic classification of Grassfields and closely related Bantu languages", Bantu 4, Berlin, 7-9 April, 2011 Grollemund, R. & Hombert, J.M., 2011, "Phylogenetic Classification of North Western Bantu Languages", Bantu 4, Berlin, 7-9 April, 2011 Hombert, J.M., Grollemund, R. & Philippson, G., 2011, "Linguistic implications of contacts between (agriculturalists) Bantu and Hunter-gatherers", Workshop Methodology in Linguistic Prehistory, Berlin, 15-16 octobre 2011 Hombert, J.M. & Grollemund, R., 2011, "Internal and External Classifications of Momo (Grassfields) languages", 41th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, CALL41, Leiden, Pays-Bas, 29-31 août 2011 Hombert, J.M., Grollemund, R. & Philippson, G., 2010, "Slow rate of lexical replacement and deeper genetic relationships", Workshop: Genealogical classification of African languages beyond Greenberg, Berlin, 21-22 février 2010 Grollemund, R. & Hombert, J.M., 2010, "Use of Plant Names for the Classification of the Bantu Languages of Gabon", 41th Annual Conference on African Linguistics (ACAL 41), Toronto, 6-8 mai 2010 Grollemund, R. & Hombert, J.M., 2010, "Language Classification and Specialized Lexicons: A Case Study in North-West Bantu", 40th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, CALL 40, Leiden, August 23-25, 2010 Hombert, J.M., 2010, "Les langues du Gabon", sorosoro, Paris, 2010 Hombert, J.M., Mouguiama-Daouda, P. & Philippson, G., 2009, "Bantu expansion and Hunter-gatherers.", 3rd International Conference on Bantu Languages, Tervuren, March 25th-27th Hombert, J.M., 2009, "Conférence et Présentation du film « Sur les traces de Paul du Chaillu »", conférence « Culture-Aventure », Paris, 26 janvier Hombert, J.M., 2009, "Presentation of research project CLHASS", 3rd International Bantu Conference, Tervuren, March 25 Hombert, J.M. & Philippson, G., 2009, "The linguistic importance of language isolates : the African case
", Language Documentation & Linguistic Theory 2 - LDLT2, SOAS, Londres, November 13th- 4th Hombert, J.M., 2009, "Endangered languages in Gabon", CALL 39, Leiden, Août Hombert, J.M., 2008, "Paul du Chaillu, le premier explorateur de l’intérieur du Gabon", Connaissance du Gabon, Mouila, Gabon, 28 novembre Hombert, J.M., 2008, "Pygmées et Bantu en Afrique centrale : données génétiques et interprétations", Colloque panafricain pour le centième anniversaire de Claude Lévi-Strauss, Libreville, 25 novembre Coupé, C. & Hombert, J.M., 2003, "De l'Afrique à l'Australie : Traversées maritimes, routes côtière et émergence du langage. ", Réunion annuelle de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris, Paris, France, Jan. 16-18 Cosnier, J., Creissels, D., Hombert, J.M., Kern, S. & Marsico, E., 2000, "Le langage : d'où vient-il ? Comment évolue-t-il ?", Table ronde, café des sciences, Lyon, 10 avril - Rapport
Hombert, J.M., Mouguiama-Daouda, P. & Fage, L., 2009, "Enquête sur les Muntumbudie (Akele des lacs)", CNRS, Sorosoro, Rapport de mission, Gabon - Manuscrit
Hombert, J.M., Mouguiama-Daouda, P. & Fage, L.H., 2009, "Enquête sur les Muntumbudie (Akele des lacs)", Lyon, pp. 5 - Articles dans magazines
Hombert, J.M., 2017, "La théorie d'une langue-mère est impossible à prouver"/188, Sciences et Avenir, pp. 77 Hombert, J.M. & Lenclud, G., 2014, "Comment le langage est-il venu?"/262, Sciences Humaines, pp. 46-47 Hombert, J.M. & Mondot, J.F., 2010, "Un projet tel qu'une traversée maritime ne pouvait aboutir sans langage", T02281/118, Les Cahiers de Science et Vie, pp. 16-18 Hombert, J.M., 2009, "La diversité culturelle de l'Afrique est menacée", 429, La Recherche, pp. 36-39 Hombert, J.M., 2009, "La diversité culturellede l'Afrique est menacée", 429, La Recherche, pp. 36-39 Hombert, J.M., Perrois, L. & Fage, L.H., 2008, "Le grand esprit blanc"/Eté, Gabon, pp. 30-34 - Film ou radio
Hombert, J.M. & Dury, C., 2016, ""Jean-Marie Hombert, en images et sons" réalisé par Christian Dury", 10mn Hombert, J.M., 2010, "Présentation du film "Sur les traces de Paul du Chaillu" à la Société des Explorateurs en collaboration avec Luc-Henri Fage et Régine Vercauteren Drubbel", 1h Hombert, J.M., 2009, "Pourquoi étudier les langues du Gabon?, Les Mots de l'Actualité, RFI", France, 30 mn Hombert, J.M., 2009, "Collecte de données linguistiques sur l'Akele des Lacs et le Punu en collaboration avec Luc-Henri Fage (http://www.youtube.com/sorosorotv) ", Gabon, 30h Hombert, J.M., Mouguiama-Daouda, P. & Vercauteren Drubbel, R., 2008, "Présentation de l'ouvrage "Coeur d'Afrique" à l'émission "Rencontres" de Top Benjé, Port Gentil, Gabon", 120 Van der Veen, L., Hombert, J.M., Mouguiama-Daouda, P., Idiata, D. & Paulin, P., 2007, "Intervention sur les langues du Gabon dans le cadre d'une émission culturelle d'Africa n° 1, le 15 janvier 2007", Gabon, 30 minutes Van der Veen, L., Hombert, J.M., Idiata, D. & Paulin, P., 2007, "Intervention sur les langues du Gabon dans le cadre du journal de 13 heures de la RTG2, le 15 janvier 2007", Gabon, 20 minutes Van der Veen, L., Hombert, J.M., Idiata, D. & Paulin, P., 2007, "Intervention sur les langues du Gabon dans le cadre du journal de 13 heures d'une chaîne de télévision privée, le 16 janvier 2007. Emission interactive.", Gabon, 30 minutes Fage, L.H., Hombert, J.M. & Perrois, L., 2007, "Sur les Traces de Paul Du Chaillu", France, 63 minutes Hombert, J.M., Mouguiama-Daouda, P. & Vercauteren Drubbel, R., 2007, "Présentation du film "Sur les traces de Paul du Chaillu" à TVPlus, Libreville", 1 heure Hombert, J.M., 2006, "Présentation de l'ouvrage "Aux origines du langage et des Langues" à France Inter, France Info, France Culture, RFI et à l'emission de television "Le Bateau Livre"", 20 minutes - Travail non publié
Van der Veen, L. & Hombert, J.M., 1995, "Maladies, remèdes et langues en Afrique Centrale (MRL). Rapport scientifique final d'un projet de recherche effectué dans le cadre du Programme Pluriannuel en Sciences Humaines (PPSH 110).", DDL, pp. 331