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France  Anglais  Espagnol  Ultimo aggiornamento : 13/08/2024     

Françoise ROSE

Directrice du Laboratoire
Cellule Com'

 04 72 72 64 63


Equipes :     DiLiS 

  Principale pubblicazione e comunicazione



4 décembre 2017. Intervention Description de langues amazoniennes, dans le cadre du cours Morphosyntaxe et typologie, L3 de Sciences Du Langage, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble (2h).


17 mars 2017. Intervention Genderlects in the World Languages, dans le cadre du cours Languages of the world (Prof. E. Pederson), Linguistics Department, University of Oregon, Eugene (1h).




Rose, F., 2024, "Mojeño Trinitario classifiers: a multilocus and multifunctional system", 7, Cadernos de Etnolingüística, 126 p., Série Monografias, 978-0-9846008-6-1 (ISBN-13) / 0-9846008-6-8 (ISBN-10) (editor)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2011, "Grammaire de l'émérillon teko, une langue tupi-guarani de Guyane française", 10, Louvain, Peeters, XX-489 p., Langues et Sociétés d'Amérique traditionnelle (editeur)

Edizione scientifica

Van linden, A. & Rose, F. (eds), 2023, "Special Issue: Re-assessing the explanatory potential of the alienability contrast", 61:6, De Gruyter, 302 p., Linguistics (journal issue)

Capitoli in libri

Rose, F., 2023, "Reflexive constructions and middle marking in Mojeño Trinitario", in Reflexive constructions in the world's languages, 3, Janic, K., Puddu, N. & Haspelmath, M. (eds), Research on Comparative Grammar, Berlin, Language Science Press, pp. 765-791 (editor)  (PDF)


Rose, F. & Van linden, A., 2022, "The derivational use of classifiers in Western Amazonia", in Binominal lexemes in cross-linguistic perspective: Towards a typology of complex lexemes,, 62, Pepper, S., Masini, F. & Mattiola, S. (eds), Empirical Approaches to Language Typology, Empirical Approaches to Language Typology, De Gruyter, pp. 237-276  (preprint)


Rose, F., 2018, "Are the Tupi-Guarani hierarchical indexing systems really motivated by the person hierarchy?", in Typological Hierarchies in Synchrony and Diachrony, Cristofaro, S. & Zúñiga, F. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 290-307  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2018, "Nonverbal predication and the nonverbal clause type of Mojeño Trinitario", in Nonverbal predication in Amazonian languages, Overall, S., Vallejos, R. & Gildea, S. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 53-84  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2018, "A typology of languages with both grammatical gender and genderlects", in Non-canonical gender systems, Fedden, S., Audring, J. & Corbett, G. (eds), Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 211-246 (page of editor)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2016, "On Finitization", in Finiteness and Nominalization, Chamoreau, C. & Estrada Fernández, Z. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 347-372  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2015, "Innovative complexity in the pronominal paradigm of Mojeño. A result of contact?", in Borrowed morphology, Gardani, F., Arkadiev, P. & Amiridze, N. (eds), Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 239-265  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2014, "Mojeño Trinitario", in Lenguas de Bolivia, vol3. Oriente, Crevels, M. & Muysken, P. (eds), Plural Editores, pp. 59-97  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2014, "When vowel deletion blurs reduplication in Mojeño Trinitario", in Reduplication in South-American languages, Goodwin Gómez, G. & van der Voort, H. (eds), Leiden, Brill, pp. 375-399  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2014, "Irrealis and negation in Mojeño Trinitario", in Negation in Arawak languages, Michael, L. & Granadillo, T. (eds), Leiden, Brill, pp.  216-240  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2012, "Borrowing of a Cariban number marker into three Tupi-Guarani languages", in Morphologies in Contact, 10, Vanhove, M., Stolz, T., Urdze, A. & Otsuka, H. (eds), STUF, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, pp. 37-69  (pdf)


Guillaume, A. & Rose, F., 2010, "Sociative causative markers in South-American languages: a possible areal feature", in Essais de typologie et de linguistique générale. Mélanges offerts à Denis Creissels, Floricic, F. (ed), Lyon, ENS Editions, pp. 383-402  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2009, "A hierarchical indexation system: the example of Emerillon (Teko)", in New Challenges in Typology, Epps, P. & Arkhipov, A. (eds), Berlin/New York, Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 63-83  (pdf)


Rose, F. & Renault-Lescure, O., 2008, "Contact-induced changes in Amerindian Languages of French Guiana", in Aspects of language contact. New Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Findings with Special Focus on Romancisation Processes, Stolz, T., Salas Palomo, R. & Bakker, D. (eds), Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 349-376  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2007, "As particularidades da língua Emerillon entre as línguas Tupí-Guaraní: O caso da marcação de pessoa", in Línguas e Culturas Tupí, Rodrigues, A. & Cabral, A. (eds), Campinas, Curt Nimuendajú, pp. 325-332  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2005, "Reduplication in Tupi-Guarani languages: going into opposite directions", in Studies on Reduplication, Hurch, B. (ed), Empirical Approaches to Language Typology 28, Berlin/New York, Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 351-368  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2002, "My hammock = I have a hammock. Possessed nouns constituting possessive clauses in Emérillon (Tupi-Guarani).", in Línguas Indígenas Brasileiras. Fonologia, Gramática e História. Atas do I Encontro Internacional do GTLI da ANPOLL, 1, Cabral, A. & Rodrigues, A. (eds), Belem, Brésil, CNPQ & Universidade federal do Para, pp. 392-402  (pdf)

