Last update : 21/10/2019  |
AI, Contractuel ANR DoReCo

Main publications and conferences
Chapters in books
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Guryev, A. & Delafontaine, F., à paraître, "Language activity in the light of cerebral hemisphere differences: towards a pragma-syntactic account of human grammar", in Inconnu, Haselow, A. (ed), Human cognitive processing (HCP): cognitive foundations of language structure and use, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, pp. 91-128 |
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Delafontaine, F., à paraître, "Unités grammaticales et particule discursive quoi", Studia Linguistica Romanica, 4 |
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Delafontaine, F., 2019, "Eléments de comparaison pour une correspondance entre unités macro-syntaxiques et interactionnelles", Elis, 6, pp. 44-64 |
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Guryev, A. & Delafontaine, F., 2015, "Un aperçu de l’analyse des structures interrogatives du français dans un corpus de SMS", TRANEL, 63, pp. 129-152 |
Conferences with proceedings
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Delafontaine, F., Ursi, B. & Acosta, L., 2018, "Annotation des proéminences pour la segmentation de corpus oraux: l’expérience du projet SegCor"CMLF 2018, Mons (Belgique), 09/07/2018, pp. 1-15, SHS Web of Conferences |
Conference presentations
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Kalashnikova, N., Grobol, L., Eshkol-Taravella, I. & Delafontaine, F., 2020, "Automatic period segmentation of oral French", LREC 2020, Marseille, 11-16 mai 2020 |
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Paschen, L., Delafontaine, F., Draxler, C., Fuchs, S., Stave, M. & Seifart, F., 2020, "Building a time-aligned cross-linguistic reference corpus from language documentation data (DoReCo)", LREC 2020, Marseille, 11-16 mai 2020 |
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Delafontaine, F., Romary, L. & Flavier, S., 2019, "File formats and conversion tools for transcription and annotation", DoReCo Workshop, Berlin, 16-20 septembre 2019 |
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Stave, M., Delafontaine, F., Seifart, F. & Paschen, L., 2019, "A bioinformatics solution to inter-rater agreement for forced time-alignment of data from underresourced languages", Journées LIFT, Orléans, 28-29 novembre 2019 |
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Delafontaine, F., 2018, "La particule discursive voilà en co-texte", Atelier doctoral Swissuniversities "La variation", Fribourg, 03/05/2018 |