Dernière mise à jour : 13/01/2023  |
Principales publications et conférences
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SEKER, M., 2019, "Enhancing Self-Regulated Learning Strategies Through Project-Based Learning At Higher Education: Curricular And Instructional Practices", Chapter 8, _Terrell Welch, Nova Science Publishers, 21 p., Foreign Language Teaching and Learning: New Research, 978-1-53615-531-0 |
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SEKER, M., 2017, "Antakya: Kulturler ve Diller Besigi [Antakya: the Cradle of Cultures and Languages] "/1, Mertcan Hakan, Istanbul, Turkey, Iletisim Publishing, 139-144 p., Asi Guluslum: Ah Güzel Antakyam, 13-9789750521911 |
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SEKER, M., 2017, "A Framework for English Language Teaching at Higher Education Preparatory Classes", 43, _Özcan Demirel, Serkan Dincer, Ankara, Turkey, Pegem Akademi Publishing, 14 p., Küreselleşen Dünyada Eğitim [Education in the Globalized World], 978-605-318-798-1 |
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SEKER, M., 2008, "Teacher Development for Young Learners Collaborative Learning in Teacher Training", Saarbrucken, Germany, Lambert Academic Publishing, 169 p., 9783844384277 |
Thèses et mémoires
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SEKER, M., 2007, "Exploring effects of collaborative learning in enhancing teachers development in teaching English to young learners", PhD Thesis, SOCIAL SCIENCES INSTITUTION/ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING, CUKUROVA UNIVERSITY, Adana, Turkey, 182 p. |
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SEKER, M., 2003, "Attitudes toward language learning: A sociolinguistic study of preparatory students at ELT department at Çukurova University ", Master’s Thesis, SOCIAL SCIENCES INSTITUTION/ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING , CUKUROVA UNIVERSITY, Adana, Turkey, 208 p. |
Articles de revues
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SEKER, M., 2021, " Improving Language Learners' Use of Self-Regulated Writing Strategies Through Screencast Feedback
", SAGE Open, 11:4, pp. 1-14 |
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SEKER, M., 2018, "Intervention in Teachers’ Differential Scoring Judgments in Assessing L2 Writing through Communities of Assessment Practice", Studies in Educational Evaluation, 59, pp. 209- 217 |
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SEKER, M., 2018, "A Review on Cross Cultural Education throughout Europe: Identity Issues
", Cukurova University Faculty of Education Journal, 47:1, pp. 109-125 |
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SEKER, M., 2017, "Evaluating Foreign Language Teachers Self-regulation Learning Promotion and Students’ Views on SRL in Writing Instruction", The Literacy Trek, 3:2, pp. 66-79 |
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SEKER, M., 2016, "Scenario Based Instruction Design as a Tool to Promote Self-Regulated Language Learning Strategies ", SAGE Open, 6:4, pp. 1-11 |
Communications avec actes édités
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SEKER, M., 2019, "Self-Regulated Learning Strategies And The Implications On Instructional Planning"Akdeniz Zirvesi 2. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi [The 2nd Mediterranean International Social Sciences Conference], Hatay, Turkey, 18-20 October, 2019, Gurcay, G. (ed), Ubak Publishing/1, pp. 122-129, Proceedings of Mediterranean International Social Sciences Conference, 978-605-80174-0-5 |
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SEKER, M., 2019, "The Role of Psycho-Social Contextual Variables in Learners’ Engagement in Academic Studies. "X. International Congress on Research in Education, Turkey, 2019/1, pp. 82-91 |
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SEKER, M., 2019, "Investigating Non-Academic Correlates Of Goal Commitment For Academic Achievement At Higher Education Level"Education and New Developments Conference, Porto, Portugal, 22-24 June 2019, pp. 64-68 |
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Seker, M., 2019, "Goal Commitment Strategies of University Students When Studying Online"2nd International Mediterranean Conference on Social Sciences, Hatay, Turkey, October 2019/1, pp. 130-137 |
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Seker, M., 2019, "The Effects of Learning Styles Of Pre-Service Teachers On Their Skills To Prepare Sketchnotes"Education and New Developments, Dublin, Ireland, 22-24 June 2019/1, pp. 165-168 |
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Seker, M., 2012, "Priorities and key competencies within the lifelong Learning Programme. ", aPLaNet Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012 |