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ENS-Lyon2,3- Jean Monnet



Equipes : DENDY 

  Principales publications et conférences



SEKER, M., 2019, "Enhancing Self-Regulated Learning Strategies Through Project-Based Learning At Higher Education: Curricular And Instructional Practices", Chapter 8, _Terrell Welch, Nova Science Publishers, 21 p., Foreign Language Teaching and Learning: New Research, 978-1-53615-531-0


SEKER, M., 2017, "Antakya: Kulturler ve Diller Besigi [Antakya: the Cradle of Cultures and Languages] "/1, Mertcan Hakan, Istanbul, Turkey, Iletisim Publishing, 139-144 p., Asi Guluslum: Ah Güzel Antakyam, 13-9789750521911


SEKER, M., 2017, "A Framework for English Language Teaching at Higher Education Preparatory Classes", 43, _Özcan Demirel, Serkan Dincer, Ankara, Turkey, Pegem Akademi Publishing, 14 p., Küreselleşen Dünyada Eğitim [Education in the Globalized World], 978-605-318-798-1


SEKER, M., 2008, "Teacher Development for Young Learners Collaborative Learning in Teacher Training", Saarbrucken, Germany, Lambert Academic Publishing, 169 p., 9783844384277

Thèses et mémoires

SEKER, M., 2007, "Exploring effects of collaborative learning in enhancing teachers development in teaching English to young learners", PhD Thesis, SOCIAL SCIENCES INSTITUTION/ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING, CUKUROVA UNIVERSITY, Adana, Turkey, 182 p.


SEKER, M., 2003, "Attitudes toward language learning: A sociolinguistic study of preparatory students at ELT department at Çukurova University ", Master’s Thesis, SOCIAL SCIENCES INSTITUTION/ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING , CUKUROVA UNIVERSITY, Adana, Turkey, 208 p.

Articles de revues

SEKER, M., 2021, " Improving Language Learners' Use of Self-Regulated Writing Strategies Through Screencast Feedback ", SAGE Open, 11:4, pp. 1-14


SEKER, M., 2018, "Intervention in Teachers’ Differential Scoring Judgments in Assessing L2 Writing through Communities of Assessment Practice", Studies in Educational Evaluation, 59, pp. 209- 217


SEKER, M., 2018, "A Review on Cross Cultural Education throughout Europe: Identity Issues ", Cukurova University Faculty of Education Journal, 47:1, pp. 109-125


SEKER, M., 2017, "Evaluating Foreign Language Teachers Self-regulation Learning Promotion and Students’ Views on SRL in Writing Instruction", The Literacy Trek, 3:2, pp. 66-79


SEKER, M., 2016, "Scenario Based Instruction Design as a Tool to Promote Self-Regulated Language Learning Strategies ", SAGE Open, 6:4, pp. 1-11

Communications avec actes édités

SEKER, M., 2019, "Self-Regulated Learning Strategies And The Implications On Instructional Planning"Akdeniz Zirvesi 2. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi [The 2nd Mediterranean International Social Sciences Conference], Hatay, Turkey, 18-20 October, 2019, Gurcay, G. (ed), Ubak Publishing/1, pp. 122-129, Proceedings of Mediterranean International Social Sciences Conference, 978-605-80174-0-5


SEKER, M., 2019, "The Role of Psycho-Social Contextual Variables in Learners’ Engagement in Academic Studies. "X. International Congress on Research in Education, Turkey, 2019/1, pp. 82-91


SEKER, M., 2019, "Investigating Non-Academic Correlates Of Goal Commitment For Academic Achievement At Higher Education Level"Education and New Developments Conference, Porto, Portugal, 22-24 June 2019, pp. 64-68


Seker, M., 2019, "Goal Commitment Strategies of University Students When Studying Online"2nd International Mediterranean Conference on Social Sciences, Hatay, Turkey, October 2019/1, pp. 130-137


Seker, M., 2019, "The Effects of Learning Styles Of Pre-Service Teachers On Their Skills To Prepare Sketchnotes"Education and New Developments, Dublin, Ireland, 22-24 June 2019/1, pp.  165-168


Seker, M., 2012, "Priorities and key competencies within the lifelong Learning Programme. ", aPLaNet Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012

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