Dernière mise à jour : 02/11/2020  |

Equipes : 
Formation et parcours professionnel
Principales publications et conférences
My interests include Siberian languages (particularly Tungusic and its neighbors), phonetics and phonology, documentation of endangered languages, language change and language contact. I am working in the project “Documentation of Negidal, a nearly extinct Northern Tungusic language of the Lower Amur” with Brigitte Pakendorf.
I graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University (Faculty of Philology, Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics aka OTiPL). From 2009 to 2013 I was involved in the project
Dialectal and cultural diversity among Evens in Siberia within the Max Planck Research Group on Comparative Population Linguistics at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. From 2012 to 2015 I was affiliated with the Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication as an external PhD student. In September 2015 I obtained my PhD from the University of Amsterdam (UvA). The title of my dissertation is “Vowel harmony in two Even dialects: Production and perception”. The full text can be found here.
 | Etudes
- 2015: University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication
PhD dissertation: Vowel harmony in two Even dialects: Production and Perception
- 2007: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Faculty of philology, Department of theoretical and applied linguistics
Thesis: Typology of relative clauses headed by indefinite pronouns
- 2015: LOT Summer School in Linguistics, Leuven, Belgium
- 2010: DGfS-CNRS Summer School on Linguistic Typology, Leipzig, Germany
- 2009: Advanced DOBES Training Course, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
- 2008: DOBES Training Course, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
- 2006: Vilem Mathesius Lecture Series 21, Prague, Czech Republic
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Negidal: Khabarovsky Kray, Russia (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)
Even: Central Kamchatka, Russia (2009&2011), Sebjan-Küöl, Yakutia (2010), Topolinoe, Yakutia, Russia (2011)
Erzya: Shoksha, Mordovia, Russia (2006-2007)
Udmurt: Shamardan, Udmurtia, Russia (2003-2005) |
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 | 2014 Summer semester : University of Leipzig
teaching one-semester course Analysis of fieldwork data for master students (taught in German)
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Aralova, N., 2015, "Vowel harmony in two Even dialects: Production and perception.", 400, Utrecht, LOT, 231 p., LOT Dissertation Series, 978-94-6093-180-2 (fulltext)
Ouvrages édités
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Pakendorf, B. & Aralova, N. (eds), 2019, "Ŋeːɣidal təːluŋəltin-dəː, ulgujiltin-daː, etkaltin-daː. Negidal’skie skazki, rasskazy i obyčai. [Negidal fairy tales, stories, and traditions]", Fürstenberg/Havel, Kulturstiftung Sibirien, 978-3-942883-37-5 (Access the book)
Chapitres dans les ouvrages
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Aralova, N. & Pakendorf, B., 2022, "The causal-noncausal alternation in the Northern Tungusic languages of Russia", in Tungusic languages: Past and present, Hölzl, A. & Payne, T. (eds), Language Science Press, pp. 21-62 (Acces the volume)
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Pakendorf, B. & Aralova, N., 2020, "Even and the Northern Tungusic languages", in The Oxford Guide to the Transeurasian Languages, Robbeets, M. & Savelyev, A. (eds), Oxford University Press, pp. 288-304 |
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Brykina, M. & Aralova, N., 2012, "Sistemy pričastij v marijskom i permskix jazykax [The systems of participles in Mari and Permic Languages]", in Finno-ugorskie jazyki: fragmenty grammatičeskogo opisanija. Formal’nyj i funktsional’nyj podxody., Kuznetsova, A., Serdobol'skaja, N., Toldova, S., Saj, S. & Kalinina, E. (eds), Moscow, Rukopisnye Pamjatniki Drevnej Rusi, pp. 476-520 |