Articoli di riviste

Rose, F., 2024, "Teko Ideophones: description of a word class", Linguistic Typology at the Crossroads, 4:1, pp. 91–146 (journal issue)


Rose, F., 2021, "Mojeño Trinitario", Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 2021, pp. 1-19 (paper)


Rose, F., 2019, "Similar but different: the functions of the Mojeño Trinitario root expressing similarity", Faits de Langues, 50:1, pp. 227-245 (journal issue, DOI)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2019, "Rhythmic syncope and opacity in Mojeño Trinitario", Phonological data and analysis, 1:2, pp. 1-25 (open access journal issue)


Rose, F., 2019, "From classifiers to applicatives in Mojeño Trinitario: a new source for applicative markers", Linguistic Typology, 84:2, pp. 435-466 (journal issue, DOI)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2018, "The rise and fall of Mojeño diminutives through the centuries", Studies in Language, 42:1 (journal issue)  (pdf)


de Carvalho, F. & Rose, F., 2018, "Comparative reconstruction of Proto-Mojeño and the phonological diversification of Mojeno dialects", Liames, 18:1, pp. 7-48 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2015, "When "you" and "I" mess around with the hierarchy: a comparative study of Tupi-Guarani hierarchical indexation systems", Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências humanas , 10:2, pp. 347-369 (journal issue)


Rose, F., 2015, "On male and female speech and more: categorical gender indexicality in indigenous South American languages", International Journal of American Linguistics, 81:4, pp. 495-537 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2015, "Associated motion in Mojeño Trinitario: some typological considerations ", Folia Linguistica, 49:1, pp. 117-158 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2013, "Finitization. A shift of dependency-coding strategy from Proto-Tupi-Guarani to Emérillon", Diachronica, 30:1, pp. 27-60 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2013, "Le genre du locuteur et de l'allocutaire dans les systèmes pronominaux: genre grammatical et indexicalité du genre ", Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, 108:1, pp. 381-417 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2013, "Los generolectos del mojeño ", Liames, 13, pp. 115-134 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2012, "Competition for the object status: the effects of referential factors in derived and non-derived ditransitive verbs in Mojeño Trinitario", Linguistic Discovery, 10:3, pp. 17-36 (journal issue)


Guillaume, A. & Rose, F., 2011, "Introduction to argument-encoding systems in Bolivian Amazonian languages", International Journal of American Linguistics (Special issue on 'Argument-encoding systems in Bolivian Amazonian languages', edited by A. Guillaume & F. Rose), 77:4, pp. 459-468 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2011, "Who is the third person? Fluid transitivity in Mojeño Trinitario", IJAL, 77:4, pp. 469-494 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2010, "Dialectes en danger : les derniers locuteurs du mojeño javeriano de Bolivie", Faits de Langues. Linguistique de terrain sur langues en danger: locuteurs et linguistes, 35/35, pp. 255-264 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2009, "The origin of serialization. The case of Emerillon", Studies in Language, 33:3, pp. 644-684 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2008, "L’incorporation nominale en émérillon : une approche lexicale et discursive ", Amerindia, 31, pp. 87-112 (journal issue)


Rose, F., 2008, "A typological overview of Emerillon, a Tupi-Guarani language from French Guiana", Linguistic Typology, 12:3, pp. 431–460 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2007, "Action répétitive et action répétée : aspect et pluralité verbale dans la réduplication en émérillon", Faits de Langues, 29:La réduplication, pp. 125-143 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2006, "Le syncrétisme adpositions/subordonnants. Proposition de typologie syntaxique", Faits de Langues, 28:Coordination et subordination : typologie et modélisation, pp. 205-216 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Gordon, M. & Rose, F., 2006, "Emérillon stress: a phonetic and phonological study", Anthropological Linguistics, 48:2, pp. 132-168 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2003, "Le marquage des personnes en émérillon (Tupi-Guarani) : un système d'accord hiérarchique", Faits de Langues, 21, pp. 107-120 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2002, "Le problème de la nasalité dans l'inventaire phonologique de l'émérillon", Amérindia, 26-27 , pp. 147-172 (journal issue)

Communicazione con atti

Gordon, M. & Rose, F., 2019, "Acoustic correlates of metrical proeminence in Mojeño Trinitario", proc. of Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Canberra, 08/08/2019, Calhoun, S., Escudero, P., Tabain, M. & Warren, P. (eds), Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc. (poster) (editor page)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2002, "My hammock = I have a hammock. Possessed nouns constituting possessive clauses in Emérillon (Tupi-Guarani)", proc. of I Encontro do GTLI, Belem, Brésil, 8-10 octobre 2001, CNPQ & Universidade federal do Para

Conferenze invitate in congresso

Rose, F. & Obenaus, A., 2023, "Avances y carencias en la documentación y descripción de idiomas mojeños", proc. of Primer Encuentro Internacional Arawak, Universidad de la Guajira, Colombie, 03/05/2023 (video)  (slides)


Rose, F., 2019, "The History of Prepositions in Mojeño Trinitario", proc. of Diacronía y adposiciones: origen y evolución, Hermosillo, Mexique, 14-15 novembre 2019 (video)  (pdf)

Banca dati sul internet

Rose, F., 2022, "Mojeño Trinitario DoReCo data set", Url


Rose, F., 2013, "Teko collection", Url

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