As a PhD student associated to the SALTA project (ANR-20-CE27-0015-01), I am currently investigating the spatial system of Negidal, a now moribund North Tungusic language spoken by a few speakers in the Russian Far-East, along the Amgun river in the Lower Amur region. The main focus of this research lies in the description of the symmetries and asymmetries which could appear in Negidal's expression of spatial events, including the Source/Goal asymmetry. If attested, I also intend to investigate the potential impact of language contact with Russian on the expression of spatial events in Negidal.
 | Since 2022 : PhD, Linguistics
The expression of motion events and the Source/Goal asymmetry in Upper Negidal (Tungusic)
Under the supervision of Brigitte Pakendorf & Anetta Kopecka
Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage, ED 3LA, Université Lumière Lyon 2
 | 2020 - 2021 : Master 2, Linguistics, major sociolinguistics and social approach to language
L’influence du russe sur la syntaxe des subordonnées circonstancielles en haut-negidal
Under the supervision of Brigitte Pakendorf & Isabelle Léglise
National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO) |
 | 2019 - 2020 : Master 1, Linguistics
L’impact des langues russe et japonaise sur les langues de Sakhaline et du Bas-Amour, un état de la recherche sur l’influence des langues colonisatrices
Under the supervision of Brigitte Pakendorf & Rémi Camus
National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO) |
 | 2015 - 2018 : Bachelor degree, Japanese language and civilisation LLCER
Université Paris Diderot Paris 7 |
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 | Language documentation
 | Spatial asymmetries |
 | Tungusic languages |
 | Language contact |
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 | 2024-2025 : JSPS Postdoctral Short-term Fellowship for research in Japan, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL), under the supervision of Yo Matsumoto |
 | 2024 : Grant Jean Walter Zellidja (Académie française)
 | 2022-2025 : PhD contract as part of the project SALTA
(Spatial Asymmetries across Languages: a Typological Approach, ANR-20-CE27-0015-01) |
 | 2021 : JSPS Summer Fellowship, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, under the supervision of Shinjiro Kazama |
 | 2020 : Master Grant Labex EFL
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 | 2022-2025 : Projet SALTA (Spatial Asymmetries across Languages: a Typological Approach)
(ANR-20-CE27-0015-01) |
 | 2018- : Project Les parlers du Croissant
(ANR-17-CE27-0001-01) |
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 | Linguistique générale, langues et cultures (TD)
2023-2024 first semester
Université Lumière Lyon 2, UFR LESLA, Licence 1 |
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Dayen, M. & Barbier, L., 2021, "Le p’tit prince [Traduction en genouillacois du Petit Prince d'Antoine de Saint-
Exupéry]", Neckarsteinach, Éditions Tintenfaß. |
Communications avec actes édités
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Barbier, L., 2021, "Description du parler de Genouillac : les particularités d’un ‘patois’ dit ‘francisé’ et ses
enjeux descriptifs"2es rencontres sur les Parlers du Croissant, Montluçon, 15/03/2019, Esher, L., Guérin, M., Quint, N. & Russo, M. (eds), L’Harmattan, pp. 47-62, Le Croissant linguistique entre oc, oïl et franco-provençal, Des mots à la grammaire, des parlers aux aires |
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Barbier, L., 2024, "The expression of translocational motion in Negidal: reassessing Motion events typologies in the light of a Tungusic language", Third Conference on the Endangered Languages of East Asia (CELEA3), Venise, 6-8/05/2024 |
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Barbier, L., 2024, "The Source/Goal (a)symmetry in Negidal: encoding Grounds in a Tungusic language", AFLiCo 9 (Embodied and Ecolinguistic Approaches to Cognitive Linguistics), Lyon, 15-17/05/2024 |
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Barbier, L., 2024, "The Source/Goal asymmetry in Upper Negidal Path of motion verbs", 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE), Helsinki, 21-24/08/2024 |
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Marsico, E., Metral, L., Barbier, L. & Krzonowski, J., 2023, "D'une langue à l'autre", Festival Pop'Sciences, Villeurbanne, 12-14 mai 2023 |
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Barbier, L., 2021, "Russian Influence on Upper Negidal Adverbial Clauses", Indigenous languages of Russia in contact with Russian, Vinogradov Institute, Moscou (online), 11/02/2021 |