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Aralova, N. & Brykina, M., 2012, "Finitnye otnositel’nye predloženija v marijskom i erzja-mordovskom jazykax. [Finite relative clause in Mari and Erzya]", in Finno-ugorskie jazyki: fragmenty grammatičeskogo opisanija. Formal’nyj i funktsional’nyj podxody, Kuznetsova, A., Serdobol'skaja, N., Toldova, S., Saj, S. & Kalinina, E. (eds), Moscow, Rukopisnye Pamjatniki Drevnej Rusi, pp. 521-542 |
Articles de revues
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Aralova, N. & Pakendorf, B., 2023, "Non-canonical possessive constructions in Negidal and other Tungusic languages: a new analysis of the so-called “alienable possession” suffix", Linguistics, 61:6, pp. 1563–1592 (Access article)
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Pupynina, M., Aralova, N. & Koryakov, Y., 2020, "Geografiya mnogoyazychiya narodov Kolymsko-Alazeyskoy tundry v kontse XIX - nachale XX veka [Geography of multilingualism of peoples of Kolyma-Alazeia tundra in the late 19th to the early 20th centuries]", Tomskiy zhurnal lingvisticheskikh i antropologicheskikh issledovaniy [Tomsk Journal of Linguistics and Anthropology], 1:27, pp. 44-60 |
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Pakendorf, B. & Aralova, N., 2018, "The endangered state of Negidal: A field report", Language Documentation and Conservation , 12, pp. 1-14 (Access article)
Communications avec actes édités
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Aralova, N., Grawunder, S. & Winter, B., 2011, "The Acoustic Correlates of Tongue Root Vowel Harmony in Even (Tungusic)"The 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hong Kong, 17-21 August 2011, Wai-Sum, L. & Zee, E. (eds), pp. 240–243 |
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Aralova, N., 2010, "Akustičeskie korrel'aty artikul'acii "prodvinutyj vs. otodvinutyj koren' jazyka" na materiale glasnyh evenskogo jazyka [Acoustic correlates of the articulation "advanced vs. retracted tongue root" in Even vowels] "Teoretičeskaja i prikladnaja lingvistika: puti razvitija, Moscow, October 29-30, 2010, Kibrik, A., Arkhipov, A., Kuznetsova, A., Kobozeva, I., Krivnova, O. & Bonch-Osmolovskaja, A. (eds), Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo Universiteta, pp. 99-101 |
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Aralova, N. & Pakendorf, B., 2020, "The functions of the Negidal indefinite-marking particles, with a particular focus on =βal", The Second Conference on “Uralic, Altaic, and Paleoasiatic languages in the memory of A.P. Volodin” , Saint Petersburg, 8-10 October |
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Pupynina, M. & Aralova, N., 2019, "Lower Kolyma and Alazeya multilingualism and its linguistic outcomes ", Typology of small-scale multilingualism, Lyon, 14.04.2019-17.04.2019 |
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Aralova, N. & Pakendorf, B., 2019, "Epistemic modality in Northern Asia: an areal typology ", 13th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Pavia, Italy, 04 - 06 September 2019 |
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Aralova, N. & Pakendorf, B., 2019, "Documentation of Negidal: navigating through the data ", Documentation of Languages and Dialects of Indigenous Peoples of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia, 14 - 16 October 2019 |
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Aralova, N., 2018, "An acoustic study of Negidal vowels", 51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea , Tallinn University, Estonia, 29 August – 1st September 2018 |
Articles dans magazines
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Aralova, N., 2016, "O predpolagaemyx substratnyx javleniyax v nekotoryx jazykax Sibiri (kommentarij na statju I. Ya. Seljutinoy „Foniko-fonologicheskie issledovanija jazykov narodov Sibiri v LEFI im. V. M. Nadeljaeva Instituta filologii SO RAN“) [On alleged substrate effects in some languages of Siberia (comment on the paper by I. Ya. Selyutina “Phonetic-phonological investigations of the languages of Siberia in the Nadelyaev Laboratory of experimental phonetic research of SO RAN)] ", 3/22, Ural-Altaic Studies, pp. 80-84 |